Naive Bayse 메커니즘
# 스팸메일 데이터 Summary
with open('./data/enron1/Summary.txt', 'r') as f:
summary =
Legitimate ---------- - Owner: farmer-d - Total number: 3672 emails - Date of first email: 1999-12-10 - Date of last email: 2002-01-11 - Similars deletion: No - Encoding: No Spam ---- - Owner: GP - Total number: 1500 emails - Date of first email: 2003-12-18 - Date of last email: 2005-09-06 - Similars deletion: No - Encoding: No Spam:Legitimate rate = 1:3 Total number of emails (legitimate + spam): 5975
# ham 폴더에 저장된 메일내용 확인 (정상으로 분류된 메일)
file_path = './data/enron1/ham/0007.1999-12-14.farmer.ham.txt'
with open(file_path, 'r') as infile:
ham_sample =
Subject: mcmullen gas for 11 / 99 jackie , since the inlet to 3 river plant is shut in on 10 / 19 / 99 ( the last day of flow ) : at what meter is the mcmullen gas being diverted to ? at what meter is hpl buying the residue gas ? ( this is the gas from teco , vastar , vintage , tejones , and swift ) i still see active deals at meter 3405 in path manager for teco , vastar , vintage , tejones , and swift i also see gas scheduled in pops at meter 3404 and 3405 . please advice . we need to resolve this as soon as possible so settlement can send out payments . thanks
# spam 폴더에 저장된 메일내용 확인 (스팸으로 분류된 메일)
file_path = './data/enron1/spam/0058.2003-12-21.GP.spam.txt'
with open(file_path, 'r') as infile:
spam_sample =
Subject: stacey automated system generating 8 k per week parallelogram people are getting rich using this system ! now it ' s your turn ! we ' ve cracked the code and will show you . . . . this is the only system that does everything for you , so you can make money . . . . . . . . because your success is . . . completely automated ! let me show you how ! click here to opt out click here % random _ text
import glob,os
# 정상매일은 0, 스펨매일은 1
emails, labels = [], []
for no, file_path in enumerate(['./data/enron1/ham/','./data/enron1/spam/']):
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(file_path, '*.txt')):
with open(filename, 'r', encoding = "ISO-8859-1") as infile:
from nltk.corpus import names
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
all_names = set(names.words())
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
# 표제어 복원작업
def clean_text(docs):
cleaned = [' '.join([lemmatizer.lemmatize(word.lower())
for word in doc.split()
if word.isalpha() and word not in all_names])
for doc in docs]
return cleaned
# 사용자 함수를 활용하여 전처리 작업을 진행한다
cleaned_emails = clean_text(emails)
'fw customer list this one includes more financial counterparties non eol original message from winfree o neal d sent wednesday december am to martin thomas a subject customer list tom attached are eol customer between july and nov broken out by physical and financial the only physical customer i remember non eol are imperial sugar and texas energy i m also checking this list against other non eol deal eric or joe might have done but for now take a look at this o'
# 출현빈도가 높은 상위 500개의 Token을 대상으로 임베딩 한다
# 희소벡터(Sparse Vector)로 변환 : (row index, feacture/term index)
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english", max_features=500)
term_docs = cv.fit_transform(cleaned_emails)
print("모델의 Type: {}\n임베딩의 크기: {}\n0번문장 내용보기: \n{}".format(
term_docs.shape, # 5,172개 문장을 500개 단어로 생성
term_docs [0])) # 0번 문장의 단어 Vector 목록을 출력
모델의 Type: <class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix'> 임베딩의 크기: (5172, 500) 0번문장 내용보기: (0, 248) 1 (0, 102) 1 (0, 125) 1 (0, 435) 1 (0, 224) 1 (0, 30) 1 (0, 447) 1 (0, 417) 1 (0, 104) 1 (0, 482) 1 (0, 390) 1 (0, 265) 1 (0, 307) 1 (0, 147) 2 (0, 241) 3 (0, 94) 4 (0, 162) 1 CPU times: user 611 ms, sys: 7.26 ms, total: 618 ms Wall time: 617 ms
# cv 모델로 인덱스별 단어 Token 내용보기
# feature_mapping = cv.vocabulary_ # dict 로 내용출력 (key:value)
feature_names = cv.get_feature_names() # List 로 내용출력 (인덱스별 value)
for indx in [0, 162, 481, 357, 125]:
print(indx, ":", feature_names[indx])
['able', 'access', 'account', 'accounting', 'act', 'action', 'activity'] 0 : able 162 : fw 481 : website 357 : read 125 : energy
모델의 학습을 위한 준비작업으로 데이터를 그룹화 한다
# 레이블을 기준으로 데이터를 그룹화 한다
# defaultdict : 스팸여부 0,1 Tag 로 Token Index List 생성
def get_label_index(labels):
from collections import defaultdict
label_index = defaultdict(list)
for index, label in enumerate(labels):
return label_index
# 0 ~ 3600 : 정상메일[0], 3600 ~ 나머지 : 스팸메일[1]
label_index = get_label_index(labels)
dict_keys([0, 1])
[3672, 3673, 3674, 3675, 3676, 3677, 3678, 3679, 3680, 3681]
사전확률 및 우도값을 계산하는 함수를 정의한다
# 학습 샘플을 활용하여 사전 확률을 계산
def get_prior(label_index):
""" Compute prior based on training samples
Args: label_index (grouped sample indices by class)
Returns: { 단어 key : corresponding prior } """
prior = {label: len(index) for label, index in label_index.items()}
total_count = sum(prior.values())
for label in prior:
prior[label] /= float(total_count)
return prior
# 위의 인덱스 데이터를 활용하여 사전확률을 계산한다
prior = get_prior(label_index)
{0: 0.7099767981438515, 1: 0.2900232018561485}
# 확률적 유사가능도(최대 가능도 추정)를 계산: 빈도상위 500개의 단어로 조건부 확률 p(feature|spam)을 계산
import numpy as np
def get_likelihood(term_document_matrix, label_index, smoothing=0):
""" 훈련 데이터로 우도값 측정
Args: term_document_matrix, label_index, smoothing
Returns: { 단어 key, 동시확률 P(feature|class) }
likelihood = {}
for label, index in label_index.items():
likelihood[label] = term_document_matrix[index, :].sum(axis=0) + smoothing
likelihood[label] = np.asarray(likelihood[label])[0]
total_count = likelihood[label].sum()
likelihood[label] = likelihood[label] / float(total_count)
return likelihood
smoothing = 1 # 라플라스 스무딩
likelihood = get_likelihood(term_docs, label_index, smoothing)
print("우도값 shape : {}\n단어 내용보기 : {}\n우도값 array :\n{}".format(
likelihood[0].shape, # 0번 레이블일 때 단어별 우도값 계산
feature_names[:5], # 인덱스별 단어 확인
likelihood[0][:20])) # 0번 레이블의 단어별 우도값 샘플 [:20]
우도값 shape : (500,) 단어 내용보기 : ['able', 'access', 'account', 'accounting', 'act'] 우도값 array : [1.08580656e-03 9.57737068e-04 8.79781725e-04 8.46372292e-04 1.00228298e-04 2.39434267e-04 1.97115652e-03 1.34194554e-03 1.84308703e-03 8.35235815e-04 1.08023832e-03 1.03012417e-03 1.67047163e-05 1.50342447e-04 7.62848711e-04 8.40804054e-04 8.12962860e-04 2.22172727e-03 1.99342948e-03 5.01141489e-05]
# OverFlow가 발생 가능하므로, 데이터를 Log() 자연로그로 변환 후 덧셈 계산,
# 계산이 끝난 뒤, 로그의 역함수 (exp()) 를 활용하여 실수로 변환한다
def get_posterior(term_document_matrix, prior, likelihood):
""" 사전확률과 유사가능도를 바탕으로 샘플 데이터의 사후확률을 계산
term_document_matrix (sparse matrix)
prior { 단어 Key : 사전확률 }
likelihood { 단어 Key : 조건부 확률 }
Returns: { 단어 Key : 관련 사후 확률값 }
# 확률의 연산시 log() 로 변환한 후 합친다
num_docs, posteriors = term_document_matrix.shape[0], []
for i in range(num_docs):
# 사후확률 : 사전확률 X 유사가능도(최대 가능도 추정량)
posterior = {key: np.log(prior_label) for key, prior_label in prior.items()}
for label, likelihood_label in likelihood.items():
term_document_vector = term_document_matrix.getrow(i)
counts =
indices = term_document_vector.indices
for count, index in zip(counts, indices):
posterior[label] += np.log(likelihood_label[index]) * count
# exp(-1000):exp(-999) 는 분모가 0이 되는 문제가 발생
# 하지만 exp(0):exp(1)과 동치가 된다.
min_log_posterior = min(posterior.values())
for label in posterior:
try: posterior[label] = np.exp(posterior[label] - min_log_posterior)
except: posterior[label] = float('inf') # 값이 너무 클때
# 전체 합이 1이 되도록 정규화
sum_posterior = sum(posterior.values())
for label in posterior:
if posterior[label] == float('inf'): posterior[label] = 1.0
else: posterior[label] /= sum_posterior
return posteriors
# 테스트 메일을 사용하여 알고리즘을 검증
emails_test = [
'''Subject: flat screens hello ,
please call or contact regarding the other flat screens requested .
trisha tlapek - eb 3132 b michael sergeev - eb 3132 a
also the sun blocker that was taken away from eb 3131 a .
trisha should two monitors also michael .thanks kevin moore''',
'''Subject: having problems in bed ? we can help !
cialis allows men to enjoy a fully normal sex life without having to plan the sexual act .
if we let things terrify us , life will not be worth living .
brevity is the soul of lingerie . suspicion always haunts the guilty mind .''']
cleaned_test = clean_text(emails_test)
term_docs_test = cv.transform(cleaned_test)
posterior = get_posterior(term_docs_test, prior, likelihood)
from pprint import pprint
# 검증결과 0번 메일은 0.98로 정상, 1번 메일은 0.99로 스펨에 해당
[{0: 0.9815828838777807, 1: 0.018417116122219333}, {0: 1.5274461154428757e-06, 1: 0.9999984725538845}]
scikit-learn 모듈 train_test_split 을 사용한다
from collections import Counter
Counter({0: 3672, 1: 1500})
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(
cleaned_emails, # X_train, X_test 로 추출
labels, # Y_train, Y_test 로 추출
test_size = 0.33,
random_state = 42)
print("Train 'email':{:,}, 'label':{:,}\nTest 'email':{:,}, 'label':{:,}".format(
len(X_train), len(Y_train), len(X_test), len(Y_test)))
Train 'email':3,465, 'label':3,465 Test 'email':1,707, 'label':1,707
# 데이터 Set의 사후 확률을 예측한다
term_docs_train = cv.fit_transform(X_train)
label_index = get_label_index(Y_train)
prior = get_prior(label_index)
likelihood = get_likelihood(term_docs_train, label_index, smoothing)
# Test / 신규 데이터 Set의 사후확률을 예측한다
term_docs_test = cv.transform(X_test)
posterior = get_posterior(term_docs_test, prior, likelihood)
correct = 0.0
for pred, actual in zip(posterior, Y_test):
if actual == 1:
if pred[1] >= 0.5: correct += 1
elif pred[0] > 0.5: correct += 1
# dtype 을 128 이상으로 지정할 것
print('{:,} 개의 테스트 데이터(Y_test)의 정확도는: {:.1f} %'.format(
len(Y_test), correct/len(Y_test)*100))
/home/markbaum/Python/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
1,707 개의 테스트 데이터(Y_test)의 정확도는: 91.6 %
모델을 학습한 뒤 정확도를 측정한다
# cleaned_emails[0] : 전처리된 텍스트 List
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english", max_features=500)
term_docs_test = cv.transform(cleaned_test)
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
clf = MultinomialNB(alpha = 1.0, # 라플라스 Smoothing 값
fit_prior = True) # Data Set로 학습된 사전확률 사용, Y_train)
prediction_prob = clf.predict_proba(term_docs_test)
array([[9.99808489e-01, 1.91511166e-04], [9.99999772e-01, 2.28176513e-07], [9.99999223e-01, 7.77402015e-07], [9.99999724e-01, 2.76311984e-07], [9.98447799e-01, 1.55220148e-03], [1.00000000e+00, 2.17331050e-15]])
# 예측한 클래스 값을 바로 계산하여 출력한다
# 역치값은 0.5로 0.5보다 크면 1, 작으면 0을 출력
prediction = clf.predict(term_docs_test)
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
# test 값을 활용하여 모델의 정확도 측정
accuracy = clf.score(term_docs_test, Y_test)
print('The accuracy using MultinomialNB is: {0:.1f}%'.format(accuracy*100))
The accuracy using MultinomialNB is: 91.6%
혼동행렬(Confusion Matrix) 분할표로 예측값을 테스트하여 출력한다
# 혼동행렬을 계산
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
confusion_matrix(Y_test, prediction, labels=[0, 1])
array([[1138, 91], [ 52, 426]])
# f1 Score 를 측정하여 정밀도, 재연율을 계산
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score
print("""Precesion(정밀도) : {:.4}\nRecall(재현율) : {:.4}
f1 score (1) : {:.4} \nf1 score (0) : {:.4}""".format(
precision_score(Y_test, prediction, pos_label=1),
recall_score(Y_test, prediction, pos_label=1),
f1_score(Y_test, prediction, pos_label=1),
f1_score(Y_test, prediction, pos_label=0)))
Precesion(정밀도) : 0.824 Recall(재현율) : 0.8912 f1 score (1) : 0.8563 f1 score (0) : 0.9409
# 위 내용을 한꺼번에 실행해본다
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
report = classification_report(Y_test, prediction)
precision recall f1-score support 0 0.96 0.93 0.94 1229 1 0.82 0.89 0.86 478 micro avg 0.92 0.92 0.92 1707 macro avg 0.89 0.91 0.90 1707 weighted avg 0.92 0.92 0.92 1707
# ROC Curve 값들을 계산합니다
pos_prob = prediction_prob[:, 1]
thresholds = np.arange(0.0, 1.2, 0.1)
true_pos = [0]*len(thresholds)
false_pos = [0]*len(thresholds)
for pred, y in zip(pos_prob, Y_test):
for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
if pred >= threshold:
if y == 1: true_pos[i] += 1
else: false_pos[i] += 1
else: break
# 임계치를 설정하기 위해 양성비율과, 음성 비율을 계산한다
# 양성 테스트 샘플이 516개, 음성 테스트 샘플이 1,191개 이다
true_pos_rate = [tp / 516.0 for tp in true_pos]
false_pos_rate = [fp / 1191.0 for fp in false_pos]
CPU times: user 2.8 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 2.8 ms Wall time: 2.77 ms
%matplotlib inline
# ROC Curve 를 출력한다
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
lw = 2 # BaseLine을 그린다
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=lw, linestyle='--')
plt.plot(false_pos_rate, true_pos_rate, color = 'darkorange', lw = lw)
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title('Receiver Operating Characteristic')
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
roc_auc_score(Y_test, pos_prob)
# 전체 10개의 폴드 생성기로 초기화 후 파라미터 분석을 진행합니다
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
k = 10
k_fold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=k)
# 연산을 위해 Numpy 객체로 변환한다
cleaned_emails_np = np.array(cleaned_emails)
labels_np = np.array(labels)
# 10 폴드 생성기 학습을 위한 파라미터를 정의합니다
max_features_option = [2000, 4000, 8000] # 가장 많이 사용되는 N개 단어를 선택
smoothing_factor_option = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0] # Smoothing Parameter : 초기값
fit_prior_option = [True, False] # 사전 확률을 사용할지 여부
auc_record = {} # k_fold 분리된 객체를 활용하여 개별 환경에서 AUC를 측정
for train_indices, test_indices in k_fold.split(cleaned_emails, labels):
X_train, X_test = cleaned_emails_np[train_indices], cleaned_emails_np[test_indices]
Y_train, Y_test = labels_np[train_indices], labels_np[test_indices]
# max_features_option 환경값을 바꿔가면서 AUC 테스트
for max_features in max_features_option:
if max_features not in auc_record:
auc_record[max_features] = {}
cv = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english", max_features=max_features)
term_docs_train = cv.fit_transform(X_train)
term_docs_test = cv.transform(X_test)
# smoothing_factor_option 초기값을 바꾸며 AUC 테스트
for smoothing_factor in smoothing_factor_option:
if smoothing_factor not in auc_record[max_features]:
auc_record[max_features][smoothing_factor] = {}
# fit_prior_option : 사전확률을 바꾸며 AUC 테스트
for fit_prior in fit_prior_option:
clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=smoothing_factor, fit_prior=fit_prior), Y_train)
prediction_prob = clf.predict_proba(term_docs_test)
pos_prob = prediction_prob[:, 1]
auc = roc_auc_score(Y_test, pos_prob)
auc_record[max_features][smoothing_factor][fit_prior] \
= auc + auc_record[max_features][smoothing_factor].get(fit_prior, 0.0)
# 위에서 계산한 결과를 출력합니다
auc_result = []
for max_features, max_feature_record in auc_record.items():
for smoothing, smoothing_record in max_feature_record.items():
for fit_prior, auc in smoothing_record.items():
auc_result.append([max_features, smoothing, fit_prior, auc/k])
CPU times: user 24.8 s, sys: 1.16 s, total: 26 s Wall time: 26 s
import pandas as pd
auc_result = pd.DataFrame(auc_result)
auc_result.columns = ['max features', 'smoothing', 'fit prior', 'auc']
auc_result = auc_result.sort_values('auc', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
max features | smoothing | fit prior | auc | |
0 | 8000 | 0.5 | True | 0.988589 |
1 | 8000 | 0.5 | False | 0.988520 |
2 | 8000 | 1.0 | True | 0.987575 |
3 | 8000 | 1.0 | False | 0.987436 |
4 | 8000 | 1.5 | True | 0.987039 |