The goal of this notebook is to study the food insecurity problem by looking at the listed prices of various food items across neighborhoods in NYC. Our hypothesis is that people living in areas with higher food insecurity problems would pay more for the same items compared to those in more secured areas. For the scope of work, we will only assess food products from KeyFoods supermarkets, one of the top 4 Supermarket Leaders in Metro New York (according Food Trade News 2021 report). In particular, we will use the following datasets:
¶This CSV file contains the price information about 2 million food items listed on KeyFoods stores in NYC.
store | department | upc | product | size | price |
102|bakery|102-28556000000|Store Prepared - Challah Egg|1 EA|$4.99 each| 102|bakery|102-28781600000|Store Prepared - fw Cheesecake Plain 7 Inch|1 EA|$27.99 each| |...|...|...|...|...|...|
The details of the columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
store | The unique id of each store |
department | The department (or aisle) that the food item belongs to. Possible values are:'bakery' ,'beverages' ,'breakfast' ,'deli' ,'frozen' ,'international' ,'meatandseafood' ,'pantry' ,'produce' ,'refrigerated' , and 'snacks' |
upc | The unique id for each item in a food store. It is often in the format of SID-XXXXXXXXXX ,where SID is a store id if it's specific to a store, UPC if it's a general product, or 'KEY' if it's a KeyFoodsproduct. If an item doesn't have any UPC code, this field will be N/A . |
product | This is the listed name of the product |
size | The unit that the product is being sold in |
price | The price text of the product as shown on their websites. This is not a number but have been verified to start with the price mark $XX.XX . Note that for items without priceinformation, this field could be listed as Price not Available |
¶This JSON file contains information for all KeyFoods stores in NYC. There are a lot of details about each store, however, we are only interested in the following fields:
Field | Description |
name | This is the unique id of each store, which could be crosswalk with the store field above |
communityDistrict | The community district code that the store belongs to. It's simply a larger geographical unit comparing to a zip code. More information can be found here. |
foodInsecurity | A food insecurity score computed for the community district that the stores belong to. This value has the range of 0 to 1 with 0 being without any food insecurity rish, and 1 has the most food insecure risk. |
¶This data contains the list of 22 food items that we would like to study initially to assess our hypothesis. For each item, we have the UPC code (which needs to be generalized across store) and the item name. Here is the list:
UPC code | Item Name |
SID-20308200000 | Broccoli Crowns |
KEY-000000004094 | Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch |
KEY-000000004062 | Fresh Produce - Cucumbers |
SID-00000004072 | Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet |
SID-00000004131 | Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large |
KEY-00000004013 | Produce - Orange Navel 113 |
UPC-048500001004 | Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig |
UPC-017400108700 | Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice |
UPC-016000487697 | General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal |
UPC-073296027686 | Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread |
UPC-048000013651 | Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil |
SID-20115200000 | Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk |
SID-28080600000 | Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack |
UPC-073296057461 | Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt |
UPC-041757021443 | Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges |
UPC-073296069280 | Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs |
UPC-088365000347 | Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk |
UPC-072940744016 | Redpack - Tomato Crushed |
UPC-051500255162 | Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter |
UPC-073296025903 | Urban Meadow - Canola Oil |
UPC-041331124461 | Goya - Beans Cannelini Can |
UPC-014500001894 | Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf |
where SID
should be replaced with the store id.
gdown --quiet 1O1U_t-cpmValVK2mjdTzcFxIbGw05vOw
gdown --quiet 1YUBKrtNV3QUz1RutMnMbJdQj7rv-Lkd5
gdown --quiet 1f79oETtvN3NQLYPnVGhurE1UBDP4IQP-
pip install pyspark
Looking in indexes:, Collecting pyspark Downloading pyspark-3.4.0.tar.gz (310.8 MB) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 310.8/310.8 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Preparing metadata ( ... done Requirement already satisfied: py4j== in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyspark) ( Building wheels for collected packages: pyspark Building wheel for pyspark ( ... done Created wheel for pyspark: filename=pyspark-3.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=311317145 sha256=579502e3a029e6ec1d489f0024d9bcc80cf690db6eaab46fc67629f7b8c97d39 Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/7b/1b/4b/3363a1d04368e7ff0d408e57ff57966fcdf00583774e761327 Successfully built pyspark Installing collected packages: pyspark Successfully installed pyspark-3.4.0
import csv
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import IPython
%matplotlib inline
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import types as T
sc = pyspark.SparkContext.getOrCreate()
spark = SparkSession(sc)
<ipython-input-55-bd29a5ba4fde>:9: DeprecationWarning: `set_matplotlib_formats` is deprecated since IPython 7.23, directly use `matplotlib_inline.backend_inline.set_matplotlib_formats()` IPython.display.set_matplotlib_formats('svg')
SparkSession - in-memory
In the first task, we would like to see how the listed prices for food items vary across stores. For each item in the sample list provided in keyfood_sample_items.csv
, we can simply overlay a strip plot with a violin plot. In addition, to better correlate the price distribution with the food insecurity risk, we will color the markers by the percentage of food insecurity (derived from the foodInsecurity
field in keyfood_nyc_stores.json
To produce the plot, we need to following data, where each row represents a listing of the sample food item from a store.
Item Name | Price ($) | % Food Insecurity |
Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread | 2.29 | 11 |
General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal | 6.79 | 11 |
Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf | 2.29 | 11 |
Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk | 7.99 | 11 |
Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil | 2.49 | 11 |
... | ... | ... |
Using either Spark's RDD or Spark's DataFrame transformations.
Items must be filtered by UPC codes and names provided in the keyfood_sample_items.csv
. UPC codes are considered equal if their numeric parts (the second portion after the -
) are the same. For example, SID-20308200000
is the same as 102-20308200000
, KEY-20308200000
, etc.
Item Name
must be taken the sample items when there's a UPC code match (as defined above).
should be extracted from the price
column of keyfood_products.csv
. The prefix $
should be removed, and the output price should be converted to a float number (i.e. not a string).
% Food Insecurity
is simply the percentage of the foodInsecurity
score, i.e. by multiplying foodInsecruity
by 100
#header's for products
products = sc.textFile('keyfood_products.csv',use_unicode=True)
[(0, 'store'), (1, 'department'), (2, 'upc'), (3, 'product'), (4, 'size'), (5, 'price')]
#headers for sample items
sample_items = sc.textFile('keyfood_sample_items.csv')
[(0, 'UPC code'), (1, 'Item Name')]
#function to extract csv data for rdd
def extract_products_data(index,rows):
#skip header
if index == 0:
#read csv data yielding entire row of data
import csv
reader = csv.reader(rows)
for row in reader:
#checking if index 2 of the row is N/A
if row[2] != 'N/A':
yield tuple(row)
#function to extract csv data for rdd
def extract_items_data(index,rows):
#skip header
if index == 0:
#read csv data yielding entire row of data
import csv
reader = csv.reader(rows)
for row in reader:
yield tuple(row)
#loading products, getting the UPC, store, price, and doing manipulations
#like getting second part of UPC code, converting price to float
products = sc.textFile('keyfood_products.csv',use_unicode=True).mapPartitionsWithIndex(extract_products_data)\
.map(lambda x: (x[2].split('-')[1],(x[0],float(x[5].split(u'\xa0')[0].replace('$','')))))
[('28556000000', ('102', 4.99)), ('28781600000', ('102', 27.99)), ('00000000099', ('102', 1.5)), ('00000000191', ('102', 5.49)), ('22794900000', ('102', 7.99))]
#loading in samples into rdd, and splitting UPC and getting the second part
sample_items = sc.textFile('keyfood_sample_items.csv').mapPartitionsWithIndex(extract_items_data)\
.map(lambda x: (x[0].split('-')[1],(x[1],)))
[('20308200000', ('Broccoli Crowns',)), ('000000004094', ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch',)), ('000000004062', ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers',)), ('00000004072', ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet',)), ('00000004131', ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large',))]
#import lib for reading json
import json
#define generator function for extracting data from keyfood_nyc_stores.json
def extract_json_data(json_f):
#opening file
with open(json_f) as f:
#loading json file using json.load
data = json.load(f)
#looping through all the keys
for key in data.keys():
#for each record, extract the needed info
record = data[key]
yield (record['name'],(record['communityDistrict'],record['foodInsecurity']))
#convert into json into rdd
nyc_stores = sc.parallelize(extract_json_data('keyfood_nyc_stores.json'))
[('1920', ('302', 0.133904746681599)), ('1918', ('308', 0.169051320723646)), ('1436', ('103', 0.179323946238924)), ('2314', ('308', 0.169051320723646))]
#joining the sample_items, products, and nyc_stores rdd to get desired output
outputTask1 = sample_items.join(products).mapValues(lambda x: x[0]+x[1])\
.map(lambda x: (x[1][1],(x[1][0],x[1][2]))).join(nyc_stores.mapValues(lambda x: (int(round(x[1]*100)),)))\
.mapValues(lambda x: x[0]+x[1]).values()
outputTask1 = outputTask1.cache()
[('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 9), ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 9), ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 9), ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 9), ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 9)]
def dfTask1(data):
rdd = data.rdd if hasattr(data, 'rdd') else data
if rdd.count()>10000:
raise Exception('`outputTask1` has too many rows')
rows = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1], int(x[2])), rdd.collect())
return pd.DataFrame(data=rows, columns=['Item Name','Price ($)','% Food Insecurity'])
def plotTask1(data, figsize=(8,8)):
itemNames = pd.read_csv('keyfood_sample_items.csv')['Item Name']
itemKey = dict(map(reversed,enumerate(itemNames)))
df = dfTask1(data).sort_values(
by = ['Item Name', '% Food Insecurity'],
key = lambda x: list(map(lambda y: itemKey.get(y,y), x)))
ax = sns.violinplot(x="Price ($)", y="Item Name", data=df, linewidth=0,
color='#ddd', scale='width', width=0.95)
idx = len(ax.collections)
sns.scatterplot(x="Price ($)", y="Item Name", hue='% Food Insecurity', data=df,
s=24, linewidth=0.5, edgecolor='gray', palette='YlOrRd')
for h in ax.legend_.legendHandles:
pts = ax.collections[idx]
pts.set_offsets(pts.get_offsets() + np.c_[np.zeros(len(df)),
np.random.uniform(-.1, .1, len(df))])
ax.set_title('Item Prices across KeyFood Stores in NYC')
return ax
if 'outputTask1' not in locals():
raise Exception('There is no `outputTask1` produced in Task 1.A')
<ipython-input-12-95592f60a498>:21: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The legendHandles attribute was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.7 and will be removed two minor releases later. Use legend_handles instead. for h in ax.legend_.legendHandles:
Examining the plot from Task 1, we could notice many cases where product prices are higher in areas with high food insecurity. For example, the highest priced Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk is in the area with a high % Food Insecurity
value (the right most marker has a saturated red, approximately 20%). This suggests that our hypothesis might hold. At this point, we could perform a full Null Hypothesis Test, but before that, we would like to expand our study beyond just the sample items.
In particular, we would like to find all products that meets all of the conditions below:
, medium
, and high
, respectively. The risk is based on the foodInsecurity
value of each store, and computed as follows:foodInsecurity | Risk Rating |
<=0.09 | low |
>0.09 and <=0.13 | n/a |
>0.13 and <=0.16 | medium |
>0.16 and <=0.23 | n/a |
>0.23 | high |
The highest priced location has the risk rating of high
The standard deviation of the product prices must be more than $1
, i.e. when we collect all listed prices of the product based on its UPC, and compute the standard deviation, its value should be larger than 1
The task is to find the list of all UPC codes (only the second part after the -
) that meet such conditions along with its department
Using either Spark's RDD or Spark's DataFrame transformations. The output must be placed in the outputTask2
variable with the following column order:
Extracted UPC Code | Item Name | Department |
073296027686 | Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread | refrigerated |
20308200000 | Broccoli Crowns | produce |
... | ... | ... |
The data must be sorted by the Extracted UPC Code alphabetically (i.e. as strings and not as numbers).
Item Name can be taken from any of the product instance.
test_record = [
('890', 'medium', 4.49),
('2374', 'medium', 4.19),
('313', 'high', 123213.19),
('2344', 'n/a', 23.19)]
#function to filter for task 2
def task2_filter(data):
#importing library
import statistics
#unpacking list of tuples into tuples of specific data
stores,risk_rating,price = zip(*data)
#check that the product is sold in at least 3 stores, each with a food insecurity risk of low, medium, high
#check if the highest priced location has a risk rating of high
#check if the stadnard deciation of product prices is greater than 1
if (len({'high','medium','low'}.intersection(set(risk_rating)))==3) and ('high' in sorted(list(zip(risk_rating,price)),key = lambda x: (-x[1],x[0]))[0]) and (statistics.stdev(price) > 1.0):
return True
return False
#function to convert food insecurity score to risk rating
def risk_rating(foodInsecurity):
if foodInsecurity <= 0.09:
return 'low'
elif foodInsecurity > 0.13 and foodInsecurity <= 0.16:
return 'medium'
elif foodInsecurity > 0.23:
return 'high'
return 'n/a'
#rdd to find the products that are sold in at least 3 stores, each with a food insecurity risk of low, medium, and high,
#the highest price is matched with a high risk rating store,
#and the standard deviation of the prices is greater than 1
store_UPC_risk_rating = sc.textFile('keyfood_products.csv',use_unicode=True).mapPartitionsWithIndex(extract_products_data)\
.map(lambda x: (x[0],(x[2].split('-')[1],float(x[5].split(u'\xa0')[0].replace('$',''))))).join(nyc_stores.mapValues(lambda x: (x[1],)))\
.mapValues(lambda x: x[0]+x[1]).mapValues(lambda x: (x[0],risk_rating(x[2]),x[1])).map(lambda x: (x[1][0],(x[0],x[1][1],x[1][2])))\
.groupByKey().filter(lambda x: task2_filter(list(x[1]))).map(lambda x: (x[0],list(x[1])))
#getting the UPC code, product name, and department for output
name_department = sc.textFile('keyfood_products.csv',use_unicode=True).mapPartitionsWithIndex(extract_products_data)\
.map(lambda x: (x[2].split('-')[1],(x[3],x[1]))).groupByKey().mapValues(lambda x: list(x)[0])
[('22795000000', ('Store Prepared - White Chocolate Cut', 'bakery')), ('00000000001', ('Bagels', 'bakery')), ('044355901575', ('Modern Baker - Poppy Kaiser Rolls 6Pks', 'bakery')), ('051785318507', ("Michael's - Hot Cross Buns", 'bakery')), ('048121102081', ("Thomas' - English Muffin 6pk", 'bakery'))]
#formatting the data for the validation script below
#getting UPC code, product name, and department. then sorted on UPC code
outputTask2 = store_UPC_risk_rating.join(name_department).map(lambda x: (x[0],x[1][1][0],x[1][1][1])).sortBy(keyfunc = lambda x: x[0])
outputTask2 = outputTask2.cache()
[('00000000003', 'Baguette', 'bakery'), ('00000000200', "Bakery ea Local Plu's", 'bakery'), ('00000004034', 'Fresh Produce - Honeydew', 'produce'), ('00000004080', 'Way Better - Asparagus', 'produce'), ('00000004109', 'Quickie - Apple Crispin Mutsu', 'produce')]
def dfTask2(data):
rdd = data.rdd if hasattr(data, 'rdd') else data
if rdd.count()>1000:
raise Exception('`outputTask2` has too many rows')
return pd.DataFrame(data=rdd.collect(),
columns=['Extracted UPC Code','Item Name','Department'])
if 'outputTask2' not in locals():
raise Exception('There is no `outputTask2` produced in Task 2')
Department bakery 4 beverages 2 breakfast 1 deli 4 frozen 12 meatandseafood 7 pantry 20 produce 40 refrigerated 3 snacks 3 dtype: int64
We will convert Task 1 into a single .py
file named
that can be executed on any DataProc cluster.
#function for opening csv. testing for script below
def open_csv(file):
import csv
with open(file) as f:
data = csv.reader(f)
for i,row in enumerate(data):
if i == 0:
yield tuple(row)
test = sc.parallelize(open_csv('keyfood_sample_items.csv'))
#importing libraries
import pyspark
import sys
import json
import os
#function to extract csv data for rdd
def extract_products_data(index,rows):
#skip header
if index == 0:
#read csv data yielding entire row of data
import csv
reader = csv.reader(rows)
for row in reader:
#checking if index 2 of the row is N/A
if row[2] != 'N/A':
yield tuple(row)
#function to extract csv data for rdd
def extract_items_data(index,rows):
#skip header
if index == 0:
#read csv data yielding entire row of data
import csv
reader = csv.reader(rows)
for row in reader:
yield tuple(row)
#define generator function for extracting data from keyfood_nyc_stores.json
def extract_json_data(json_f):
#opening file
with open(json_f) as f:
#loading json file using json.load
data = json.load(f)
#looping through all the keys
for key in data.keys():
#for each record, extract the needed info
record = data[key]
yield (record['name'],(record['communityDistrict'],record['foodInsecurity']))
#function to open csv file to read in rdd
def open_csv(file):
import csv
with open(file) as f:
data = csv.reader(f)
for i,row in enumerate(data):
if i == 0:
yield tuple(row)
def main():
#spark session
sc = pyspark.SparkContext.getOrCreate()
#convert products csv into rdd, while extracting needed data and manipulating data
#get second part of UPC code and get float for price
products = sc.textFile('gs://bdma/data/keyfood_products.csv',use_unicode=True).mapPartitionsWithIndex(extract_products_data).map(lambda x: (x[2].split('-')[1],(x[0],float(x[5].split(u'\xa0')[0].replace('$','')))))
#convert samples csv into rdd, extracting the UPC code, product name
sample_items = sc.parallelize(open_csv('keyfood_sample_items.csv')).map(lambda x: (x[0].split('-')[1],(x[1],)))
#convert into json into rdd
nyc_stores = sc.parallelize(extract_json_data('keyfood_nyc_stores.json'))
#generate output of product name, price, and food insecurity
#joining the sample_items, products, and nyc_stores rdd to get desired output
output = sample_items.join(products).mapValues(lambda x: x[0]+x[1]).map(lambda x: (x[1][1],(x[1][0],x[1][2]))).join(nyc_stores.mapValues(lambda x: (int(round(x[1]*100)),))).mapValues(lambda x: x[0]+x[1]).values()
#printing count of output
print(f'Count of Resultant RDD: {output.count()}')
#saving output as text file
if __name__ == '__main__':
#testing on local files
Setting default log level to "WARN". To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel). 23/05/03 06:02:45 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 23/05/03 06:02:46 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041. Count of Resultant RDD: 3116
!pip install google-cloud-dataproc
Looking in indexes:, Collecting google-cloud-dataproc Downloading google_cloud_dataproc-5.4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (307 kB) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 307.5/307.5 kB 9.3 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Requirement already satisfied: google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-cloud-dataproc) (2.11.0) Requirement already satisfied: proto-plus<2.0.0dev,>=1.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-cloud-dataproc) (1.22.2) Collecting grpc-google-iam-v1<1.0.0dev,>=0.12.4 Downloading grpc_google_iam_v1-0.12.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) Requirement already satisfied: protobuf!=3.20.0,!=3.20.1,!=4.21.0,!=4.21.1,!=4.21.2,!=4.21.3,!=4.21.4,!=4.21.5,<5.0.0dev,>=3.19.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-cloud-dataproc) (3.20.3) Requirement already satisfied: google-auth<3.0dev,>=2.14.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (2.17.3) Requirement already satisfied: googleapis-common-protos<2.0dev,>=1.56.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (1.59.0) Requirement already satisfied: requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (2.27.1) Requirement already satisfied: grpcio-status<2.0dev,>=1.33.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (1.48.2) Requirement already satisfied: grpcio<2.0dev,>=1.33.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (1.54.0) Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-auth<3.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-auth<3.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (0.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: cachetools<6.0,>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-auth<3.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (5.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: rsa<5,>=3.1.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from google-auth<3.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (4.9) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (2022.12.7) Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (3.4) Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (2.0.12) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (1.26.15) Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1<0.6.0,>=0.4.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1->google-auth<3.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.0->google-cloud-dataproc) (0.5.0) Installing collected packages: grpc-google-iam-v1, google-cloud-dataproc Successfully installed google-cloud-dataproc-5.4.1 grpc-google-iam-v1-0.12.6
!gcloud auth login
Go to the following link in your browser: Enter authorization code: 4/0AbUR2VM0x7u4xcu8WWSO3zInr-mOm91QQE6VXlKXVMs7JWZey8FH93iOQH3V25PffBLCRg You are now logged in as []. Your current project is [None]. You can change this setting by running: $ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
!gcloud projects list
PROJECT_ID NAME PROJECT_NUMBER bigdata-380720 BigData 267580964279
!gcloud config set project bigdata-380720
!gcloud config set compute/region us-west1
!gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-a
!gcloud config set dataproc/region us-west1
Updated property [core/project]. Updated property [compute/region]. Updated property [compute/zone]. Updated property [dataproc/region].
!gcloud dataproc clusters create bdm-hw4 --enable-component-gateway --region us-west1 --zone us-west1-a --master-machine-type n1-standard-4 --master-boot-disk-size 500 --num-workers 2 --worker-machine-type n1-standard-4 --worker-boot-disk-size 500 --image-version 2.0-debian10 --project bigdata-380720
Waiting on operation [projects/bigdata-380720/regions/us-west1/operations/253638cd-7a8b-3d39-9c70-e5fb4835cccb]. WARNING: Consider using Auto Zone rather than selecting a zone manually. See WARNING: Failed to validate permissions required for default service account: ''. Cluster creation could still be successful if required permissions have been granted to the respective service accounts as mentioned in the document This could be due to Cloud Resource Manager API hasn't been enabled in your project '267580964279' before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting ''. WARNING: For PD-Standard without local SSDs, we strongly recommend provisioning 1TB or larger to ensure consistently high I/O performance. See for information on disk I/O performance. Created [] Cluster placed in zone [us-west1-a].
!gcloud dataproc clusters list
!gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark --cluster bdm-hw4 --files keyfood_nyc_stores.json,keyfood_sample_items.csv \, \ -- gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau
Job [42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89] submitted. Waiting for job output... 23/05/03 06:30:14 INFO org.apache.spark.SparkEnv: Registering MapOutputTracker 23/05/03 06:30:15 INFO org.apache.spark.SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster 23/05/03 06:30:15 INFO org.apache.spark.SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMasterHeartbeat 23/05/03 06:30:15 INFO org.apache.spark.SparkEnv: Registering OutputCommitCoordinator 23/05/03 06:30:15 INFO org.sparkproject.jetty.util.log: Logging initialized @7216ms to org.sparkproject.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog 23/05/03 06:30:15 INFO org.sparkproject.jetty.server.Server: jetty-9.4.40.v20210413; built: 2021-04-13T20:42:42.668Z; git: b881a572662e1943a14ae12e7e1207989f218b74; jvm 1.8.0_362-b09 23/05/03 06:30:15 INFO org.sparkproject.jetty.server.Server: Started @7394ms 23/05/03 06:30:15 INFO org.sparkproject.jetty.server.AbstractConnector: Started ServerConnector@2ef827a2{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} 23/05/03 06:30:16 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at bdm-hw4-m/ 23/05/03 06:30:17 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.AHSProxy: Connecting to Application History server at bdm-hw4-m/ 23/05/03 06:30:18 INFO org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration: resource-types.xml not found 23/05/03 06:30:18 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils: Unable to find 'resource-types.xml'. 23/05/03 06:30:20 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1683095319668_0001 23/05/03 06:30:21 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at bdm-hw4-m/ 23/05/03 06:30:22 INFO Ignoring exception of type GoogleJsonResponseException; verified object already exists with desired state. 23/05/03 06:30:24 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input files to process : 1 Count of Resultant RDD: 3116 23/05/03 06:30:56 INFO Successfully repaired 'gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/' directory. 23/05/03 06:30:56 INFO org.sparkproject.jetty.server.AbstractConnector: Stopped Spark@2ef827a2{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} Job [42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89] finished successfully. done: true driverControlFilesUri: gs://dataproc-staging-us-west1-267580964279-2vdinbhx/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/9dc2b714-d884-4b3f-af52-8864edf78eab/jobs/42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89/ driverOutputResourceUri: gs://dataproc-staging-us-west1-267580964279-2vdinbhx/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/9dc2b714-d884-4b3f-af52-8864edf78eab/jobs/42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89/driveroutput jobUuid: 3d899bc1-98c7-351a-bb63-2999207e0ea5 placement: clusterName: bdm-hw4 clusterUuid: 9dc2b714-d884-4b3f-af52-8864edf78eab pysparkJob: args: - gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau fileUris: - gs://dataproc-staging-us-west1-267580964279-2vdinbhx/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/9dc2b714-d884-4b3f-af52-8864edf78eab/jobs/42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89/staging/keyfood_nyc_stores.json - gs://dataproc-staging-us-west1-267580964279-2vdinbhx/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/9dc2b714-d884-4b3f-af52-8864edf78eab/jobs/42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89/staging/keyfood_sample_items.csv mainPythonFileUri: gs://dataproc-staging-us-west1-267580964279-2vdinbhx/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/9dc2b714-d884-4b3f-af52-8864edf78eab/jobs/42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89/staging/ properties: AUTO bigdata-380720 reference: jobId: 42308a657d534fcd80368bd1c29f1f89 projectId: bigdata-380720 status: state: DONE stateStartTime: '2023-05-03T06:30:59.220203Z' statusHistory: - state: PENDING stateStartTime: '2023-05-03T06:30:05.865365Z' - state: SETUP_DONE stateStartTime: '2023-05-03T06:30:05.903909Z' - details: Agent reported job success state: RUNNING stateStartTime: '2023-05-03T06:30:06.252323Z' yarnApplications: - name: progress: 1.0 state: FINISHED trackingUrl: http://bdm-hw4-m:8088/proxy/application_1683095319668_0001/
!gsutil -u bigdata-380720 ls gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/
gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/ gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/_SUCCESS gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/part-00000 gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/part-00001 gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/part-00002 gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/part-00003 gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/part-00004 gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/part-00005
!gsutil -u bigdata-380720 cat gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/part*
('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 9) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 9) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 15) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 15) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 15) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 15) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 15) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 15) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 15) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 15) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.89, 15) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.89, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 1.69, 15) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 15) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 4.29, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.39, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 18) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 18) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.39, 18) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.39, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.39, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.49, 18) ('Broccoli Crowns', 4.99, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 3.79, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.09, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.89, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.19, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.39, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.09, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 18) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.49, 18) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.0, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 2.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 2.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.59, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.0, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.69, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.09, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.59, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.59, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.79, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.89, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.89, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 18) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 25) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 25) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 25) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 25) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 25) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 25) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 25) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 25) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 25) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 25) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 1.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 18) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.29, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 18) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 18) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.29, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 18) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.99, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.29, 7) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 7) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.39, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.69, 7) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 7) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 7) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.99, 7) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.49, 7) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.89, 7) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.99, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 7) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.19, 7) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.89, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.79, 7) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.19, 7) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.19, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.49, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 2.49, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.79, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 12) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.49, 12) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.49, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 12) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 18) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.25, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.0, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 22) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 22) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 22) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.49, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 0.67, 22) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 22) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 22) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 22) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 22) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 22) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.89, 22) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.49, 22) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.19, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 4.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.0, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 16) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.79, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 25) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.29, 25) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.79, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.29, 25) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 25) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 25) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.89, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 3.19, 25) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.19, 25) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 25) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 25) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 25) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.39, 25) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 2.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.89, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.89, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.19, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.79, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.49, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 18) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.99, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.49, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.69, 18) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.19, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.19, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 1.79, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 16) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.59, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.89, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.59, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.69, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.4, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.99, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 11) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.19, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 3.39, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.19, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.49, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 7.69, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.79, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.89, 9) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 5.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 3.19, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 9.09, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.79, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 5.69, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.79, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 9.09, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.89, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.89, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.89, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.89, 9) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 26) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 26) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 26) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 26) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 26) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 26) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.39, 26) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 26) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 26) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.09, 26) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 26) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.19, 26) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 26) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 26) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 26) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 8) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 8) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 8) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 1.25, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.29, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 8) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.39, 8) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 8) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 8) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 8) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 8) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 8) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 8) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 8) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.99, 8) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 8) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 8) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 8) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 1.67, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 8) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 8) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.79, 8) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 8) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.39, 8) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.39, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 8) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 8) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 8) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.99, 8) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.69, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.79, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.59, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 16) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 16) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.69, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.29, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.29, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.69, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.5, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.28, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.39, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 11) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.69, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.79, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.49, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.67, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.09, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.09, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.5, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 8) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 8) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 8) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 8) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 8) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 8) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 8) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.69, 8) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 8) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.29, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.49, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 25) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 25) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 3.99, 25) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 25) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.89, 25) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.89, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 25) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 25) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 25) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.69, 25) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 25) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 25) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 25) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 25) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 25) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 25) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 25) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 25) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 25) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 25) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 25) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 25) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 25) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.19, 25) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.59, 25) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 25) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 25) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 25) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 25) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.69, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.29, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 6.59, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 6.59, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 15) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 15) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.49, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 15) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.99, 15) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 15) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 15) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.49, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 15) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 15) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 15) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 15) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.79, 15) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.39, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 12) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.5, 12) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.49, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.19, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 12) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 12) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.0, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.29, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.09, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.29, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.25, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 1.99, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.09, 9) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.89, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.49, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.19, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.19, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.59, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.69, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.69, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 19) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 19) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.79, 19) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.49, 19) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.45, 19) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 19) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 19) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 19) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 19) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.69, 19) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 19) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 19) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.5, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.89, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 11) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 18) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 18) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 18) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 18) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 2.5, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 2.5, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.99, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.69, 18) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.49, 18) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 18) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 1.0, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 1.0, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.39, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 1.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.39, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.59, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.0, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 16) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 16) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 16) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.79, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 3.99, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 0.88, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 16) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 16) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 16) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 16) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 16) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 16) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 14) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.67, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 14) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 14) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 14) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.29, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.19, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 12) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 12) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.19, 12) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.49, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.99, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.79, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.99, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 21) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.29, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 21) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.19, 21) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 21) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 21) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 1.99, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 21) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 21) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.8, 21) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.39, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.49, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 0.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.89, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.39, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.39, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.29, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.19, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.39, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.59, 11) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 17) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.29, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 19) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 19) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 19) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 19) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 19) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 19) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 0.99, 19) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 19) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 19) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 19) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 19) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 19) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 19) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 19) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 19) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 19) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 19) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 19) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 19) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 19) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.89, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.19, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.69, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.39, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 3.39, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.39, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 5.09, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.59, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.59, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.69, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.79, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 8.19, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.69, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.89, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.79, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.99, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 2.59, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.69, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.99, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 1.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.19, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.0, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.49, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 20) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 20) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 1.25, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 20) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 20) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 20) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.5, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 20) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 20) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 20) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 20) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 20) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 1.67, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 5.0, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.29, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.49, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 1.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.19, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.0, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 25) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 25) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 25) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.39, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 25) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 25) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 25) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 25) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 25) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.69, 25) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 21) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 21) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 21) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 21) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.67, 21) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 21) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.69, 21) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.89, 21) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.49, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 16) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 5.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 4.99, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.67, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 21) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 21) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 21) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 21) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.19, 21) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 21) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 21) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 21) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 21) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 21) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 21) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.89, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.2, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.29, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.99, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.59, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.4, 16) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.99, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.7, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.29, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 5.19, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 16) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 16) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.29, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.99, 16) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.29, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 18) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 18) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 18) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 18) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 18) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 18) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 18) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 20) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 20) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.39, 20) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 20) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 20) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 20) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.69, 20) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 20) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.39, 20) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.39, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 20) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.19, 20) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.99, 20) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 20) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.49, 20) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 1.25, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.29, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 14) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 14) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.29, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.49, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.29, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.39, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.19, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.89, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.19, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.19, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.99, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.59, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.69, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.4, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.99, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.29, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 7) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.0, 7) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 7) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.62, 7) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 7) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 7) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.79, 7) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 7) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 7) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 7) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 7) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 7) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 7) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 7) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 7) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.29, 7) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.29, 7) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.89, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.89, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.79, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.69, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.98, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.59, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.59, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.89, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.89, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.19, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 25) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 25) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.99, 25) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.8, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 25) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 25) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 25) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.99, 25) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 25) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 25) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 25) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.49, 25) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 25) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 25) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 9) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.89, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.89, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.79, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 9) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 14) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 21) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 21) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.99, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.59, 21) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 21) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 21) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 21) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.09, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 21) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.19, 21) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 21) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.59, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 3.39, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.99, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.89, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 8.39, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.79, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.89, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 3.19, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.99, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.79, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.89, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 5.59, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.79, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 8.39, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.79, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.69, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.48, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.49, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.79, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.09, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.75, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.49, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.69, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.79, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.59, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 5.99, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 5.99, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 12) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.49, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.39, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.99, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 5.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.5, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 22) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.25, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 22) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.0, 22) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 22) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.0, 22) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 22) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.5, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 22) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 22) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 22) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 4.99, 22) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 22) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 24) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 24) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 24) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 24) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 24) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 24) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 24) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 24) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 24) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.99, 24) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 24) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 24) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 24) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 24) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 24) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 24) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 24) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.99, 24) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 24) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 24) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 24) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 24) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 24) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 17) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.39, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 1.25, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.2, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.19, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.99, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.69, 8) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 8) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 8) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.69, 8) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 8) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 8) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.49, 8) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 8) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 8) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.79, 8) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 8) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 4.39, 8) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.89, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.19, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.59, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.29, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.29, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.49, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.59, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.69, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.69, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.99, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.59, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 9) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.19, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.39, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.19, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 17) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.89, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 7) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.99, 7) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.39, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 7) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 7) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 7) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.49, 7) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 7) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 7) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 7) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 7) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 7) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 7) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.79, 7) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 7) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 7) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 7) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.89, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.99, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.89, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.69, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.79, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.29, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.59, 17) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.69, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.79, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.79, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.79, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.69, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.09, 14) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.09, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.19, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.39, 14) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.49, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.09, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.09, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.59, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.19, 14) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.29, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 18) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 18) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.09, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 18) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 18) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 26) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 26) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 26) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 26) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 26) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 26) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 26) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 26) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 26) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 26) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 26) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 26) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.99, 26) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.09, 26) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 26) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 26) ('Broccoli Crowns', 4.99, 26) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.99, 26) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 26) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 26) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 1.99, 15) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 15) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.29, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 15) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 15) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 15) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.99, 15) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 15) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 5.89, 15) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 15) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.5, 15) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.29, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.29, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.99, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.0, 12) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 12) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.49, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 3.39, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.99, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.49, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 8.09, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.89, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.69, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.79, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 3.09, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 9.19, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.59, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.69, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 9.39, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 10.89, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 3.09, 9) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.99, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.0, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 3.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.19, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 5.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.5, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 1.67, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.69, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.49, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 3.09, 8) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.39, 8) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.99, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 8) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.19, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.49, 8) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 8) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 8) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 8.59, 8) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.69, 8) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.79, 8) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.79, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 8) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 8.49, 8) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.89, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 8) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.19, 8) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 8) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.59, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 1.5, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.29, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 18) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.2, 18) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 18) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 18) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 18) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 18) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 18) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 18) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 18) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 18) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 18) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 18) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 2.09, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.59, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.09, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.39, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.09, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.89, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.89, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.39, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.39, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.49, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 3.19, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 8) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 8) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 8) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 8) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.89, 8) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 8) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.69, 8) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.39, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 8) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 8) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.59, 8) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 8) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.49, 8) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 8) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.29, 8) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 13) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.29, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.39, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.79, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.79, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.39, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 5.19, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.59, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 8.19, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.69, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.49, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 2.89, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 8.19, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.59, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.89, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.79, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.99, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.66, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.15, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.19, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 0.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 11) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.66, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.19, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.69, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.39, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.09, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.39, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 9.09, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.69, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.29, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.79, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.79, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.09, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.49, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.79, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.79, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 20) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 20) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.79, 20) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 20) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.79, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 20) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 20) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 20) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 20) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.19, 20) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 20) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 20) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 20) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 20) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 20) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 20) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 16) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 16) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 16) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 16) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 16) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 16) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 16) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 16) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 16) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 16) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 16) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 16) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 16) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 1.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.49, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.09, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 12) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.49, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.69, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 4.09, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.59, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.19, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.49, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.19, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.59, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.09, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.29, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.79, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.69, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.19, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.39, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 5.49, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 12) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.59, 12) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.59, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.09, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 10.09, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.29, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 11) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 14) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 14) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.49, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 14) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 14) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 22) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 22) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 22) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 22) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 22) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 22) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 22) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.67, 22) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 22) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 22) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 22) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.89, 22) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.0, 22) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 22) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.69, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.89, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.59, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.7, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.19, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.2, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.89, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.49, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.49, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Carrot Bunch', 1.99, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.4, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 10.09, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.49, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.09, 12) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.69, 12) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.6, 12) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.29, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.79, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.49, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 3.99, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 27) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 27) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 27) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 27) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 27) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.39, 27) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.49, 27) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 27) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 27) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 27) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 27) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 27) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 27) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 27) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 27) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 27) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 27) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.33, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 9) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 1.25, 14) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.69, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.49, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.09, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.29, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.39, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 1.0, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 5.19, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 5.99, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.89, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.29, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 14) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 14) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.49, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 14) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 14) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.0, 14) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 14) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 14) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 14) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 14) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.29, 14) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 14) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 14) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 14) ('Broccoli Crowns', 5.99, 14) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.29, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.09, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.79, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.49, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.39, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.09, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 17) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.39, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 17) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.69, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.59, 17) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 17) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 17) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 17) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 17) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 17) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 17) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 17) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 17) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 17) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 17) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 17) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.19, 17) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 17) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.79, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.69, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 3.19, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 1.99, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.79, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.49, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.39, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 6.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.79, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.99, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 9) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.29, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.49, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.0, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.59, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.79, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.39, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.29, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.39, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 15) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 15) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 0.67, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 0.67, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 15) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 15) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 15) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 15) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 15) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 15) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.79, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 15) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 15) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.67, 15) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.6, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.49, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 13) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 13) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.69, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 13) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 13) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.79, 13) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 13) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 13) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.67, 13) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.79, 13) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 13) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 13) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 13) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 13) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.59, 13) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.29, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.09, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 12) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 12) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 12) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 12) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.29, 12) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 12) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 12) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 12) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 12) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 12) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 12) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 12) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 3.09, 12) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 12) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.29, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.19, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.49, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.09, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 7.69, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.19, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.49, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.79, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.29, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.29, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.4, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.79, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.29, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 3.99, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.59, 10) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.29, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 10) ('Broccoli Crowns', 2.49, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.09, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Cucumbers', 0.89, 10) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.49, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 10) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.69, 10) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 10) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.49, 10) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 10) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.79, 10) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 10) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.19, 10) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.19, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 10) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 0.99, 10) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 9.39, 10) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.89, 10) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.0, 10) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 10) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.69, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.99, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.79, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.09, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 4.99, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 2.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.99, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 6.99, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.29, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.29, 11) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 11) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 3.49, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 11) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 11) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.59, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 4.79, 11) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.49, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 11) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 4.19, 11) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 11) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 11) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 11) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 11) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 11) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 11) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 11) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.79, 11) ('Broccoli Crowns', 1.99, 11) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.39, 21) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 3.49, 21) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 1.67, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 5.49, 21) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.67, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 2.99, 21) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.89, 21) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 21) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 21) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 4.29, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 21) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 21) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 6.49, 21) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 2.09, 21) ('Perdue - Split Chicken Breast Fam Pack', 2.99, 21) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 2.19, 9) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 2.99, 9) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 2.79, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 6.49, 9) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 0.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Plain Low Fat Yogurt', 2.79, 9) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 2.29, 9) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 6.49, 9) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 1.99, 9) ('Laughing Cow - White Cheddar Wedges', 3.99, 9) ('Tropicana - Juice Orange Pure Prem Orig', 4.09, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 9) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 5.99, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.39, 9) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.99, 9) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 1.99, 9) ('Urban Meadow - Large White Eggs', 2.99, 9) ('Chicken of the Sea - Solid Wht Albacore Tuna in Oil', 3.69, 22) ('Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter', 5.49, 22) ('Redpack - Tomato Crushed', 3.79, 22) ('Urban Meadow - Canola Oil', 8.89, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.5, 22) ('Produce - Orange Navel 113', 0.69, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 4.39, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Apples Fuji Large', 1.99, 22) ('Cream O Land - Gallon 2% Milk', 7.39, 22) ('Urban Meadow - 100 Whole Wheat Bread', 3.39, 22) ('General Mills - Cherrios Multi Grain Cereal', 7.39, 22) ('Birds Eye - Spinach Leaf', 3.39, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.29, 22) ('Fresh Produce - Potatoes Russet', 1.89, 22) ('Carolina - Whole Grain Brown Rice', 9.79, 22) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 7.29, 22) ('Beef - Beef Semi Bnls Chuck Stk', 8.89, 22) ('Goya - Beans Cannelini Can', 3.19, 22)
#!gsutil -u bigdata-380720 rm -r gs://bdma/shared/2023_spring/HW4/24363838_Lau/
!gcloud dataproc clusters delete bdm-hw4 -q
!gcloud dataproc clusters list
Waiting on operation [projects/bigdata-380720/regions/us-west1/operations/c6c1b959-5bb9-3def-8332-cb5ebed70000]. Deleted []. Listed 0 items.
!gcloud dataproc clusters list
Listed 0 items.