Actual vs Predicted Values (Random forest Regressor.jpeg
Bike Rentals on Holidays.jpeg
Bike Rentals vs. Temperature and Apparent Temperature.jpeg
Boxplot and Histogram for Distribution of Rentals on Holidays.jpeg
Boxplot for Bike Rental Count with Outliers.jpeg
Boxplots for Outliers in Temperature,feel-like temperature Humidity, and Windspeed.jpeg
Correlation Analysis of in combined dataset.jpeg
Corrgram plot for all variables.png
Cross Validation Prediction Plot for Random Forest.jpeg
Cross Validation Prediction Plot with Linear Regression.jpeg
Decision tree model.jpeg
Distribution of Bike Rentals (Count).png
Distribution of bike rentals.png
Impact of Weather Conditions on Bike Rentals.jpeg
Log Transformation of Bike Rentals.png
Model Performance Visualization using Linear Regressor Model.jpeg
Pairplot of Numerical veriables.png
Plot of correlation variables.png
Residual Analysis for LRM.jpeg
Residual Plot for Decision Tree Regressor.jpeg
Residual Plot for Random Forest Regressor.jpeg
Violin plot for Yearly wise distribution of counts.png
actual and predicted values using Decision Tree Regressor.jpeg
boxplot to visualize bike rentals by season.png
correlation heatmap.png
normal probability plots for numerical variables in combined dataset.jpeg
season-wise plot.png
weekday-wise plot.png