Homomorphic encryption -- Definition
Let (KeyGen, Encrypt, Decrypt, Evaluate)
be a tuple of procedures $(KeyGen, E, D, V)$
Let $f \in \mathcal F$ be a function in a family of functions.
Correctly decrypt both fresh and evaluated ciphertexts
$$D(sk, c^*) = m^* = f(m_1, ..., m_n)$$
The HE can be classified based on the type of functions $f$ that it supports.
Key generation
The secret key is an $\eta$-bit odd integer $p$
Let $m \in \{0, 1\}$ be a bit. The ciphertext is an int whose residue mod $p$ which has the same bit parity as the plaintext. Randomly choose 2 integers, large random $q$ and small random $r$
$$E(m) = pq + 2r + m$$
Decryption $$D(c) = (c \bmod p) \bmod 2$$
When the noise $r$ is sufficiently smaller than the secret key $p$ this encryption scheme is somewhat homomorphic - It can be used to evaluate low degree polynomias over encrypted data. If parameters are chosen corectly ($r \approx 2^\sqrt \eta, q \approx 2^{\eta^3}$) the scheme may even be secure.
Given a multivariate function (circuit) that takes in ciphertexts, apply the addition and multiplication over the integers, and return the resulting integer.
Corectness $$D(E(m)) = (c \bmod p) \bmod 2 = (pq + 2r + m \bmod p) \bmod 2 = 2r + m \bmod 2 = m $$
Notice that this decryption can happen only if $2r \bmod p = 2r \iff 2r < p$
For the addition we have $$ \begin{align*} D(c_1 + c_2) &= (pq_1 + pq_2 + 2r_1 + 2r_2 + m_1 + m_2 \bmod p) \bmod 2 \\ & = (2r_1 + 2r_2 + m_1 + m_2) \bmod 2 \\ &= m_1 + m_2 \bmod 2 \end{align*}$$ with the similar constraint that $2r_1 + 2r_2 \leq p$
And for multiplication we have: $$ \begin{align*} D(c_1 \cdot c_2) &= ((pq_1 + 2r_1 + m_1)(pq_2 + 2r_2 + m_2) \bmod p) \bmod 2 \\ &= 4r_1r_2 + 2r_1m_2 + 2r_2m_1 + m_1m_2 \bmod 2 \\ &= m_1m_2 \end{align*} $$ with a similar constraint.
Turning the secret key scheme into a public key scheme is easy. The main idea is to base the PK security on the hardness of the approximate integer GCD. The public key will consist of many "encryptions of zero": $$x_i = q_i \cdot p + 2 \cdot r_i$$ where $q_i, r_i$ are chosen as above. The number of encryptions is denoted by $\tau$ and is a security parameter. So we generate a set $\{x_0, ... x_\tau\}$.Then reorder the set such that $x_0$ is the maxmimum from the set.
Then we encrypt $m$ by adding a subset-sum of $x_i$'s instead of $pq$. So we choose a random subset from $S \subseteq \{1, 2, ..., \tau\}$ and we compute: $$c = m + 2r + 2 \cdot \sum_{i\in S} x_i \bmod x_0$$
Security reduction
The scheme security can be reduced to solving the approximate integer GCD:
Intuition for the assumption: If you sample lots of numbers that are close to multiples of $p$ but not exactly multipes of $p$ they are indistinguishable from random.
Security parameters
To construct the SHE scheme the paper proposes many security parameters:
These parameters are set under various constraints to stop different attacks and support HE.
Circuit / function homomorphic bounds
Consider a multivariate function $f$. Denote $|\vec f|$ its $l_1$ norm of the coefficient vector of $f$. Denote $d = \deg(f)$. $f$ can be evaluated if the following condition is satisfied:
$$d \leq \dfrac {\eta - 4 - \log(|\vec f|)} {\rho^\prime + 2}$$
has noise at most $2^{\eta - 4} < \frac p 8$. Although $2^{\eta - 2} < \frac p 2$ is sufficient, later the former bound will be used to allow decryption with a shallow circuit (function)There are a few problems with our scheme
The following papers attempt to make the scheme more efficient:
In this transformation, we add to the public key some extra information about the secret key, and use this extra information to “post process” the ciphertext. The post-processed ciphertext can be decrypted more efficiently than the original ciphertext, thus making the scheme bootstrappable.
We pay for this saving by having a larger ciphertext, and also by introducing another hardness assumption (basically assuming that the extra information in the public key does not help an attacker break the scheme).
More details can be found in the paper
import math
import random
import numpy as np
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, getRandomInteger, getRandomNBitInteger
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
# Utils
def randodd(n: int) -> int:
"""Generate n bit long odd number"""
return 2 * (2 ** (n - 2) + random.randint(0, 2 ** (n - 2)) - 1) + 1
def quot_near(a: int, b: int) -> int:
"""nearest integer to a / b"""
return (2 * a + b) // (2 * b)
def mod_near(a: int, b: int) -> int:
"""r = a mod b with r in [-b/2, b/2]"""
return a - b * quot_near(a, b)
def generate_x(p: int, gamma: int, rho: int) -> int:
# 2**gamma // p - 1 in bits is gamma - eta becuase p is eta bits long
q = randodd(gamma - eta)
# q = random.randint(0, 2**gamma // p - 1)
r = random.randint(-(2**rho) + 1, 2**rho - 1)
x = p * q + r
return x
def generate_pk(p: int, gamma: int, rho: int, tau: int, trials=100) -> list[int]:
while True:
xs = [generate_x(p, gamma, rho) for _ in range(tau)]
mod_x0 = mod_near(xs[0], p)
if xs[0] % 2 == 1 and mod_x0 % 2 == 0:
return xs
def encrypt_sk(m: int, p: int, gamma: int, eta: int, rho: int) -> int:
q = random.randint(1, 2 ** (gamma - eta - 1))
r = random.randint(-(2**rho) + 1, 2**rho - 1)
c = p * q + 2 * r + m
return c
def encrypt_pk(m: int, xs: list[int], rho_: int) -> int:
r = random.randint(-(2**rho_) + 1, 2**rho_ - 1)
x0 = xs[0]
# Select a random subset
selected = [random.choice([True, False]) for _ in range(len(xs) - 1)]
# Compute the sum of the selected subset
sum_selected = 0
for xi, t in zip(xs, selected):
if t:
sum_selected = (sum_selected + xi) % x0
c = (m + 2 * r + 2 * sum_selected) % x0
return c
def decrypt(c: int, p: int) -> int:
# return (c % p) % 2
return mod_near(c, p) % 2
lam = 42
eta = 988 # Secret key p bit length
rho = 26 # bit length of the noise
rho_ = 42 # Secondary noise parameter
gamma = 147456 # Bit length of integers in the public key
tau = 158 # number of integers in the public key
p = getPrime(eta)
m0 = 0
m1 = 1
# Generate secret key encrypions
c0 = encrypt_sk(m0, p, gamma, eta, rho)
c1 = encrypt_sk(m1, p, gamma, eta, rho)
# basic decryptions
assert decrypt(c0, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c1, p) == 1
# Homomorphic addition
assert decrypt(c0 + c0, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c0 + c1, p) == 1
assert decrypt(c1 + c1, p) == 0
# Homomorphic multiplication
assert decrypt(c0 * c0, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c0 * c1, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c1 * c1, p) == 1
# Where does it break?
n_iter = 0
c_sum = c0
while True:
n_iter += 1
c_sum = c_sum * c1
if decrypt(c_sum, p) != 0:
# Scheme didnt work after n_iter
(eta - 4) / (rho_ + 2)
m0 = 0
m1 = 1
# Generate public key.
xs = generate_pk(p, gamma, rho, tau)
# Generate public key encryptions
c0 = encrypt_pk(m0, xs, rho_)
c1 = encrypt_pk(m1, xs, rho_)
# basic decryptions
assert decrypt(c0, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c1, p) == 1
# Homomorphic addition
assert decrypt(c0 + c0, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c0 + c1, p) == 1
assert decrypt(c1 + c1, p) == 0
# Homomorphic multiplication
assert decrypt(c0 * c0, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c0 * c1, p) == 0
assert decrypt(c1 * c1, p) == 1
# Where does it break?
n_iter = 0
c_sum = c0
while True:
n_iter += 1
c_sum = c_sum * c1
if decrypt(c_sum, p) != 0:
# Test the bound
# Consider the following poly:
# f(c0, c1) = a0 * c0**d + a1 * c1
a0 = 10
a1 = 20
coef_norm = a0 + a1
d = 24 # Degree of poly
# Evaluate poly
c_ = a0 * c0**d + a1 * c1
m_ = (a0 * m0**d + a1 * m1) % 2
def degree_bound(eta: int, rho_: int, coef_norm: int):
return (eta - 4 - math.log2(coef_norm)) / (rho_ + 2)
degree_bound(eta, rho_, coef_norm)
decrypt(c_, p) == m_