In this notebook, we demonstrate, how to apply ATAR algorithm built in spkit, whcih is combined with phyaat library now. The objective of including ATAR with phyaat is to make an easy to apply on phyaat dataset to quickly built a model for prediction task
We will only focus on one task - semanticity Classification and demonstrate the tuning part of ATAR and how that improve the performance. We will be extracting same spectral features that we have been using in other notebooks and examples, specifically 6 rhythmic features - total power in 6 frequency bands, namely, Delta (0.5-4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha (8-14 Hz), Beta (14-30 Hz), Low Gamma (30-47 Hz), and High Gamma (47-64 Hz). For preprocessing, we filter EEG first with 0.5 Hz highpass and 24 Hz lowpass filter then remove Artifact with ATAR based approach.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#!pip install phyaat # if not installed yet
import phyaat as ph
print('Version :' ,ph.__version__)
Version : 0.0.3
# Download dataset of one subject only (subject=1)
# To download data of all the subjects use subject =-1 or for specify for one e.g.subject=10
dirPath = ph.download_data(baseDir='../PhyAAt/data/', subject=10,verbose=0,overwrite=False)
100%[|][##################################################] S10
baseDir='../PhyAAt/data/' # or dirPath return path from above
#returns a dictionary containing file names of all the subjects available in baseDir
SubID = ph.ReadFilesPath(baseDir)
#check files of subject=1
Total Subjects : 3
{'sigFile': '../PhyAAt/data/phyaat_dataset/Signals/S10/S10_Signals.csv', 'txtFile': '../PhyAAt/data/phyaat_dataset/Signals/S10/S10_Textscore.csv'}
# Create a Subj holding dataset of subject=1
Subj = ph.Subject(SubID[10])
#filtering with highpass filter of cutoff frequency 0.5Hz and lowpass with 24 Hz (no reason why)
Subj.filter_EEG(band =[0.5],btype='highpass',method='SOS',order=5)
Subj.filter_EEG(band =[24],btype='lowpass',method='SOS',order=5)
ch_names = list(Subj.rawData['D'])[1:15]
# Let's check the signals
X0 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=True).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35,1]
X1 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=False).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35,1]
t = np.arange(len(X0))/fs
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'amplitude')
#Remving Artifact using ATAR, setting window size to 128*5 (5 sec), which is larg, but takes less time
wv='db3',thr_method='ipr',IPR=[25,75],beta=0.1,k1=10,k2 =100,est_wmax=100,
OptMode ='soft',fs=128.0,use_joblib=False)
WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: soft IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.1 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
# Let's check signal again
X0 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=True).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35,1]
X1 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=False).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35,1]
t = np.arange(len(X0))/fs
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'amplitude')
X0 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=True).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35]
X1 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=False).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35]
t = np.arange(len(X0))/fs
plt.plot(t,X0 + np.arange(14)*50)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.plot(t,X1+ np.arange(14)*50)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
# setting task=-1, does extract the features from all the segmensts for all the four tasks and
# returns y_train as (n,4), one coulum for each task. Next time extracting Xy for any particular
# task won't extract the features agains, unless you force it by setting 'redo'=True.
X_train,y_train,X_test, y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=3)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,)
from import ClassificationTree
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=3)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print('\nClass labels :',np.unique(y_train))
DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Class labels : [0 1]
ch_names = ['AF3','F7','F3','FC5','T7','P7','O1','O2','P8','T8','FC6','F4','F8','AF4']
bands = ['D_','T_','A_','B_','G1_','G2_']
feature_names = [[st+ch for ch in ch_names] for st in bands]
feature_names = [f for flist in feature_names for f in flist]
clf = ClassificationTree(max_depth=3),y_train,feature_names=feature_names,verbose=1)
ytp = clf.predict(X_train)
ysp = clf.predict(X_test)
ytpr = clf.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]
yspr = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
print('Depth of trained Tree ', clf.getTreeDepth())
print('- Training : ',np.mean(ytp==y_train))
print('- Testing : ',np.mean(ysp==y_test))
Trloss = -np.mean(y_train*np.log(ytpr+1e-10)+(1-y_train)*np.log(1-ytpr+1e-10))
Tsloss = -np.mean(y_test*np.log(yspr+1e-10)+(1-y_test)*np.log(1-yspr+1e-10))
print('- Training : ',Trloss)
print('- Testing : ',Tsloss)
Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.71 - Testing : 0.5681818181818182 Logloss - Training : 0.5147251478695971 - Testing : 3.1215688661508283
PM1 = []
for beta in [0.01, 0.1,0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7]:
print('BETA = ',beta)
wv='db3',thr_method='ipr',IPR=[25,75],beta=beta,k1=10,k2 =100,est_wmax=100,
OptMode ='soft',fs=128.0,use_joblib=False, useRaw=True)
X0 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=True).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35]
X1 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=False).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35]
t = np.arange(len(X0))/fs
plt.plot(t,X0 + np.arange(14)*50)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.plot(t,X1+ np.arange(14)*50)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
X_train,y_train,X_test, y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=3, redo=True)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
clf = ClassificationTree(max_depth=3),y_train,feature_names=feature_names,verbose=1)
ytp = clf.predict(X_train)
ysp = clf.predict(X_test)
ytpr = clf.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]
yspr = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
print('Depth of trained Tree ', clf.getTreeDepth())
print('- Training : ',np.mean(ytp==y_train))
print('- Testing : ',np.mean(ysp==y_test))
Trloss = -np.mean(y_train*np.log(ytpr+1e-10)+(1-y_train)*np.log(1-ytpr+1e-10))
Tsloss = -np.mean(y_test*np.log(yspr+1e-10)+(1-y_test)*np.log(1-yspr+1e-10))
print('- Training : ',Trloss)
print('- Testing : ',Tsloss)
PM1 = np.array(PM1)
================================================== BETA = 0.01 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: soft IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.01 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 2 Accuracy - Training : 0.65 - Testing : 0.4772727272727273 Logloss - Training : 0.5705223432488816 - Testing : 4.668722409182977
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.1 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: soft IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.1 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.78 - Testing : 0.5227272727272727 Logloss - Training : 0.3627270549616331 - Testing : 6.1363846139796685
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.2 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: soft IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.2 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.82 - Testing : 0.5 Logloss - Training : 0.3877860318279868 - Testing : 5.221099864589396
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.3 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: soft IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.3 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.82 - Testing : 0.5 Logloss - Training : 0.3735129632206122 - Testing : 6.646596129251716
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.5 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: soft IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.5 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.8 - Testing : 0.6363636363636364 Logloss - Training : 0.4280788838015176 - Testing : 1.186200387175862
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.7 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: soft IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.7 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.79 - Testing : 0.5909090909090909 Logloss - Training : 0.44593063054720516 - Testing : 2.1801489864824974
PM2 = []
for beta in [0.01, 0.1,0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7]:
print('BETA = ',beta)
wv='db3',thr_method='ipr',IPR=[25,75],beta=beta,k1=10,k2 =100,est_wmax=100,
OptMode ='elim',fs=128.0,use_joblib=False, useRaw=True)
X0 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=True).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35]
X1 = Subj.getEEG(useRaw=False).to_numpy()[fs*20:fs*35]
t = np.arange(len(X0))/fs
plt.plot(t,X0 + np.arange(14)*50)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.plot(t,X1+ np.arange(14)*50)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
X_train,y_train,X_test, y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=3, redo=True)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
clf = ClassificationTree(max_depth=3),y_train,feature_names=feature_names,verbose=1)
ytp = clf.predict(X_train)
ysp = clf.predict(X_test)
ytpr = clf.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]
yspr = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
print('Depth of trained Tree ', clf.getTreeDepth())
print('- Training : ',np.mean(ytp==y_train))
print('- Testing : ',np.mean(ysp==y_test))
Trloss = -np.mean(y_train*np.log(ytpr+1e-10)+(1-y_train)*np.log(1-ytpr+1e-10))
Tsloss = -np.mean(y_test*np.log(yspr+1e-10)+(1-y_test)*np.log(1-yspr+1e-10))
print('- Training : ',Trloss)
print('- Testing : ',Tsloss)
PM2 = np.array(PM2)
================================================== BETA = 0.01 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: elim IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.01 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.82 - Testing : 0.45454545454545453 Logloss - Training : 0.37088818429493614 - Testing : 6.211402470502807
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.1 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: elim IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.1 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.73 - Testing : 0.4318181818181818 Logloss - Training : 0.4577347658127923 - Testing : 2.0680438650050927
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.2 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: elim IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.2 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.73 - Testing : 0.38636363636363635 Logloss - Training : 0.5339289875208205 - Testing : 3.8301347030091475
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.3 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: elim IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.3 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.72 - Testing : 0.5454545454545454 Logloss - Training : 0.5107489745027917 - Testing : 2.6965517400438768
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.5 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: elim IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.5 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.76 - Testing : 0.6363636363636364 Logloss - Training : 0.46225502040183947 - Testing : 3.517662801414309
================================================== ================================================== BETA = 0.7 ================================================== WPD Artifact Removal WPD: True Wavelet: db3 , Method: ipr , OptMode: elim IPR= [25, 75] , Beta: 0.7 , [k1,k2]= [10, 100] Reconstruction Method: custom , Window: ['hamming', True] , (Win,Overlap)= (640, 320)
If you are running feature extraction with DIFFERENT parameters again to recompute, set redo=True, else function will return pre-computed features, if exist To suppress this warning2, set redo_warn=False 100%|##################################################|100\100|Sg - 0| 100%|##################################################|44\44|Sg - 0| DataShape: (100, 84) (100,) (44, 84) (44,) Number of features:: 84 Number of samples :: 100 --------------------------------------- |Building the tree..................... |subtrees::|100%|-------------------->|| |.........................tree is buit! --------------------------------------- Depth of trained Tree 3 Accuracy - Training : 0.7 - Testing : 0.5909090909090909 Logloss - Training : 0.5245126426970934 - Testing : 3.098041062305803
Help on method correct in module phyaat.ProcessingLib: correct(method='ICA', Corr=0.8, KurThr=2, ICAMed='extended-infomax', AF_ch_index=[0, 13], F_ch_index=[1, 2, 11, 12], wv='db3', thr_method='ipr', IPR=[25, 75], beta=0.1, k1=10, k2=100, est_wmax=100, theta_a=inf, bf=2, gf=0.8, OptMode='soft', wpd_mode='symmetric', wpd_maxlevel=None, factor=1.0, packetwise=False, WPD=True, lvl=[], fs=128.0, use_joblib=False, winsize=128, hopesize=None, verbose=0, window=['hamming', True], winMeth='custom', useRaw=False) method of phyaat.ProcessingLib.Subject instance Remove Artifacts from EEG using ATAR Algorithm or ICA ------------------------------------------------------ method: 'ATAR' 'ICA', ===================== # For ICA parameters (5) --------------------------- ICAMed : (default='extended-infomax') ['fastICA','infomax','extended-infomax','picard'] KurThr : (default=2) threshold on kurtosis to eliminate artifact, ICA component with kurtosis above threshold are removed. Corr : (default=0.8), correlation threshold, above which ica components are removed. Details: ICA based approach uses three criteria - (1) Kurtosis based artifacts - mostly for motion artifacts - (2) Correlation Based Index (CBI) for eye movement artifacts - (3) Correlation of any independent component with many EEG channels To remove Eye blink artifact, a correlation of ICs are computed with AF and F For case of 14-channels Emotiv Epoc ch_names = ['AF3','F7 PreProntal Channels =['AF3','AF4'], Fronatal Channels = ['F7','F3','F4','F8'] AF_ch_index =[0,13] : (AF - First Layer of electrodes towards frontal lobe) F_ch_index =[1,2,11,12] : (F - second layer of electrodes) if AF_ch_index or F_ch_index is None, CBI is not applied for more detail chcek import spkit as sp help(sp.eeg.ICA_filtering) # ATAR Algorithm Parameters --------------------------- ## default setting of parameters are as follow: wv='db3',thr_method ='ipr',IPR=[25,75],beta=0.1,k1=10,k2 =100,est_wmax=100, theta_a=np.inf,bf=2,gf=0.8,OptMode ='soft',wpd_mode='symmetric',wpd_maxlevel=None,factor=1.0, packetwise=False,WPD=True,lvl=[],fs=128.0,use_joblib=False check Ref[1] and jupyter-notebook for details on parameters: - # Common Parameters ------------------- winsize=128, hopesize=None, window=['hamming',True], ReconMethod='custom' (winMeth) winsize: 128, window size to processe hopesize: 64, overlapping samples, if None, hopesize=winsize//2 window: ['hamming',True], set window[1]=False to avoid windowing References: # ATAR - [1] Bajaj, Nikesh, et al. "Automatic and tunable algorithm for EEG artifact removal using wavelet decomposition with applications in predictive modeling during auditory tasks." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 55 (2020): 101624. - check jupyter-notebook as tutorial here: - # [2] ICA -