Notebook Status: Validated
Validation Notes: All expressions generated in this module have been validated.
This tutorial takes the expressions defined in Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_formulation_Cartesian, and constructs them using NRPy+ in SymPy expressions.
# Import needed Python modules
import NRPy_param_funcs as par # NRPy+: Parameter interface
import indexedexp as ixp # NRPy+: Symbolic indexed expression (e.g., tensors, vectors, etc.) support
import grid as gri # NRPy+: Functions having to do with numerical grids
#Step 0: Set the spatial dimension parameter to 3.
par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", 3)
DIM = par.parval_from_str("grid::DIM")
Following our derivations in Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_formulation_Cartesian, we construct the system of equations for System I, in flat space and cartesian coordinates:
∂tAi=−Ei−∂iφ,∂tEi=∂i∂jAj−∂j∂jAi,∂tφ=−∂iAi,# Register gridfunctions that are needed as input.
# Declare the rank-1 indexed expressions E_{i}, A_{i},
# and \partial_{i} \psi, that are to be evolved in time.
# Derivative variables like these must have an underscore
# in them, so the finite difference module can parse
# the variable name properly.
# E_i
EU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL", "EU")
# A_i, _AD is unused
_AU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL", "AU")
# \psi is a scalar function that is time evolved
# _psi is unused
_psi = gri.register_gridfunctions("EVOL", ["psi"])
# \partial_i \psi
psi_dD = ixp.declarerank1("psi_dD")
# \partial_k ( A_i ) --> rank two tensor
AU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("AU_dD", "nosym")
# \partial_k partial_m ( A_i ) --> rank three tensor
AU_dDD = ixp.declarerank3("AU_dDD", "sym12")
# \partial_t \psi = -\partial_i A_i
psi_rhs = 0
# \partial_t A_i = E_i - \partial_i \psi
ArhsU = ixp.zerorank1()
# \partial_t E_i = -\partial_j^2 A_i + \partial_j \partial_i A_j
ErhsU = ixp.zerorank1()
# RHSs - equations 10 and 11 from
for i in range(DIM):
ArhsU[i] = -EU[i] - psi_dD[i]
psi_rhs += -AU_dD[i][i]
for j in range(DIM):
ErhsU[i] += -AU_dDD[i][j][j] + AU_dDD[j][j][i]
C≡∂iEi# \partial_k ( E^i ) --> rank two tensor
EU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("EU_dD", "nosym")
# C = \partial_i E^i
C = EU_dD[0][0] + EU_dD[1][1] + EU_dD[2][2]
print('C = ', C)
print('ArhsU[0] = ', ArhsU[0])
print('ArhsU[1] = ', ArhsU[1])
print('ArhsU[2] = ', ArhsU[2])
print('ErhsU[0] = ', ErhsU[0])
print('ErhsU[1] = ', ErhsU[1])
print('ErhsU[2] = ', ErhsU[2])
print('psi_rhs = ', psi_rhs)
C = EU_dD00 + EU_dD11 + EU_dD22 ArhsU[0] = -EU0 - psi_dD0 ArhsU[1] = -EU1 - psi_dD1 ArhsU[2] = -EU2 - psi_dD2 ErhsU[0] = -AU_dDD011 - AU_dDD022 + AU_dDD101 + AU_dDD202 ErhsU[1] = AU_dDD001 - AU_dDD100 - AU_dDD122 + AU_dDD212 ErhsU[2] = AU_dDD002 + AU_dDD112 - AU_dDD200 - AU_dDD211 psi_rhs = -AU_dD00 - AU_dD11 - AU_dD22
Here, as a code validation check, we verify agreement in the SymPy expressions for the RHSs of Maxwell's equations (in System I) between
# Reset the list of gridfunctions, as registering a gridfunction
# twice will spawn an error.
gri.glb_gridfcs_list = []
# Call the VacuumMaxwellRHSs() function from within the
# Maxwell/ module,
# which should do exactly the same as the steps above.
# Set which system to use, which are defined in Maxwell/
par.initialize_param(par.glb_param("char", "Maxwell.InitialData","System_to_use","System_I"))
import Maxwell.VacuumMaxwell_Flat_Evol_Cartesian as mwevol
print("Consistency check between Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_Cartesian_RHSs tutorial and NRPy+ module: ALL SHOULD BE ZERO.")
print("C - mwevol.C = " + str(C - mwevol.C))
print("psi_rhs - mwevol.psi_rhs = " + str(psi_rhs - mwevol.psi_rhs))
for i in range(DIM):
print("ArhsU["+str(i)+"] - mwevol.ArhsU["+str(i)+"] = " + str(ArhsU[i] - mwevol.ArhsU[i]))
print("ErhsU["+str(i)+"] - mwevol.ErhsU["+str(i)+"] = " + str(ErhsU[i] - mwevol.ErhsU[i]))
Currently using System_I RHSs Consistency check between Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_Cartesian_RHSs tutorial and NRPy+ module: ALL SHOULD BE ZERO. C - mwevol.C = 0 psi_rhs - mwevol.psi_rhs = 0 ArhsU[0] - mwevol.ArhsU[0] = 0 ErhsU[0] - mwevol.ErhsU[0] = 0 ArhsU[1] - mwevol.ArhsU[1] = 0 ErhsU[1] - mwevol.ErhsU[1] = 0 ArhsU[2] - mwevol.ArhsU[2] = 0 ErhsU[2] - mwevol.ErhsU[2] = 0
Next, again following Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_formulation_Cartesian, we construct the system of equations for System II, in flat space and cartesian coordinates:
∂tAi=−Ei−∂iφ,∂tEi=∂iΓ−∂j∂jAi,∂tΓ=−∂i∂iφ,∂tφ=−Γ,# We inherit here all of the definitions from System I, above
# Register the scalar auxiliary variable \Gamma
Gamma = gri.register_gridfunctions("EVOL", ["Gamma"])
# Declare the ordinary gradient \partial_{i} \Gamma
Gamma_dD = ixp.declarerank1("Gamma_dD")
# partial_i \partial_j \psi
psi_dDD = ixp.declarerank2("psi_dDD", "sym01")
psi_rhs = -Gamma
# Equation 15
# \partial_t \Gamma = -\partial_i^2 \psi
Gamma_rhs = 0
# \partial_t A_i = -E_i - \partial_i \psi
ArhsU = ixp.zerorank1()
# \partial_t E_i = -\partial_j^2 A_i + \partial_i \Gamma
ErhsU = ixp.zerorank1()
# RHSs - equations 10 and 14
for i in range(DIM):
ArhsU[i] = -EU[i] - psi_dD[i]
Gamma_rhs -= psi_dDD[i][i]
ErhsU[i] += Gamma_dD[i]
for j in range(DIM):
ErhsU[i] -= AU_dDD[i][j][j]
G≡Γ−∂iAi,C≡∂iEi.# \partial_k ( E^i ) --> rank two tensor
EU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("EU_dD", "nosym")
# C = \partial_i E^i
C = EU_dD[0][0] + EU_dD[1][1] + EU_dD[2][2]
# G = \Gamma - \partial_i A^i
G = Gamma - AU_dD[0][0] - AU_dD[1][1] - AU_dD[2][2]
print('C = ', C)
print('G = ', G)
print('ArhsU[0] = ', ArhsU[0])
print('ArhsU[1] = ', ArhsU[1])
print('ArhsU[2] = ', ArhsU[2])
print('ErhsU[0] = ', ErhsU[0])
print('ErhsU[1] = ', ErhsU[1])
print('ErhsU[2] = ', ErhsU[2])
print('psi_rhs = ', psi_rhs)
print('Gamma_rhs =', Gamma_rhs)
C = EU_dD00 + EU_dD11 + EU_dD22 G = -AU_dD00 - AU_dD11 - AU_dD22 + Gamma ArhsU[0] = -EU0 - psi_dD0 ArhsU[1] = -EU1 - psi_dD1 ArhsU[2] = -EU2 - psi_dD2 ErhsU[0] = -AU_dDD000 - AU_dDD011 - AU_dDD022 + Gamma_dD0 ErhsU[1] = -AU_dDD100 - AU_dDD111 - AU_dDD122 + Gamma_dD1 ErhsU[2] = -AU_dDD200 - AU_dDD211 - AU_dDD222 + Gamma_dD2 psi_rhs = -Gamma Gamma_rhs = -psi_dDD00 - psi_dDD11 - psi_dDD22
Here, as a code validation check, we verify agreement in the SymPy expressions for the RHSs of Maxwell's equations (in System II) between
# Reset the list of gridfunctions, as registering a gridfunction
# twice will spawn an error.
gri.glb_gridfcs_list = []
# Call the VacuumMaxwellRHSs() function from within the
# Maxwell/ module,
# which should do exactly the same as the steps above.
print("Consistency check between Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_Cartesian_RHSs tutorial and NRPy+ module: ALL SHOULD BE ZERO.")
print("C - mwevol.C = " + str(C - mwevol.C))
print("G - mwevol.G = " + str(G - mwevol.G))
print("psi_rhs - mwevol.psi_rhs = " + str(psi_rhs - mwevol.psi_rhs))
print("Gamma_rhs - mwevol.Gamma_rhs = " + str(Gamma_rhs - mwevol.Gamma_rhs))
for i in range(DIM):
print("ArhsU["+str(i)+"] - mwevol.ArhsU["+str(i)+"] = " + str(ArhsU[i] - mwevol.ArhsU[i]))
print("ErhsU["+str(i)+"] - mwevol.ErhsU["+str(i)+"] = " + str(ErhsU[i] - mwevol.ErhsU[i]))
Currently using System_II RHSs Consistency check between Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_Cartesian_RHSs tutorial and NRPy+ module: ALL SHOULD BE ZERO. C - mwevol.C = 0 G - mwevol.G = 0 psi_rhs - mwevol.psi_rhs = 0 Gamma_rhs - mwevol.Gamma_rhs = 0 ArhsU[0] - mwevol.ArhsU[0] = 0 ErhsU[0] - mwevol.ErhsU[0] = 0 ArhsU[1] - mwevol.ArhsU[1] = 0 ErhsU[1] - mwevol.ErhsU[1] = 0 ArhsU[2] - mwevol.ArhsU[2] = 0 ErhsU[2] - mwevol.ErhsU[2] = 0
The following code cell converts this Jupyter notebook into a proper, clickable LATEX-formatted PDF file. After the cell is successfully run, the generated PDF may be found in the root NRPy+ tutorial directory, with filename Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_Cartesian_RHSs.pdf (Note that clicking on this link may not work; you may need to open the PDF file through another means.)
import cmdline_helper as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
Created Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_Cartesian_RHSs.tex, and compiled LaTeX file to PDF file Tutorial-VacuumMaxwell_Cartesian_RHSs.pdf