A Summary of lecture "Exploratory Data Analysis in Python", via datacamp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nsfg = pd.read_hdf('./dataset/nsfg.hdf5', 'nsfg')
# Display the number of rows and columns
# Display the names of the columns
# Select columns birthwgt_oz1: ounces
ounces = nsfg['birthwgt_oz1']
# Print the first 5 elements of ounces
(9358, 10) Index(['caseid', 'outcome', 'birthwgt_lb1', 'birthwgt_oz1', 'prglngth', 'nbrnaliv', 'agecon', 'agepreg', 'hpagelb', 'wgt2013_2015'], dtype='object') 0 4.0 1 12.0 2 4.0 3 NaN 4 13.0 Name: birthwgt_oz1, dtype: float64
1.0 6379 2.0 100 3.0 5 8.0 1 Name: nbrnaliv, dtype: int64
# replace the value 8 with NaN
nsfg['nbrnaliv'].replace([8], np.nan, inplace=True)
# Print the values and their frequencies
1.0 6379 2.0 100 3.0 5 Name: nbrnaliv, dtype: int64
count 9358.000000 mean 2446.330199 std 579.392363 min 750.000000 25% 1983.000000 50% 2366.000000 75% 2850.000000 max 4350.000000 Name: agecon, dtype: float64
count 9109.000000 mean 2494.934570 std 578.099231 min 825.000000 25% 2041.000000 50% 2416.000000 75% 2900.000000 max 4350.000000 Name: agepreg, dtype: float64
# Select the columns and divide by 100
agecon = nsfg['agecon'] / 100
agepreg = nsfg['agepreg'] / 100
# Compute the difference
preg_length = agepreg - agecon
# Compute summary statistics
count 9109.000000 mean 0.552069 std 0.271479 min 0.000000 25% 0.250000 50% 0.670000 75% 0.750000 max 0.920000 dtype: float64
# Plot the histogram
plt.hist(agecon, bins=20)
# Label the axes
plt.xlabel("Age at conception")
plt.ylabel('Number of pregnancies')
# Plot the histogram
plt.hist(agecon, bins=20, histtype='step')
# Label the axes
plt.xlabel("Age at conception")
plt.ylabel('Number of pregnancies')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Number of pregnancies')
def resample_rows_weighted(df, column='wgt2013_2015'):
"""Resamples a DataFrame using probabilities proportional to given column.
df: DataFrame
column: string column name to use as weights
weights = df[column].copy()
weights /= sum(weights)
indices = np.random.choice(df.index, len(df), replace=True, p=weights)
sample = df.loc[indices]
return sample
# Resample the data
nsfg = resample_rows_weighted(nsfg, 'wgt2013_2015')
# Clean the weight variables
pounds = nsfg['birthwgt_lb1'].replace([98, 99], np.nan)
ounces = nsfg['birthwgt_oz1'].replace([98, 99], np.nan)
# Compute total birth weight
birth_weight = pounds + ounces/16
# Create a Boolean Series for full-term babies
full_term = nsfg['prglngth'] >= 37
# Select the weights of full-term babies
full_term_weight = birth_weight[full_term]
# Compute the mean weight of full-term babies
# Filter full-term babies
full_term = nsfg['prglngth'] >= 37
# Filter single birth
single = nsfg['nbrnaliv'] == 1
# Compute birth weight for single full-term babies
single_full_term_weight = birth_weight[single & full_term]
print('Single full-term mean:', single_full_term_weight.mean())
# Compute birth weight for multiple full-term babies
mult_full_term_weight = birth_weight[~single & full_term]
print('Multiple full-term mean:', mult_full_term_weight.mean())
Single full-term mean: 7.421643309222423 Multiple full-term mean: 5.765243902439025