aminoacid = ['G', 'A', 'S', 'P', 'V', 'T', 'C', 'L', 'N', 'D', 'K', 'E', 'M', 'H', 'F', 'R', 'Y', 'W']
aminoacidMass = {'G':57, 'A':71, 'S':87, 'P':97, 'V':99, 'T':101, 'C':103, 'L':113, 'N':114, 'D':115, 'K':128, 'E':129, 'M':131, 'H':137, 'F':147, 'R':156, 'Y':163, 'W':186}
def expand(leaderboard):
"""Expands each peptide/aminoacid in leaderboard by all 18 aminoacids with distinct masses."""
expanded = []
for i in leaderboard:
expanded += [i+j for j in aminoacidMass.keys()]
return expanded
def mass(peptide):
"""Calculates the mass of peptide using the aminoacidMass dictionary"""
massOfPeptide = 0
for i in peptide:
massOfPeptide += aminoacidMass[i]
return massOfPeptide
def cyclicSpectrum(peptide):
"""Input: An amino acid string Peptide.
Output: The cyclic spectrum of Peptide."""
prefixMass = [0]*((len(peptide)+1))
for i in range(len(peptide)):
prefixMass[i+1] = prefixMass[i] + aminoacidMass[peptide[i]]
peptideMass = prefixMass[len(peptide)]
cyclic_spectrum = [0]
for i in range(len(prefixMass)-1):
for j in range(i+1, len(prefixMass)):
cyclic_spectrum.append(prefixMass[j] - prefixMass[i])
if i > 0 and j < (len(prefixMass)-1):
cyclic_spectrum.append(peptideMass - (prefixMass[j] - prefixMass[i]))
return sorted(cyclic_spectrum)
from collections import Counter
def score_peptide(peptide, spectrum):
"""Cyclopeptide Scoring Problem: Compute the score of a cyclic peptide against a spectrum.
Input: An amino acid string Peptide and a collection of integers Spectrum.
Output: The score of Peptide against Spectrum, Score(Peptide, Spectrum)."""
spectrum_peptide = cyclicSpectrum(peptide)
c1, c2 = Counter(spectrum_peptide), Counter(spectrum)
return sum([min(n, c2[k]) for k,n in c1.items()])
def linearSpectrum(peptide):
"""Input: An amino acid string Peptide.
Output: The linear spectrum of Peptide."""
prefixMass = [0]*((len(peptide)+1))
for i in xrange(len(peptide)):
prefixMass[i+1] = prefixMass[i] + aminoacidMass[peptide[i]]
#print 'prefixMass', prefixMass
linear_spectrum = [0]
for i in xrange(len(prefixMass)-1):
for j in xrange(i+1, len(prefixMass)):
linear_spectrum.append(prefixMass[j] - prefixMass[i])
return sorted(linear_spectrum)
def score_linear_peptide(peptide, spectrum):
"""Compute the score of a linear peptide with respect to a spectrum.
Input: An amino acid string Peptide and a collection of integers Spectrum.
Output: The linear score of Peptide with respect to Spectrum, LinearScore(Peptide, Spectrum)."""
spectrum_linear_peptide = linearSpectrum(peptide)
c3, c4 = Counter(spectrum_linear_peptide), Counter(spectrum)
return sum([min(n, c4[k]) for k,n in c3.items()])
def trim_leaderboard(leaderboard, spectrum, N):
"""Input: A collection of peptides Leaderboard, a collection of integers Spectrum, and an integer N.
Output: The N highest-scoring linear peptides on Leaderboard with respect to Spectrum."""
scores = [[score_linear_peptide(peptide, spectrum), peptide] for peptide in leaderboard]
sorted_scores = sorted(scores, reverse = True)
if len(leaderboard) <= N:
return [i[1] for i in sorted_scores]
return [i[1] for i in sorted_scores if i[0] >= sorted_scores[int(N)-1][0]]
def leaderboard_cyclopeptide_sequencing(spectrum, N):
""" Input: An integer N and a collection of integers Spectrum.
Output: LeaderPeptide after running LEADERBOARDCYCLOPEPTIDESEQUENCING(Spectrum, N)"""
leaderboard = aminoacid
leaderpeptide = ''
parentmass = max(spectrum)
while len(leaderboard) > 0:
leaderboard = expand(leaderboard)
for peptide in leaderboard[:]:
if mass(peptide) == parentmass:
if score_peptide(peptide, spectrum) > score_peptide(leaderpeptide, spectrum):
leaderpeptide = peptide
elif mass(peptide) > parentmass:
leaderboard = trim_leaderboard(leaderboard, spectrum, N)
return leaderpeptide