import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from IPython import display
def gcd(a, b):
if b == 0:
return a
return gcd(b, a%b)
Elliptic curve equation:
$Y^2 = X^3 + AX + B$
With $4A^3 + 27B^2 \neq 0$
So, how does a curve look?
play around with $a$ and $b$ to see how the curve looks
a = -3
b = 5
y, x = np.ogrid[-5:5:100j, -5:5:100j]
plt.contour(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), pow(y, 2) - pow(x, 3) - x * a - b, [0])
here is an animation
y, x = np.ogrid[-5:5:100j, -5:5:100j]
#play with the limits of a and b
a = np.linspace(-10, 10, 300)
b = np.linspace(-10, 10, 300)
fig = plt.figure()
#get the line
lines = plt.plot([])
line = lines[0]
#other setup
plt.xlim(-5, 5)
plt.ylim(-5, 5)
#animate functions
def animate(frame):
plt.contour(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), pow(y, 2) - pow(x, 3) - x * a[frame] - b[frame], [0])
#call this to animate
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames =300, interval = 16.6)
video = anim.to_html5_video()
html = display.HTML(video)
display.display(html) #draws the display
take a desmos example too
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve. Let $P$,$Q$ $\in E$
Then $E \cap L = \{P, Q, R\};$
If$ \ R=(a, b) => P+Q=R' = -R = (a, -b)$
$P-P = O$, $O$ is a point on every vertical line and acts as the 0 in this addition
for a visualisation of $O$:
(1, 2) == (1, 2)
def elliptic_sum(P1, P2):
'''Let a point P = (x, y); let O = (0, np.inf)'''
x_1, y_1= P1
x_2, y_2 = P2
if(y_1 == np.inf):
return P2
elif(y_2 == np.inf):
return P1
elif(x_1 == x_2 and y_1 == -y_2):
return (0, np.inf) #this is O
lam = (y_2 - y_1)/(x_2 - x_1) if P1 != P2 else (3*(x_1**2) + a) / (2*y_1)
x_3 = lam**2 - x_1 - x_2
y_3 = lam*(x_1 - x_3) - y_1
return (x_3, y_3)
a = -3
b = 5
y, x = np.ogrid[-5:5:100j, -5:5:100j]
z = pow(y, 2) - pow(x, 3) - x * a - b
plt.contour(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), pow(y, 2) - pow(x, 3) - x * a - b, [0])
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet at 0x5c6f339308>
P1 = (-2.1, pow(pow(-2.1, 3) + -2.1*a + b, .5))
P2 = (.2, pow(pow(.2, 3) + .2*a + b, .5))
P3 = elliptic_sum(P1, P2)
P3_temp = (P3[0], -P3[1])
P1, P2, P3, P3_temp
((-2.1, 1.427935572776307), (0.2, 2.099523755521713), (1.985260999471319, -2.620810794809187), (1.985260999471319, 2.620810794809187))
#plot the points
plt.plot(*P1, 'ro')
plt.annotate('P1', xy=P1, xytext=(-5, 5), textcoords='offset points')
plt.plot(*P2, 'ro')
plt.annotate('P2', xy=P2, xytext=(-5, 5), textcoords='offset points')
plt.plot(*P3, 'ro')
plt.annotate('P1+P2', xy=P3, xytext=(-5, 5), textcoords='offset points')
plt.plot(*P3_temp, 'ro')
#plot the lines
plt.plot([P1[0], P3_temp[0]], [P1[1], P3_temp[1]],)
plt.plot([P3[0], P3_temp[0]], [P3[1], P3_temp[1]],)
#plot the curve
plt.contour(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), pow(y, 2) - pow(x, 3) - x * a - b, [0])
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet at 0x5c6cf08e48>
Before we continue let's make some classes
class Point(object):
a point on a curve
we consider the ideal to be (np.inf, np.inf)
def __init__(self, curve, x, y):
self.curve = curve #the elliptic curve containing the point
self.x, self.y = x, y
if not curve.test_point(x, y):
raise Exception("The point %s is not on the given curve %s" %(self, curve))
def __neg__(self):
return Point(self.curve, self.x, -self.y)
def __eq__(self, other):
if(self.curve == other.curve and self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y):
return True
return False
def __add__(self, other):
if(self.x == np.inf or self.y == np.inf):
return other
elif(other.x == np.inf or other.y == np.inf):
return self
elif(self.x == other.x and self.y == -other.y):
return Point(self.curve, np.inf, np.inf)
lam = (other.y - self.y)/ (other.x - self.x) if self!=other else (3*(self.x ** 2) + self.curve.a) / (2*self.y)
x_3 = lam**2 - self.x - other.x
y_3 = lam*(self.x - x_3) - self.y
return Point(self.curve, x_3, y_3)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self + - other
def __str__(self):
return ("(%s, %s)" % (self.x, self.y))
def __mul__(self, n):
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise Exception ("can't scale if n isnt integer")
if n<0:
return -self * -n
if n == 0:
return Point(self.curve, np.inf, np.inf)
Q = self
R = self if n & 1 == 1 else Point(self.curve, np.inf, np.inf)
i = 2
while i<=n:
Q = Q + Q
if n & i == i:
R = Q + R
i = i << 1
return R
def __rmul__(self, n):
return self * n
class EllipticCurve(object):
def __init__(self, a, b):
input a and b for the y^2 = x^3 + ax + b form
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.discriminant = 4 * pow(a, 3) + 27 * pow(b, 2)
if not self.is_smooth():
raise Exception("the curve %s is not smooth!" % self)
def is_smooth(self):
return self.discriminant!=0
def test_point(self, x, y):
return pow(y, 2) == pow(x, 3) + self.a * x + self.b
def __str__(self):
return ('y^2 = x^3 + %Gx + %G' %(self.a, self.b))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.a, self.b) == (other.a, other.b)
c = EllipticCurve(a = 1, b = 2)
b = Point(c, 1, 2)
a = Point(c, 1, 2)
print(10 * a)
(-1.0, 0.0)
a - b
<__main__.Point at 0x5c6fefa6c8>
#EllipticCurve(0, 0)
Let $p \geq 3 \ $Then $ E: \ Y^2 = X^3 + AX + B $ where$ A,B \ \in \ \mathbb{F}_p$
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
def modular_sqrt(a, p):
def legendre_symbol(a, p):
""" Compute the Legendre symbol a|p using
Euler's criterion. p is a prime, a is
relatively prime to p (if p divides
a, then a|p = 0)
Returns 1 if a has a square root modulo
p, -1 otherwise.
ls = pow(a, (p - 1) // 2, p)
return -1 if ls == p - 1 else ls
""" Find a quadratic residue (mod p) of 'a'. p
must be an odd prime.
Solve the congruence of the form:
x^2 = a (mod p)
And returns x. Note that p - x is also a root.
0 is returned is no square root exists for
these a and p.
The Tonelli-Shanks algorithm is used (except
for some simple cases in which the solution
is known from an identity). This algorithm
runs in polynomial time (unless the
generalized Riemann hypothesis is false).
# Simple cases
if legendre_symbol(a, p) != 1:
return 0
elif a == 0:
return 0
elif p == 2:
return p
elif p % 4 == 3:
return pow(a, (p + 1) // 4, p)
# Partition p-1 to s * 2^e for an odd s (i.e.
# reduce all the powers of 2 from p-1)
s = p - 1
e = 0
while s % 2 == 0:
s //= 2
e += 1
# Find some 'n' with a legendre symbol n|p = -1.
# Shouldn't take long.
n = 2
while legendre_symbol(n, p) != -1:
n += 1
# Here be dragons!
# Read the paper "Square roots from 1; 24, 51,
# 10 to Dan Shanks" by Ezra Brown for more
# information
# x is a guess of the square root that gets better
# with each iteration.
# b is the "fudge factor" - by how much we're off
# with the guess. The invariant x^2 = ab (mod p)
# is maintained throughout the loop.
# g is used for successive powers of n to update
# both a and b
# r is the exponent - decreases with each update
x = pow(a, (s + 1) // 2, p)
b = pow(a, s, p)
g = pow(n, s, p)
r = e
while True:
t = b
m = 0
for m in range(r):
if t == 1:
t = pow(t, 2, p)
if m == 0:
return x
gs = pow(g, 2 ** (r - m - 1), p)
g = (gs * gs) % p
x = (x * gs) % p
b = (b * g) % p
r = m
class EllipticCurveFp(object):
def __init__(self, a, b, p):
input a and b for the y^2 = x^3 + ax + b form
self.a = a % p
self.b = b % p
self.p = p
self.discriminant = -16*(4 * pow(a, 3, p) + 27 * pow(b, 2, p)) % p
if not self.is_smooth():
raise Exception("the curve %s is not smooth!" % self)
def is_smooth(self):
return self.discriminant!=0
def test_point(self, x, y):
return pow(y, 2, self.p) == ((pow(x, 3, self.p) + self.a * x + self.b ) % self.p)
def get_all_points(self):
'''gets points WITHOUT the ideal. The ideal is coded as (np.inf, np.inf)'''
all_points = list()
all_points.append(PointFp(self, 0, 1, 0))
for x in range(self.p):
y_sq = (pow(x, 3, self.p) + self.a * x + self.b ) % self.p
y = modular_sqrt(y_sq, self.p)
if y != 0: #0 is when no root exists
all_points.append(PointFp(self, x, y))
all_points.append(PointFp(self, x, self.p-y))
return all_points
def __str__(self):
return ('y^2 = x^3 + %Gx + %G mod %G' %(self.a, self.b, self.p))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.a, self.b, self.p) == (other.a, other.b, other.p)
class PointFp(object):
a point on a curve
for any point that is not the ideal z = 1
we consider the ideal to have x = 0, y = 1, z = 0
def __init__(self, curve, x, y, z = 1):
if z == 1:
self.curve = curve #the elliptic curve containing the point
self.x, self.y = x % curve.p, y % curve.p
self.z = z
if not curve.test_point(self.x, self.y):
raise Exception("The point %s is not on the given curve %s" %(self, curve))
self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
self.curve = curve
def __neg__(self):
return PointFp(self.curve, self.x, -self.y % self.curve.p)
def __eq__(self, other):
if(self.curve == other.curve and self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y):
return True
return False
def __add__(self, other):
return other
return self
elif(self.x == other.x and self.y == -other.y % self.curve.p):
return PointFp(self.curve, 0, 1, 0)
if self == other:
num = (3*pow(self.x, 2) + self.curve.a)
denom = (2*self.y)
gcd_temp = gcd(denom, self.curve.p)
if gcd_temp !=1:
return PointFp(self.curve, 0, 0, denom)
lam = num * inverse(denom, self.curve.p)
else :
num = (self.y - other.y)
denom = (self.x - other.x)
gcd_temp = gcd(denom, self.curve.p)
if gcd_temp !=1:
return PointFp(self.curve, 0, 0, denom)
lam = num * inverse(denom, self.curve.p)
x_3 = (lam**2 - self.x - other.x) % self.curve.p
y_3 = (lam*(self.x - x_3) - self.y) % self.curve.p
return PointFp(self.curve, x_3, y_3)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self + - other
def __str__(self):
return ("(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.x, self.y, self.z))
def __mul__(self, n):
n = n % self.curve.p
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise Exception ("can't scale if n isnt integer")
if n == 0:
return PointFp(self.curve, 0, 1, 0)
Q = self
R = self if n & 1 == 1 else PointFp(self.curve, 0, 1, 0)
i = 2
while i<=n:
Q = Q + Q
if n & i == i:
R = Q + R
i = i << 1
return R
def __rmul__(self, n):
return self * n
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
curve = EllipticCurveFp(3, 8, 13)
set_13 = curve.get_all_points()
x = [elem.x for elem in set_13 if elem.z == 1]
y = [elem.y for elem in set_13 if elem.z == 1]
P1 = set_13[1]
P2 = set_13[3]
P3 = P1 + P2
P3_temp = -P3
plt.scatter(x, y)
#plt.plot(*P1, 'ro')
plt.annotate('P1', xy=(P1.x, P1.y), xytext=(-5, 5), textcoords='offset points')
#plt.plot(*P2, 'ro')
plt.annotate('P2', xy=(P2.x, P2.y), xytext=(-5, 5), textcoords='offset points')
#plt.plot(*P3, 'ro')
plt.annotate('P1+P2', xy=(P3.x, P3.y), xytext=(-5, 5), textcoords='offset points')
check this notebook for plots, i'm way too lazy to do this
basically the line that goes through P1 and P2 wraps arround until it hits a point. Reflect that point to get P1 + P2
list(zip(x, y))
[(1, 8), (1, 5), (2, 3), (2, 10), (9, 7), (9, 6), (12, 11), (12, 2)]
print(set_13[0] + set_13[1]), print(set_13[0] + set_13[2])
(1, 8, 1) (1, 5, 1)
(None, None)
for i in range(26):
print(i, i * set_13[1])
0 (0, 1, 0) 1 (1, 8, 1) 2 (2, 3, 1) 3 (9, 6, 1) 4 (12, 11, 1) 5 (12, 2, 1) 6 (9, 7, 1) 7 (2, 10, 1) 8 (1, 5, 1) 9 (0, 1, 0) 10 (1, 8, 1) 11 (2, 3, 1) 12 (9, 6, 1) 13 (0, 1, 0) 14 (1, 8, 1) 15 (2, 3, 1) 16 (9, 6, 1) 17 (12, 11, 1) 18 (12, 2, 1) 19 (9, 7, 1) 20 (2, 10, 1) 21 (1, 5, 1) 22 (0, 1, 0) 23 (1, 8, 1) 24 (2, 3, 1) 25 (9, 6, 1)
a = 64186688762130075872648727143532923412208390610536286437268423112
b = 32579945572763798990069104934898692239152360555014084068553395172709029894
p = 4368590184733545720227961182704359358435747188309319510520316493183539079703
EllipticCurveFp(a, b, p)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-35-cc7aec21bf35> in <module> ----> 1 EllipticCurveFp(a, b, p) <ipython-input-12-6ab2986edece> in __init__(self, a, b, p) 11 self.discriminant = -16*(4 * pow(a, 3, p) + 27 * pow(b, 2, p)) % p 12 if not self.is_smooth(): ---> 13 raise Exception("the curve %s is not smooth!" % self) 14 15 def is_smooth(self): Exception: the curve y^2 = x^3 + 6.41867E+64x + 3.25799E+73 mod 4.36859E+75 is not smooth!
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ and let $P$ and $Q$ be points in $E(\mathbb{F}_p)$.
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem(ECDLP) is the problem of finding an integer $n$ such that $Q=nP$.
By analogy with the discrete logarithm problem for $\mathbb{F}^*_p$, we denote this integer $n$ by
$n= \log_P(Q)$
and we call $n$ the elliptic discrete logarithm of $Q$ with respect to $P$
E_73= EllipticCurveFp(8, 7, 73)
P = PointFp(E_73, 32, 53)
Q = PointFp(E_73, 39, 17)
11 * P == Q
points_E_73 = E_73.get_all_points()
Public parameters:
Private computations:
Exchange $Q_A, Q_B$
Shared secret:
#public parameters
p = 3851
E = EllipticCurveFp(324, 1287, p)
P = PointFp(E, 920, 303)
n_A = 1194
n_B = 1759
Q_A = n_A * P
Q_B = n_B * P
#shared secret
n_A * Q_B == n_B * Q_A
Public parameters:
Key creation:
Disadvantages -> 4-1 message expansion ( C1, C2 -> x and y for each), we have a limited number of points and coords
Similar to the basic one
Verification step:
$v_1 G + v_2V = ds^{-1}_2G + s_1 s^{-1}_2 (sG) = (d + ss_1)s^{-1}_2 G = (e s_2)s^{-1}_2 G = eG \in E(\mathbb{F}_p)$
$x(v_1G + v_2V) mod \ q = x(eG) mod \ q = s_1$
we work on EC modulo non-prime $N$
import random
random.randint(0, 100)
n = 6887
def LenstraFactorizationEC(N):
#select random values A, x_p, y_p
while True:
A = random.randint(0, max(10, N-1//10))
x_p = random.randint(0, N-1)
y_p = random.randint(0, N-1)
# A = 14
# x_p = 1512
# y_p = 3166
#compute B
B = (pow(y_p, 2, N) - pow(x_p, 3, N) - A * x_p) % N
#set the elliptic curve and the point
E = EllipticCurveFp(A, B, N)
P = PointFp(E, x_p, y_p)
j = 2
while True: #or to a specific bound
Q = j * P
#print('Q = ', Q)
if Q.z != 1 and Q.z!=0:
#we found the denominator that can't be inverted
d = Q.z
gcd_temp = gcd(d, N)
if gcd_temp < N:
return gcd_temp
break #if it fails choose another curve
P = Q
#print(LenstraFactorizationEC(4368590184733545720227961182704359358435747188309319510520316493183539079703 - 1))
97 137 238639
let $p$ be a prime number => $\exists !$ a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$
Ex: $S = \{f | f(x) = \sum^{n-1}_{i=0} a_i * x^i ; a_i \in \mathbb{Z}_p \} => |Z| = p^n$
Let $m \in \mathbb{F}[x]$ be a irreductible polynomial => $\mathbb{F}[x]/m $ is a finite field
All finite fields of a given order(size) are isomoprphic
$E : Y^2 + a_1XY + a_3Y = X^3 + a_2X^2 + a_4X + a_6$ with the point $O$
$\Delta = −b_2^2b_8−8b^3_4−27b^2_6+9b_2b_4b_6$ where
$ b_2=a_1^2+4a_2; \\ b_4=2a_4+a_1a_3; \\ b_6=a_3^2+4a_6; \\ b_8=a_1^2a_6+4a_2a_6−a_1a_3a_4+a_2a_3^2−a_4^2$
Reflection: $(x, y) \to (x, -y-a_1x-a_3)$
$x(P1+P2) = \lambda^2 - a_1\lambda - a_2 - x_1 - x_2$
$x(2P) = \frac{x^4 - b_4x^2 - 2b_6x - b_8}{4x_3 + b_2x^2 + 4b_4x + b_6} $
# to be implemented if you want to
Frobenius map
$\tau : \mathbb{F}_{p^k} \to \mathbb{F}_{p^k}, \ \ \alpha \to \alpha^p$
If $P = (x, y)$ and we define $\tau(P) = (\tau(x), \tau(y))$ then
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{F}_p$ and let
$t = p + 1 − |E(\mathbb{F}_p)|$
Notice that Hasse’s theorem says that $|t| ≤ 2\sqrt{p}$.
Then $|α|=|β|=\sqrt{p}$, and for every $k≥1$ we have $|E(\mathbb{F}_{p^k})|=p^k + 1 − αk − βk$.
Then for every point $Q ∈ E(\mathbb{F}_{p^k})$ we have $τ^2(Q) − t·τ(Q) + p·Q = O$ ,where $τ^2(Q)$ denotes the compositionτ$(τ(Q))$.
Koblitz curve
$E_a = Y^2 + XY = X^3 + aX^2 + 1$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$; $\Delta = 1$
from theabove theorem we get:
$τ^2(P) + τ(P) + 2P = O $ for all $P∈E(\mathbb{F}_{p^k})$.
The idea now is to write an arbitrary integer $n$ as a sum of powers of $τ$ , subject to the assumption that $τ^2=−2 − τ$. Say we have written $n$ as $n=v_0+v_1τ+v_2τ^2+ ··· + v_lτ^l $ with $v_i∈\{−1,0,1\}$ .
Then we can compute $nP$ efficiently using the formula
$nP = (v_0 + v_1τ + v_2τ^2 +···+ v_lτ^l)P = v_0 P +v_1τ(P) + v_2τ^2(P) +···+ v_lτ^l(P)$.
which takes less time because its easier to compute $\tau^i(P)$ than $2^i(P)$