Let $X$ be a set of vertices and $\mathcal{R} = \{R_0 = \operatorname{id}_X, R_1, \dots, R_D\}$ a set of symmetric relations partitioning $X^2$.
$(X, \mathcal{R})$ is said to be a $D$-class association scheme if there exist numbers $p^h_{ij}$ ($0 \le h, i, j \le D$) such that, for any $x, y \in X$,
$$ x \ R_h \ y \Rightarrow |\{z \in X \;|\; x \ R_i \ z \ R_j \ y\}| = p^h_{ij} $$
Let $A_i$ be the binary matrix corresponding to the relation $R_i$ ($0 \le i \le D$).
The vector space $\mathcal{M}$ over $\mathbb{R}$ spanned by $A_i$ ($0 \le i \le D$) is called the Bose-Mesner algebra.
$\mathcal{M}$ has a second basis $\{E_0, E_1, \dots, E_D\}$ consisting of projectors to the common eigenspaces of $A_i$ ($0 \le i \le D$).
There are nonnegative constants $q^h_{ij}$, called Krein parameters, such that
$$ E_i \circ E_j = {1 \over |X|} \sum_{h=0}^d q^h_{ij} E_h , $$ where $\circ$ is the entrywise matrix product.
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import drg
p = [[[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 6, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 0, 6]],
[[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 2], [0, 2, 2, 2]],
[[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0, 4], [1, 0, 2, 0], [0, 4, 0, 2]],
[[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 2, 2, 2], [0, 2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 1, 2]]]
scheme = drg.ASParameters(p)
If $p^h_{ij} \ne 0$ (resp. $q^h_{ij} \ne 0$) implies $|i-j| \le h \le i+j$, then the association scheme is said to be metric (resp. cometric).
The parameters of a metric association scheme can be determined from the intersection array
$$ \{b_0, b_1, \dots, b_{D-1}; c_1, c_2, \dots, c_D\} \quad (b_i = p^i_{1,i+1}, c_i = p^i_{1,i-1}). $$
$$ {b^0, b^_1, \dots, b^{D-1}; c^_1, c^2, \dots, c^_D} \quad (b^_i = q^i{1,i+1}, c^i = q^i{1,i-1}). $$
from drg import DRGParameters
syl = DRGParameters([5, 4, 2], [1, 1, 4])
from drg import QPolyParameters
q225 = QPolyParameters([24, 20, 36/11], [1, 30/11, 24])
Let us define a one-parametric family of intersection arrays.
r = var("r")
f = DRGParameters([2*r^2*(2*r+1), (2*r-1)*(2*r^2+r+1), 2*r^2], [1, 2*r^2, r*(4*r^2-1)])
f1 = f.subs(r == 1)
The parameters of f1
are known to uniquely determine the Hamming scheme $H(3, 3)$.
f2 = f.subs(r == 2)
A parameter set is called feasible if it passes all known existence conditions.
Let us verify that $H(3, 3)$ is feasible.
No error has occured, since all existence conditions are met.
Let us now check whether the second member of the family is feasible.
In this case, nonexistence has been shown by matching the parameters against a list of nonexistent families.
Integer linear programming has been used to find solutions to multiple systems of linear Diophantine equations, eliminating inconsistent solutions.