This module is organized as follows
functionWe will test here a few piecewise polytrope (PP) equation of state (EOS) relations. The main reference we will be following is J.C. Read et al. (2008), but we will also try out the approach of Whisky
, presented in Takami et al. (2014)
First we will start with the original one implemented by IllinoisGRMHD:
Pcold={K0ρΓ0,ρ≤ρ0K1ρΓ1,ρ0≤ρ≤ρ1⋮⋮KjρΓj,ρj−1≤ρ≤ρj⋮⋮KN−1ρΓN−1,ρN−2≤ρ≤ρN−1KNρΓN,ρ≥ρN−1 .Notice that we have the following sets of variables:
{ρ0,ρ1,…,ρN−1⏟N values} ; {K0,K1,…,KN⏟N+1 values} ; {Γ0,Γ1,…,ΓN⏟N+1 values} .Also, notice that K0 and the entire sets {ρ0,ρ1,…,ρN−1} and {Γ0,Γ1,…,ΓN} must be specified by the user. The values of {K1,…,KN}, on the other hand, are determined by imposing that Pcold be continuous, i.e.
Pcold(ρ0)=K0ρΓ00=K1ρΓ10⟹K1=K0ρΓ0−Γ10 .Analogously,
Kj=Kj−1ρΓj−1−Γjj−1 , j∈[1,N] .Just so that we work with realistic values (i.e. values actually used by researchers), we will implement a simple check using the values from Table II in J.C. Read et al. (2008):
ρi | Γi | Kexpected |
2.44034e+07 | 1.58425 | 6.80110e-09 |
3.78358e+11 | 1.28733 | 1.06186e-06 |
2.62780e+12 | 0.62223 | 5.32697e+01 |
− | 1.35692 | 3.99874e-08 |
# Determining K_{i} i != 0
# We start by setting up all the values of rho_{i}, Gamma_{i}, and K_{0}
import numpy as np
rho_ppoly_tab = [2.44034e+07,3.78358e+11,2.62780e+12]
Gamma_ppoly_tab = [1.58425,1.28733,0.62223,1.35692]
K_ppoly_tab = [6.80110e-09,0,0,0]
K_expected = [6.80110e-09,1.06186e-06,5.32697e+01,3.99874e-08]
NEOS = len(rho_ppoly_tab)+1
for j in range(1,NEOS):
K_ppoly_tab[j] = K_ppoly_tab[j-1] * rho_ppoly_tab[j-1]**(Gamma_ppoly_tab[j-1] - Gamma_ppoly_tab[j])
print("K_ppoly_tab["+str(j)+"] = "+str(K_ppoly_tab[j])+\
" | K_expected["+str(j)+"] = "+str(K_expected[j])+\
" | Diff = "+str(np.fabs(K_ppoly_tab[j] - K_expected[j])))
K_ppoly_tab[1] = 1.0618444833278535e-06 | K_expected[1] = 1.06186e-06 | Diff = 1.5516672146434653e-11 K_ppoly_tab[2] = 53.2750845839615 | K_expected[2] = 53.2697 | Diff = 0.005384583961500766 K_ppoly_tab[3] = 3.999206917243191e-08 | K_expected[3] = 3.99874e-08 | Diff = 4.669172431909315e-12
[Back to top]¶The results above look reasonable to the expected ones. Let us then see what the plot of Pcold×ρ looks like. For the case of our specific example, which has NEOS=4 (where NEOS stands for the number of polytropic EOSs used), we have
Pcold={K0ρΓ0,ρ≤ρ0K1ρΓ1,ρ0≤ρ≤ρ1K2ρΓ2,ρ1≤ρ≤ρ2K3ρΓ3,ρ≥ρ2 .# Set the pressure through the polytropic EOS: P_cold = K * rho^{Gamma}
def P_cold(rho,rho_ppoly_tab,Gamma_ppoly_tab,K_ppoly_tab,NEOS):
if rho < rho_ppoly_tab[0] or NEOS==1:
return K_ppoly_tab[0] * rho**Gamma_ppoly_tab[0]
if NEOS > 2:
for j in range(1,NEOS-1):
if rho_ppoly_tab[j-1] <= rho and rho < rho_ppoly_tab[j]:
return K_ppoly_tab[j] * rho**Gamma_ppoly_tab[j]
if rho >= rho_ppoly_tab[NEOS-2]:
return K_ppoly_tab[NEOS-1] * rho**Gamma_ppoly_tab[NEOS-1]
# Set rho in [rho_ppoly_tab[0]/10,rho_ppoly_tab[2]*10]
rho_for_plot = np.linspace(rho_ppoly_tab[0]/10,rho_ppoly_tab[NEOS-2]*10,1000)
# Set P_{cold}(rho)
P_for_plot = np.linspace(0,0,1000)
for i in range(len(P_for_plot)):
P_for_plot[i] = P_cold(rho_for_plot[i],rho_ppoly_tab,Gamma_ppoly_tab,K_ppoly_tab,NEOS)
# Plot P_{cold}(rho) x rho
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
ax1 = f.add_subplot(121)
ax1.set_title(r"Plot #1: $P_{\rm cold}\times\rho_{b}$",fontsize='16')
ax1.set_ylabel(r"$P_{\rm cold}$",fontsize='14')
ax2 = f.add_subplot(122)
ax2.set_title(r"Plot #2: $\log_{10}\left(P_{\rm cold}\right)\times\log_{10}\left(\rho_{b}\right)$",fontsize='16')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}\left(P_{\rm cold}\right)$",fontsize='14')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11a990b80>]
ϵcold is determined via
ϵcold=∫dρPcoldρ2 ,for some integration constant C. Notation alert: in the literature, the integration constants Cj below are usually called ϵj. We will keep them as Cj for a clearer exposition.
In the case of a piecewise polytropic EOS, we then must have
ϵcold={K0ρΓ0−1Γ0−1+C0,ρ≤ρ0K1ρΓ1−1Γ1−1+C1,ρ0≤ρ≤ρ1⋮⋮KjρΓj−1Γj−1+Cj,ρj−1≤ρ≤ρj⋮⋮KN−1ρΓN−1−1ΓN−1−1+CN−1,ρN−2≤ρ≤ρN−1KNρΓN−1ΓN−1+CN,ρ≥ρN−1 .We fix C0 by demanding that ϵcold(ρ=0)=0. Then, continuity of ϵcold imposes that
K0ρΓ0−10Γ0−1=K1ρΓ1−10Γ1−1+C1⟹C1=K0ρΓ0−10Γ0−1−K1ρΓ1−10Γ1−1 ,for C1 and
Cj=Cj−1+Kj−1ρΓj−1−1j−1Γj−1−1−KjρΓj−1j−1Γj−1 , j≥1 ,generically.
[Back to top]¶We continue with our previous values of the piecewise polytrope EOS, for which we will have
ϵcold={K0ρΓ0−1Γ0−1,ρ≤ρ0K1ρΓ1−1Γ1−1+C1,ρ0≤ρ≤ρ1K2ρΓ2−1Γ2−1+C2,ρ1≤ρ≤ρ2K3ρΓ3−1Γ3−1+C3,ρ≥ρ2 ,remembering that the integration constants are set via
Cj={0,if j=0Cj−1+Kj−1ρΓj−1−1j−1Γj−1−1−KjρΓj−1j−1Γj−1,otherwise .# Setting eps_cold
def eps_cold__integration_constants(rho_ppoly_tab,Gamma_ppoly_tab,K_ppoly_tab,NEOS):
if NEOS == 1:
eps_integ_consts[0] = 0
return eps_integ_consts
eps_integ_consts = [0 for i in range(NEOS)]
for j in range(1,NEOS):
aux_jm1 = K_ppoly_tab[j-1] * rho_ppoly_tab[j-1]**(Gamma_ppoly_tab[j-1]-1) / (Gamma_ppoly_tab[j-1]-1)
aux_jp0 = K_ppoly_tab[j+0] * rho_ppoly_tab[j-1]**(Gamma_ppoly_tab[j+0]-1) / (Gamma_ppoly_tab[j+0]-1)
eps_integ_consts[j] = eps_integ_consts[j-1] + aux_jm1 - aux_jp0
return eps_integ_consts
def eps_cold(rho,rho_ppoly_tab,Gamma_ppoly_tab,K_ppoly_tab,NEOS):
if rho < rho_ppoly_tab[0] or NEOS==1:
return K_ppoly_tab[0] * rho**(Gamma_ppoly_tab[0]-1) / (Gamma_ppoly_tab[0]-1)
# Compute C_{j}
eps_integ_consts = eps_cold__integration_constants(rho_ppoly_tab,Gamma_ppoly_tab,K_ppoly_tab,NEOS)
# Compute eps_cold for rho >= rho_{0}
if NEOS>2:
for j in range(1,NEOS-1):
if rho >= rho_ppoly_tab[j-1] and rho < rho_ppoly_tab[j]:
return eps_integ_consts[j] + K_ppoly_tab[j] * rho**(Gamma_ppoly_tab[j]-1) / (Gamma_ppoly_tab[j]-1)
if rho >= rho_ppoly_tab[NEOS-2]:
return eps_integ_consts[NEOS-1] + K_ppoly_tab[NEOS-1] * rho**(Gamma_ppoly_tab[NEOS-1]-1) / (Gamma_ppoly_tab[NEOS-1]-1)
# Set rho in [rho_ppoly_tab[0]/10,rho_ppoly_tab[2]*10]
rho_for_plot = np.linspace(rho_ppoly_tab[0]/10,rho_ppoly_tab[NEOS-2]*10,1000)
# Set P_{cold}(rho)
eps_for_plot = np.linspace(0,0,1000)
for i in range(len(eps_for_plot)):
eps_for_plot[i] = eps_cold(rho_for_plot[i],rho_ppoly_tab,Gamma_ppoly_tab,K_ppoly_tab,NEOS)
# Plot P_{cold}(rho) x rho
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))
ax1 = f.add_subplot(121)
ax1.set_title(r"Plot #1: $\varepsilon_{\rm cold}\times\rho_{b}$",fontsize='16')
ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\varepsilon_{\rm cold}$",fontsize='14')
ax2 = f.add_subplot(122)
ax2.set_title(r"Plot #2: $\log_{10}\left(\varepsilon_{\rm cold}\right)\times\log_{10}\left(\rho_{b}\right)$",fontsize='16')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}\left(\varepsilon_{\rm cold}\right)$",fontsize='14')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11abf42e0>]
Now we will begin implementing a C code to handle all the topics we discussed here.
Here we assume that we get as input the following values:
import os,sys
IGM_src_dir = os.path.join("..","src")
Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C = os.path.join(IGM_src_dir,"IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C")
%%writefile $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
/* Function : setup_K_ppoly_tab__and__eps_integ_consts()
* Authors : Leo Werneck
* Description : For a given set of EOS inputs, determine
* values of K_ppoly_tab that will result in a
* everywhere continuous P_cold function.
* Dependencies: none
* Inputs : eos - a struct containing the following
* relevant quantities:
* : neos - number of polytropic EOSs used
* : rho_ppoly_tab - array of rho values that determine
* the polytropic EOS to be used.
* : Gamma_ppoly_tab - array of Gamma_cold values to be
* used in each polytropic EOS.
* : K_ppoly_tab - array of K_ppoly_tab values to be used
* in each polytropic EOS. Only K_ppoly_tab[0]
* is known prior to the function call
* : eps_integ_const - array of C_{j} values, which are the
* integration constants that arrise when
* determining eps_{cold} for a piecewise
* polytropic EOS. This array should be
* uninitialized or contain absurd values
* prior to this function call.
* Outputs : K_ppoly_tab - fully populated array of K_ppoly_tab
* to be used in each polytropic EOS.
* : eps_integ_const - fully populated array of C_{j}'s,
* used to compute eps_cold for
* a piecewise polytropic EOS.
static void setup_K_ppoly_tab__and__eps_integ_consts(eos_struct &eos){
Writing ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
We start by computing the values {K1,K2,…,Kneos} from the input values. Remember that the values of Kj are obtained by demanding that the Pcold function be everywhere continuous, resulting in the relation (see the discussion above for the details)
Kj=Kj−1ρΓj−1−Γjj−1 , j∈[1,N] .Implementation note: Because the case neos=1 is handled first, the attentive reader will notice that we already set C0=0 below, before discussing its implementation. For more on that, please refer to the next subsection, where we discuss determining {C0,C1,C2,…,Cneos}.
%%writefile -a $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
/* When neos = 1, we will only need the value K_ppoly_tab[0] and eps_integ_const[0].
* Since our only polytropic EOS is given by
* -----------------------------------
* | P_{0} = K_{0} * rho ^ (Gamma_{0}) | ,
* -----------------------------------
* and, therefore,
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* | eps_{0} = K_{0} * rho ^ (Gamma_{0}-1) / (Gamma_{0}-1) + C_{0} | ,
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* we only need to set up K_{0} := K_ppoly_tab[0] and C_{0} := eps_integ_const[0].
* K_{0} is a user input, so we need to do nothing. C_{0}, on the other hand,
* is fixed by demanding that eps(rho) -> 0 as rho -> 0. Thus, C_{0} = 0.
eos.eps_integ_const[0] = 0.0;
if(eos.neos==1) return;
* Setting up K_{j} *
/* When neos > 1, we have the following structure
* / K_{0} * rho^(Gamma_{0}) , rho < rho_{0}
* | K_{1} * rho^(Gamma_{1}) , rho_{0} <= rho < rho_{1}
* | ...
* P(rho) = < K_{j} * rho^(Gamma_{j}) , rho_{j-1} <= rho < rho_{j}
* | ...
* | K_{neos-2} * rho^(Gamma_{neos-2}) , rho_{neos-3} <= rho < rho_{neos-2}
* \ K_{neos-1} * rho^(Gamma_{neos-1}) , rho >= rho_{neos-2}
* Imposing that P(rho) be everywhere continuous, we have
* -------------------------------------------------
* | K_{j} = K_{j-1} * rho^(Gamma_{j-1} - Gamma_{j}) |
* -------------------------------------------------
for(int j=1; j<eos.neos; j++){
// Set a useful auxiliary variable to keep things more compact:
// First, (Gamma_{j-1} - Gamma_{j}):
CCTK_REAL Gamma_diff = eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[j-1] - eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[j];
// Implement the boxed equation above, using our auxiliary variable:
eos.K_ppoly_tab[j] = eos.K_ppoly_tab[j-1] * pow(eos.rho_ppoly_tab[j-1],Gamma_diff);
Appending to ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
We now focus our attention to the computation of {C0,C1,C2,…,Cneos}, which are the integration constants that emerge when computing ϵcold for a piecewise polytrope EOS (see the discussion above for the details). Here we set them so that ϵcold is also everywhere continuous, i.e.
Cj={0,if j=0Cj−1+Kj−1ρΓj−1−1j−1Γj−1−1−KjρΓj−1j−1Γj−1,otherwise .%%writefile -a $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
* Setting up C_{j} *
/* When neos > 1, we have the following structure (let neos->N):
* / K_{0}*rho^(Gamma_{0}-1)/(Gamma_{0}-1) + C_{0}, rho < rho_{0}
* | K_{1}*rho^(Gamma_{1}-1)/(Gamma_{1}-1) + C_{1}, rho_{0} <= rho < rho_{1}
* | ...
* eps(rho) = < K_{j}*rho^(Gamma_{j}-1)/(Gamma_{j}-1) + C_{j}, rho_{j-1} <= rho < rho_{j}
* | ...
* | K_{N-2}*rho^(Gamma_{N-2}-1)/(Gamma_{N-2}-1) + C_{N-2}, rho_{N-3} <= rho < rho_{N-2}
* \ K_{N-1}*rho^(Gamma_{N-1}-1)/(Gamma_{N-1}-1) + C_{N-1}, rho >= rho_{N-2}
* Imposing that eps_{cold}(rho) be everywhere continuous, we have
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* | C_{j} = C_{j-1} |
* | + ( K_{j-1}*rho_{j-1}^(Gamma_{j-1}-1) )/(Gamma_{j-1}-1) |
* | - ( K_{j+0}*rho_{j-1}^(Gamma_{j+0}-1) )/(Gamma_{j+0}-1) |
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
for(int j=1; j<eos.neos; j++){
// Set a few useful auxiliary variables to keep things more compact:
// First, (Gamma_{j-1}-1):
CCTK_REAL Gammajm1m1 = eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[j-1] - 1.0;
// Then, (Gamma_{j+0}-1):
CCTK_REAL Gammajp0m1 = eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[j+0] - 1.0;
// Next, ( K_{j-1}*rho_{j-1}^(Gamma_{j-1}-1) )/(Gamma_{j-1}-1):
CCTK_REAL aux_epsm1 = eos.K_ppoly_tab[j-1]*pow(eos.rho_ppoly_tab[j-1],Gammajm1m1)/Gammajm1m1;
// Finally, ( K_{j+0}*rho_{j+0}^(Gamma_{j+0}-1) )/(Gamma_{j+0}-1):
CCTK_REAL aux_epsp0 = eos.K_ppoly_tab[j+0]*pow(eos.rho_ppoly_tab[j-1],Gammajp0m1)/Gammajp0m1;
// Implement the boxed equation above, using our auxiliary variables:
eos.eps_integ_const[j] = eos.eps_integ_const[j-1] + aux_epsm1 - aux_epsp0;
Appending to ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
[Back to top]¶We will now set up the eos_struct
from input. The eos_struct
declaration can be found inside the IllinoisGRMHD_headers.h
source file, but we will repeat it here for the sake of the reader:
#define MAX_EOS_PARAMS 10
struct eos_struct {
int neos;
CCTK_REAL rho_ppoly_tab[MAX_EOS_PARAMS-1];
CCTK_REAL eps_integ_const[MAX_EOS_PARAMS],K_ppoly_tab[MAX_EOS_PARAMS],Gamma_ppoly_tab[MAX_EOS_PARAMS];
CCTK_REAL Gamma_th;
%%writefile -a $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
/* Function : initialize_EOS_struct_from_input()
* Authors : Leo Werneck
* Description : Initialize the eos struct from user
* input
* Dependencies: setup_K_ppoly_tab__and__eps_integ_consts()
* : cctk_parameters.h (FIXME)
* Inputs : eos - a struct containing the following
* relevant quantities:
* : neos - number of polytropic EOSs used
* : rho_ppoly_tab - array of rho values that determine
* the polytropic EOS to be used.
* : Gamma_ppoly_tab - array of Gamma_cold values to be
* used in each polytropic EOS.
* : K_ppoly_tab - array of K_ppoly_tab values to be used
* in each polytropic EOS.
* : eps_integ_const - array of C_{j} values, which are the
* integration constants that arrise when
* determining eps_{cold} for a piecewise
* polytropic EOS.
* Outputs : eos - fully initialized EOS struct
static void initialize_EOS_struct_from_input(eos_struct &eos){
/* We start by setting up the eos_struct
* with the inputs given by the user at
* the start of the simulation. Keep in
* mind that these parameters are found
* in the "cctk_parameters.h" header file.
* ^^^^^^^FIXME^^^^^^^
// Initialize: neos, {rho_{j}}, {K_{0}}, and {Gamma_{j}}
eos.neos = neos;
eos.K_ppoly_tab[0] = K_ppoly_tab0;
for(int j=0; j<=neos-2; j++) eos.rho_ppoly_tab[j] = rho_ppoly_tab_in[j];
for(int j=0; j<=neos-1; j++) eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[j] = Gamma_ppoly_tab_in[j];
// Initialize {K_{j}}, j>=1, and {eps_integ_const_{j}}
Appending to ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
%%writefile -a $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
/* Function : find_polytropic_K_and_Gamma_index()
* Authors : Leo Werneck & Zach Etienne
* Description : For a given value of rho, find the
* appropriate values of Gamma_ppoly_tab
* and K_ppoly_tab by determining the appropriate
* index
* Dependencies: initialize_EOS_struct_from_input()
* : cctk_parameters.h (FIXME)
* Inputs : eos - a struct containing the following
* relevant quantities:
* : neos - number of polytropic EOSs used
* : rho_ppoly_tab - array of rho values that determine
* Outputs : index - the appropriate index for the K_ppoly_tab
* and Gamma_ppoly_tab array
static inline int find_polytropic_K_and_Gamma_index(eos_struct eos, CCTK_REAL rho_in) {
/* We want to find the appropriate polytropic EOS for the
* input value rho_in. Remember that:
* if rho < rho_{0}: P_{0} , index: 0
* if rho >= rho_{0} but < rho_{1}: P_{1} , index: 1
* if rho >= rho_{1} but < rho_{2}: P_{2} , index: 2
* ...
* if rho >= rho_{j-1} but < rho_{j}: P_{j} , index: j
* Then, a simple way of determining the index is through
* the formula:
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | index = (rho >= rho_{0}) + (rho >= rho_{1}) + ... + (rho >= rho_{neos-2}) |
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(eos.neos == 1) return 0;
int polytropic_index = 0;
for(int j=0; j<=eos.neos-2; j++) polytropic_index += (rho_in >= eos.rho_ppoly_tab[j]);
return polytropic_index;
Appending to ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
%%writefile -a $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
/* Function : compute_P_cold__eps_cold()
* Authors : Leo Werneck
* Description : Computes P_cold and eps_cold.
* Dependencies: initialize_EOS_struct_from_input()
* : find_polytropic_K_and_Gamma_index()
* Inputs : P_cold - cold pressure
* : eps_cold - cold specific internal energy
* : eos - a struct containing the following
* relevant quantities:
* : neos - number of polytropic EOSs used
* : rho_ppoly_tab - array of rho values that determine
* the polytropic EOS to be used.
* : Gamma_ppoly_tab - array of Gamma_cold values to be
* used in each polytropic EOS.
* : K_ppoly_tab - array of K_ppoly_tab values to be used
* in each polytropic EOS.
* : eps_integ_const - array of C_{j} values, which are the
* integration constants that arrise when
* determining eps_{cold} for a piecewise
* polytropic EOS.
* Outputs : P_cold - cold pressure (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* : eps_cold - cold specific internal energy (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* : polytropic_index - polytropic index used for P_cold and eps_cold
* SPEOS: Single-Polytrope Equation of State
* PPEOS: Piecewise Polytrope Equation of State
static inline void compute_P_cold__eps_cold(eos_struct eos, CCTK_REAL rho_in,
CCTK_REAL &P_cold,CCTK_REAL &eps_cold) {
// This code handles equations of state of the form defined
// in Eqs 13-16 in
if(rho_in==0) {
P_cold = 0.0;
eps_cold = 0.0;
/* --------------------------------------------------
* | Single and Piecewise Polytropic EOS modification |
* --------------------------------------------------
* We now begin our modifications to this function so that
* it supports both single and piecewise polytropic equations
* of state.
* The modifications below currently assume that the user
* has called the recently added function
* - initialize_EOS_struct_from_input()
* *before* this function is called. We can add some feature
* to check this automatically as well, but we'll keep that as
* a TODO/FIXME for now.
/* First, we compute the pressure, which in the case of a
* piecewise polytropic EOS is given by
* / P_{1} / K_{1} * rho^(Gamma_{1}) , rho_{0} <= rho < rho_{1}
* | ... | ...
* P(rho) = < P_{j} = < K_{j} * rho^(Gamma_{j}) , rho_{j-1} <= rho < rho_{j}
* | ... | ...
* \ P_{neos-2} \ K_{neos-2} * rho^(Gamma_{neos-2}), rho_{neos-3} <= rho < rho_{neos-2}
* The index j is determined by the find_polytropic_K_and_Gamma_index() function.
// Set up useful auxiliary variables
int polytropic_index = find_polytropic_K_and_Gamma_index(eos,rho_in);
CCTK_REAL K_ppoly_tab = eos.K_ppoly_tab[polytropic_index];
CCTK_REAL Gamma_ppoly_tab = eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[polytropic_index];
CCTK_REAL eps_integ_const = eos.eps_integ_const[polytropic_index];
// Then compute P_{cold}
P_cold = K_ppoly_tab*pow(rho_in,Gamma_ppoly_tab);
/* Then we compute the cold component of the specific internal energy,
* which in the case of a piecewise polytropic EOS is given by (neos -> N)
* / P_{1}/(rho*(Gamma_{1}-1)) + C_{1} , rho_{0} <= rho < rho_{1}
* | ...
* eps(rho) = < P_{j}/(rho*(Gamma_{j}-1)) + C_{j} , rho_{j-1} <= rho < rho_{j}
* | ...
* \ P_{N-2}/(rho*(Gamma_{N-2}-1)) + C_{N-2}, rho_{N-3} <= rho < rho_{N-2}
eps_cold = P_cold/(rho_in*(Gamma_ppoly_tab-1.0)) + eps_integ_const;
Appending to ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
function [Back to top]¶We now write down the updated version of the compute_P_cold__eps_cold__dPcold_drho__eps_th__h__Gamma_cold()
function, which is found in the inlined_functions.C
source file of IllinoisGRMHD
, and documented in the IllinoisGRMHD
's inlined functions NRPy+ tutorial module.
%%writefile -a $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
/* Function : compute_P_cold__eps_cold__dPcold_drho__eps_th__h__Gamma_cold()
* Authors : Leo Werneck & Zach Etienne
* Description : Compute basic quantities related to
* : the EOS, namely: P_cold, eps_cold,
* : dPcold/drho, eps_th, h, and Gamma_cold
* Dependencies: initialize_EOS_struct_from_input()
* Inputs : U - array containing primitives {rho,P,v^{i},B^i}
* : P_cold - cold pressure
* : eps_cold - cold specific internal energy
* : dPcold_drho - derivative of P_cold
* : eps_th - thermal specific internal energy
* : h - enthalpy
* : Gamma_cold - cold polytropic Gamma
* : eos - a struct containing the following
* relevant quantities:
* : neos - number of polytropic EOSs used
* : rho_ppoly_tab - array of rho values that determine
* the polytropic EOS to be used.
* : Gamma_ppoly_tab - array of Gamma_cold values to be
* used in each polytropic EOS.
* : K_ppoly_tab - array of K_ppoly_tab values to be used
* in each polytropic EOS.
* : eps_integ_const - array of C_{j} values, which are the
* integration constants that arrise when
* determining eps_{cold} for a piecewise
* polytropic EOS.
* Outputs : P_cold - cold pressure (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* : eps_cold - cold specific internal energy (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* : dPcold_drho - derivative of P_cold (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* : eps_th - thermal specific internal energy (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* : h - enthalpy (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* : Gamma_cold - cold polytropic Gamma (supports SPEOS and PPEOS)
* SPEOS: Single-Polytrope Equation of State
* PPEOS: Piecewise Polytrope Equation of State
static inline void compute_P_cold__eps_cold__dPcold_drho__eps_th__h__Gamma_cold(CCTK_REAL *U, eos_struct &eos, CCTK_REAL Gamma_th,
CCTK_REAL &P_cold,CCTK_REAL &eps_cold,CCTK_REAL &dPcold_drho,CCTK_REAL &eps_th,CCTK_REAL &h,
CCTK_REAL &Gamma_cold) {
// This code handles equations of state of the form defined
// in Eqs 13-16 in
if(U[RHOB]==0) {
P_cold = 0.0;
eps_cold = 0.0;
dPcold_drho = 0.0;
eps_th = 0.0;
h = 0.0;
Gamma_cold = eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[0];
int polytropic_index = find_polytropic_K_and_Gamma_index(eos, U[RHOB]);
compute_P_cold__eps_cold(eos,U[RHOB], P_cold,eps_cold);
CCTK_REAL Gamma_ppoly_tab = eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[polytropic_index];
// Set auxiliary variable rho_b^{-1}
// Next compute dP/drho = Gamma * P / rho
dPcold_drho = Gamma_ppoly_tab*P_cold*U_RHOB_inv;
// Then we compute eps_th, h, and set Gamma_cold = Gamma_ppoly_tab[j].
eps_th = (U[PRESSURE] - P_cold)/(Gamma_th-1.0)*U_RHOB_inv;
h = 1.0 + eps_cold + eps_th + U[PRESSURE]*U_RHOB_inv;
Gamma_cold = Gamma_ppoly_tab;
Appending to ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
function [Back to top]¶This function, which is called for diagnostic purposes and for user convenience, prints out the most relevant EOS table components to the user at the beginning of the run. Notice that the function call happens only once, in the driver_conserv_to_prims.C
%%writefile -a $Piecewise_Polytrope_EOS__C
/* Function : print_EOS_table()
* Authors : Leo Werneck
* Description : Prints out the EOS table, for diagnostic purposes
* Dependencies: initialize_EOS_struct_from_input()
* Inputs : eos - a struct containing the following
* relevant quantities:
* : neos - number of polytropic EOSs used
* : rho_ppoly_tab - array of rho values that determine
* the polytropic EOS to be used.
* : Gamma_ppoly_tab - array of Gamma_cold values to be
* used in each polytropic EOS.
* Outputs : CCTK_VInfo string with the EOS table used by IllinoisGRMHD
static inline void print_EOS_table( eos_struct eos ) {
/* Start by printint a header t the table */
"| Piecewise Polytropic EOS Parameters |\n"
/* Adjust the maximum index of rhob to
* allow for single polytropes as well
int max_rho_index;
if( eos.neos==1 ) {
max_rho_index = 0;
else {
max_rho_index = eos.neos-1;
/* Print out rho_pppoly_tab */
for(int jj=0; jj<max_rho_index; jj++) {
if(jj==0) {
"| rho_ppoly_tab[j] |\n"
printf("| rho_ppoly_tab[%d] = %.15e |\n",jj,eos.rho_ppoly_tab[jj]);
if(jj == max_rho_index-1) {
/* Print out Gamma_ppoly_tab */
printf("| Gamma_ppoly_tab[j] |\n"
for(int jj=0; jj<=eos.neos-1; jj++) {
printf("| Gamma_ppoly_tab[%d] = %.15e |\n",jj,eos.Gamma_ppoly_tab[jj]);
if(jj == eos.neos-1) {
/* Print out K_ppoly_tab */
printf("| K_ppoly_tab[j] |\n"
for(int jj=0; jj<=eos.neos-1; jj++) {
printf("| K_ppoly_tab[%d] = %.15e |\n",jj,eos.K_ppoly_tab[jj]);
if(jj == eos.neos-1) {
Appending to ../src/IllinoisGRMHD_EoS_lowlevel_functs.C
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