and unzipping files with zipfile
¶If you can get the web address, or URL, of a specific binary file that you found on some website, you can usually download it fairly easily using Python's native urllib
package, which is a simple interface for interacting with network resources.
Here, we demonstrate how to use the request
sub-module of urllib
package to send a request to a server and handle the repsonse. While request
can do much more than just download files, we'll keep ourselves to its request.urlretrieve
function, which is designed to fetch remote files, saving them as local files..
We'll use the urllib.urlretrive to download a Census tract shapefile located on the US Census's web server: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2017/TRACT. The one file we'll get is tracts for North Dakota (because it's a fairly small file): tl_2017_38_tract.zip
We'll also take this opportunity to examine how Python can unzip files with the zipfile
#Import the two modules
from urllib import request
import zipfile
#Specify the URL of the resource
theURL = 'https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2017/TRACT/tl_2017_38_tract.zip'
#Set a local filename to save the file as
localFile = 'tl_2017_38_tract.zip'
#The urlretrieve function downloads a file, saving it as the file name we specify
Now take a look at the contents of your folder. You'll see a local copy of the zip file!
!dir *.zip
This works for photos too...
imgURL = 'https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/state_borders.png'
#Display the file in our notebook
from IPython.display import Image
So now, let's look at how the zipfile module can unzip it
#First open the local zip file as a zipFile object
zipObject = zipfile.ZipFile(localFile)
#Create a folder to hold the file
#Name the folder we'll create the same as the file, without the extension
outFolderName = localFile[:-4]
#Well us the os module to do check if the folder exists, and create if not
import os
if not os.path.exists(outFolderName):
outFolder = os.mkdir(localFile[:-4])
And viola! If we use some looping, we can tell Python to download a lot of files at our command!