using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using WAV
using FFTW
filepath = "../../../assets/attachments/data/audio/piano-phrase.wav"
fr, frs = wavread(filepath)
tempos = (0:size(fr)[1]-1)./frs
WAVArray(frs, fr, "Frase de piano")
display(plot(tempos, fr[:,1], xlabel="tempo (s)", ylabel="amplitude", label=nothing,
title="Sinal sonoro", titlefont=10))
println("Duração: $(length(fr)/frs) s")
Duração: 3.845805 s
frame_duration = 100 # ms - padrão mp3 é de 26 ms
frame_length = Int(div(frame_duration * frs, 1000))
fr_frame = fr[1:frame_length, 1]
4410-element Vector{Float64}: -0.004272591326639607 -0.004272591326639607 -0.004272591326639607 -0.004394665364543596 -0.004150517288735618 -0.003906369212927641 -0.004150517288735618 -0.0045167394024475845 -0.004394665364543596 -0.004272591326639607 -0.0045167394024475845 -0.004272591326639607 -0.004150517288735618 ⋮ 0.17114780114139225 0.19287697988830227 0.21472823267311625 0.2216864528336436 0.20789208655049288 0.17896053956724753 0.1497848445081942 0.13623462630085148 0.14087343974120303 0.15601062044129765 0.17371135593737602 0.19104586931974243
WAVArray(frs, fr_frame, "Frase de piano (primeiros $(frame_duration)ms)")
tempos_frame = (0:length(fr_frame)-1) / frs
freqs_frame = (0:div(frame_length, 2)) / frs # frequências
fr_frame_hat = rfft(fr_frame)
Z_frame = [
abs(fr_frame_hat[1]) / frame_length;
2abs.(fr_frame_hat[2:end]) / frame_length
display(WAVArray(frs, fr_frame, "Parte da frase de piano"))
display(plot(tempos_frame, fr_frame, xlabel="tempo (s)", ylabel="amplitude", label=nothing,
title="Sinal do canal 1", titlefont=10))
display(plot(freqs_frame, Z_frame, xlabel="frequências (Hz)", ylabel="amplitude", label=nothing,
title="Espectro de amplitude", titlefont=10))
2206-element Vector{ComplexF64}: -11.404889065218054 + 0.0im 4.401345761508308 + 0.08595490000528591im 3.4082877653630645 + 0.08196426411445668im 6.356587472128003 - 0.18964797651701742im 4.869113461640563 - 3.5923118212833733im 8.3237839905087 + 3.2490025667385156im 3.8612916512226576 + 0.8364064885072887im 7.5179312978981425 - 2.333027626985048im 8.227964101740415 + 4.1756121387133875im 8.424895602709032 + 4.7428519336412im 8.920129673515518 - 0.8452297771670483im -7.686096144051213 + 22.207414433972158im 7.732962888637602 - 19.993290844392874im ⋮ -0.10421781409759334 + 0.0022773203065695746im -0.1023647288847882 + 0.0007464134727302174im -0.1045273553577637 - 0.005319946953127874im -0.09795696005902421 - 0.0027981825930202264im -0.099750114083906 + 0.003312592743422993im -0.09948480393847636 - 0.001197407566728509im -0.10341372301687313 - 0.0004984029279799795im -0.09738611974973299 + 0.004899745665589261im -0.10414685693085746 - 0.00022153455642293096im -0.0929965685133688 - 0.001771427096991962im -0.10644238614362234 + 0.005858871159515944im -0.10205389568773371 + 0.0im
2206-element Vector{Float64}: 0.002586142645174162 0.0019964557814350407 0.001546155638268899 0.002884088845556984 0.0027441565703425906 0.004052336221113851 0.0017917648796805976 0.0035698930264991334 0.004184521541841969 0.004384657578361313 0.0040635307023729325 0.01065755130764626 0.009721841289621426 ⋮ 4.727559755659162e-5 4.6425147465890136e-5 4.7466053443893756e-5 4.444304650915745e-5 4.52630851371637e-5 4.512109284680428e-5 4.690019230727219e-5 4.4221905322364807e-5 4.723224151822474e-5 4.218296522720369e-5 4.834626217683894e-5 4.628294589012867e-5
[eachindex(Z_frame) Z_frame]
2206×2 Matrix{Float64}: 1.0 0.00258614 2.0 0.00199646 3.0 0.00154616 4.0 0.00288409 5.0 0.00274416 6.0 0.00405234 7.0 0.00179176 8.0 0.00356989 9.0 0.00418452 10.0 0.00438466 11.0 0.00406353 12.0 0.0106576 13.0 0.00972184 ⋮ 2195.0 4.72756e-5 2196.0 4.64251e-5 2197.0 4.74661e-5 2198.0 4.4443e-5 2199.0 4.52631e-5 2200.0 4.51211e-5 2201.0 4.69002e-5 2202.0 4.42219e-5 2203.0 4.72322e-5 2204.0 4.2183e-5 2205.0 4.83463e-5 2206.0 4.62829e-5
Z_frame_top = sortslices([eachindex(Z_frame) Z_frame], dims = 1, by = x -> x[2], rev = true)
2206×2 Matrix{Float64}: 84.0 0.0599791 83.0 0.0526109 201.0 0.0472486 117.0 0.0403817 200.0 0.0388048 34.0 0.0346802 252.0 0.0297227 118.0 0.0286083 28.0 0.0285721 85.0 0.0281542 218.0 0.0271411 116.0 0.0263225 16.0 0.0260049 ⋮ 961.0 1.52599e-5 993.0 1.51814e-5 1011.0 1.4675e-5 835.0 1.38591e-5 1018.0 1.30356e-5 998.0 1.25695e-5 1105.0 1.25672e-5 1000.0 8.86168e-6 1110.0 7.37743e-6 975.0 6.53743e-6 979.0 5.19717e-6 896.0 4.84732e-6
length_top = 10
Z_top_inds = Int.(Z_frame_top[1:length_top, 1])
10-element Vector{Int64}: 84 83 201 117 200 34 252 118 28 85
# need to specify length of inverse real transform since the rfft is [d/2] long
# and the inverse could be 2[d/2] or 2[d/2] + 1, depending on whether the original
# vector has even or odd length
irfft(rfft(fr_frame), frame_length) ≈ fr_frame
irfft(fr_frame_hat, frame_length)
4410-element Vector{Float64}: -0.004272591326639566 -0.004272591326639593 -0.004272591326639585 -0.004394665364543574 -0.0041505172887356485 -0.003906369212927633 -0.004150517288735629 -0.004516739402447585 -0.004394665364543619 -0.004272591326639544 -0.004516739402447604 -0.004272591326639608 -0.004150517288735583 ⋮ 0.1711478011413923 0.19287697988830227 0.21472823267311625 0.22168645283364358 0.2078920865504929 0.17896053956724756 0.14978484450819424 0.13623462630085156 0.14087343974120314 0.15601062044129763 0.17371135593737605 0.19104586931974246
fr_frame_hat_top = zero(fr_frame_hat)
2206-element Vector{ComplexF64}: 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im ⋮ 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im
fr_frame_hat_top[Z_top_inds] .= fr_frame_hat[Z_top_inds]
10-element view(::Vector{ComplexF64}, [84, 83, 201, 117, 200, 34, 252, 118, 28, 85]) with eltype ComplexF64: -33.7650251711755 + 127.8710499762217im 108.41005282342019 + 41.29016467622009im 47.28912071929959 - 92.83249405927802im 87.41383980697887 - 16.948297321524066im -77.03232742431845 - 37.24679501403924im 38.90968266012986 + 65.83057114989342im 63.96465597470014 - 14.276368846574574im 10.316555631606104 + 62.23208374945314im 61.86100665910691 - 11.933514499402156im -61.505724880242866 - 8.424336072876883im
fr_frame_top = irfft(fr_frame_hat_top, frame_length)
4410-element Vector{Float64}: 0.11150196680249652 0.11516766061405595 0.11368059086290214 0.10637386031287596 0.09315763965670329 0.07450428034735375 0.05137454324737222 0.025097235581594872 -0.002780738607949011 -0.03065452950203257 -0.05701245421062473 -0.08056136742483745 -0.10031407942897248 ⋮ 0.1516474862083523 0.13228654557664848 0.11255622795344099 0.09465256693964455 0.08038808658361979 0.0710105761866862 0.0670902363423428 0.06848536640942049 0.07438762259453546 0.08343888439499116 0.09390397105741917 0.10387772808735342
freqs_frame = (0:div(frame_length, 2)) / frs # frequências
fr_frame_top_hat = rfft(fr_frame)
Z_frame_top_back = [
abs(fr_frame_top_hat[1]) / frame_length;
2abs.(fr_frame_top_hat[2:end]) / frame_length
display(WAVArray(frs, fr_frame_top, "Parte da frase de piano comprimida"))
display(plot(tempos_frame, fr_frame_top, xlabel="tempo (s)", ylabel="amplitude", label=nothing,
title="Sinal do canal 1", titlefont=10))
display(plot(freqs_frame, Z_frame_top_back, xlabel="frequências (Hz)", ylabel="amplitude", label=nothing,
title="Espectro de amplitude", titlefont=10))
display(WAVArray(frs, fr_frame, "Parte da frase de piano"))
display(plot(tempos_frame, fr_frame, xlabel="tempo (s)", ylabel="amplitude", label=nothing,
title="Sinal do canal 1", titlefont=10))
display(plot(freqs_frame, Z_frame, xlabel="frequências (Hz)", ylabel="amplitude", label=nothing,
title="Espectro de amplitude", titlefont=10))
function compress_frame(fr_frame, frs, length_top = 50)
frame_length = length(fr_frame)
# tempos_frame = ( 0 : frame_length - 1 ) / frs
freqs_frame = (0 : div(frame_length, 2)) / frs # frequências
fr_frame_hat = rfft(fr_frame)
Z_frame = [
abs(fr_frame_hat[1]) / frame_length;
2abs.(fr_frame_hat[2:end]) / frame_length
Z_frame_top = sortslices([eachindex(Z_frame) Z_frame], dims = 1, by = x -> x[2], rev = true)
Z_top_inds = Int.(Z_frame_top[1:length_top, 1])
fr_frame_hat_top = zero(fr_frame_hat)
fr_frame_hat_top[Z_top_inds] .= fr_frame_hat[Z_top_inds]
return (
inds = Z_top_inds,
freqs = fr_frame_hat[Z_top_inds],
function uncompress_frame(inds, freqs, frame_length)
fr_frame_hat_top = zeros(ComplexF64, div(frame_length, 2) + 1)
fr_frame_hat_top[inds] .= freqs
fr_frame_back = irfft(fr_frame_hat_top, frame_length)
return fr_frame_back
uncompress_frame (generic function with 1 method)
comp = compress_frame(fr_frame, frs)
(inds = [84, 83, 201, 117, 200, 34, 252, 118, 28, 85 … 250, 149, 38, 184, 52, 12, 87, 80, 13, 199], freqs = ComplexF64[-33.7650251711755 + 127.8710499762217im, 108.41005282342019 + 41.29016467622009im, 47.28912071929959 - 92.83249405927802im, 87.41383980697887 - 16.948297321524066im, -77.03232742431845 - 37.24679501403924im, 38.90968266012986 + 65.83057114989342im, 63.96465597470014 - 14.276368846574574im, 10.316555631606104 + 62.23208374945314im, 61.86100665910691 - 11.933514499402156im, -61.505724880242866 - 8.424336072876883im … -1.5763830555113834 - 26.78384302022884im, 25.903531967888746 - 5.098261475424839im, -13.390624767147212 - 21.709999745152565im, 17.801332197848176 + 18.00447646320448im, -14.644280862638023 - 20.641033804450984im, -7.686096144051213 + 22.207414433972158im, -22.74665240232254 - 4.254979491656448im, 8.768875950052678 - 19.891876336588567im, 7.732962888637602 - 19.993290844392874im, -8.325204794243822 + 19.273903426153318im])
fr_frame_bak = uncompress_frame(comp.inds, comp.freqs, frame_length)
4410-element Vector{Float64}: 0.12204643788761159 0.11851994936975584 0.11077768425394952 0.09853635305203903 0.08198994752532586 0.061800262610382094 0.03903025110065623 0.015029397447569474 -0.00871384475760439 -0.03073368257998395 -0.04974247027391702 -0.06476110629338742 -0.07520905022990253 ⋮ 0.13059511392271614 0.12797873695346687 0.12335843470416524 0.11803899901224801 0.11323538419736555 0.10990532262619392 0.10862157921677124 0.109499252160545 0.1121862270524816 0.1159167139641683 0.11961978742660023 0.12206801454800167
display(WAVArray(frs, fr_frame_bak, "compressed audio"))
frame_duration = 26 # ms - padrão mp3 é de 26 ms
frame_length = Int(div(frame_duration * frs, 1000))
uncomp = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, div(length(fr), frame_length) * frame_length, 1)
for n in 1:div(length(fr), frame_length)
nstart = ( n - 1 ) * frame_length + 1
nend = n * frame_length
lfr_frame = fr[nstart:nend, 1]
comp_frame = compress_frame(lfr_frame, frs, 50)
uncomp_frame = uncompress_frame(comp_frame.inds, comp_frame.freqs, length(lfr_frame))
uncomp[nstart:nend, 1] .= uncomp_frame
display(WAVArray(frs, uncomp, "compressed audio"))
display(WAVArray(frs, fr, "Frase de piano"))