In order to facilitate gradient-based optimization, all linear solves in GXBeam have been
overloaded to support automatic differentiation using the ImplicitAD package. Automatic
differentiation using ForwardDiff and ReverseDiff should therefore work with without any
major headaches, as long as you initialize the internal storage with the correct type.
(e.g. system = DynamicSystem(TF, assembly)
where TF
is an appropriate floating point
For example, consider the Cantilever with a Tip Moment example. Suppose we were interested in the sensitivity of tip x and y-displacement with respect to the nondimensional tip moment $\lambda$ when $\lambda=1$. These sensitivites may be computed as follows:
using GXBeam, LinearAlgebra
import ForwardDiff # for forward-mode automatic differentiation
import ReverseDiff # for reverse-mode automatic differentiation
using BenchmarkTools # for benchmarking function performance
L = 12 # inches
h = w = 1 # inches
E = 30e6 # lb/in^4 Young's Modulus
A = h*w
Iyy = w*h^3/12
Izz = w^3*h/12
# create points
nelem = 16
x = range(0, L, length=nelem+1)
y = zero(x)
z = zero(x)
points = [[x[i],y[i],z[i]] for i = 1:length(x)]
# index of endpoints of each beam element
start = 1:nelem
stop = 2:nelem+1
# compliance matrix for each beam element
compliance = fill(Diagonal([1/(E*A), 0, 0, 0, 1/(E*Iyy), 1/(E*Izz)]), nelem)
# create assembly of interconnected nonlinear beams
assembly = Assembly(points, start, stop, compliance=compliance)
# construct objective function
objfun1 = (p) -> begin
# non-dimensional tip moment
λ = p[1]
# dimensionalized tip moment
m = pi*E*Iyy/L
M = λ*m
# prescribed conditions
prescribed_conditions = Dict(
# fixed left side
1 => PrescribedConditions(ux=0, uy=0, uz=0, theta_x=0, theta_y=0, theta_z=0),
# moment on right side
nelem+1 => PrescribedConditions(Mz = M)
# initialize internal storage with the correct type
system = StaticSystem(eltype(p), assembly)
# perform static analysis
system, state, converged = static_analysis!(system, assembly; prescribed_conditions)
# return the desired outputs
return [state.points[end].u[1], state.points[end].u[2]]
# compute sensitivities using ForwardDiff with λ = 1.0
@btime ForwardDiff.jacobian(objfun1, [1.0])
116.064 ms (52133 allocations: 5.15 MiB)
2×1 Matrix{Float64}: -12.025539968259286 -7.659921842013467
# compute sensitivities using ReverseDiff with λ = 1.0
@btime ReverseDiff.jacobian(objfun1, [1.0])
134.525 ms (2201447 allocations: 96.70 MiB)
2×1 Matrix{Float64}: -12.025539968259285 -7.659921842013468
Advanced users, however, may wish to use overloaded versions of each nonlinear solve
in order to further decrease the total computational costs associated with obtaining
design sensitivites. Overloading the nonlinear solver also significantly reduces the
memory requirements associated with using ReverseDiff. Using these overloads, however,
requires that the user provide the parameter function parameters = pfunc(p, t)
associated parameter vector p
. As described in the documentation for each analysis
type, the pfunc
function returns a named tuple which contains updated arguments for
the analysis, based on the contents of the parameter vector p
and the current time t
# construct pfunc to overwrite prescribed conditions
pfunc = (p, t) -> begin
# non-dimensional tip moment
λ = p[1]
# dimensionalized tip moment
m = pi*E*Iyy/L
M = λ*m
# create dictionary of prescribed conditions
prescribed_conditions = Dict(
# fixed left side
1 => PrescribedConditions(ux=0, uy=0, uz=0, theta_x=0, theta_y=0, theta_z=0),
# moment on right side
nelem+1 => PrescribedConditions(Mz = M)
# return named tuple with new arguments
return (; prescribed_conditions=prescribed_conditions)
# construct objective function
objfun2 = (p) -> begin
# perform static analysis
system, state, converged = static_analysis(assembly; pfunc, p)
# return the desired outputs
return [state.points[end].u[1], state.points[end].u[2]]
# compute sensitivities using ForwardDiff with λ = 1.0
@btime ForwardDiff.jacobian(objfun2, [1.0])
41.044 ms (13729 allocations: 3.13 MiB)
2×1 Matrix{Float64}: -12.025539968209076 -7.659921841992032
# compute sensitivities using ReverseDiff with λ = 1.0
@btime ReverseDiff.jacobian(objfun2, [1.0])
6.290 ms (13863 allocations: 3.66 MiB)
2×1 Matrix{Float64}: -12.025539968209076 -7.659921841992033
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