You'll work with GeoJSON to create polygonal plots, learn about projections and coordinate reference systems, and get practice spatially joining data in this chapter. This is the Summary of lecture "Visualizing Geospatial Data in Python", via datacamp.
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,5)
When you want to differentiate regions, but not imply any type of relationship between the regions, a qualitative colormap is the best choice. In this exercise you'll compare a qualitative colormap to a sequential (quantitative) colormap using the school districts GeoDataFrame.
school_districts = gpd.read_file('./dataset/school_districts.geojson')
# set legend style
lgnd_kwds = {'title': 'School Districts', 'loc': 'upper left',
'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1.03), 'ncol':1}
# Plot the school districts using the tab20 colormap (qualitative)
school_districts.plot(column='district', cmap='tab20', legend=True, legend_kwds=lgnd_kwds, figsize=(7,7));
plt.title('Nashville School Districts');
# Plot the school districts using the summer colormap (sequential)
school_districts.plot(column='district', cmap='summer', legend=True, legend_kwds=lgnd_kwds);
plt.title('Nashville School Districts');
# Plot the school districts using the Set3 colormap without the column argument
school_districts.plot(cmap='Set3', legend=True, legend_kwds=lgnd_kwds);
plt.title('Nashville School Districts');
This time you'll read a GeoJSON file in to a GeoDataFrame to take a quick peek at where Nashville neighborhoods are.
# Read in the neighborhoods geojson file
neighborhoods = gpd.read_file('./dataset/neighborhoods.geojson')
# Print the first few rows of neighborhoods
# Plot the neighborhoods, color according to name and use the Dark2 colormap
neighborhoods.plot(column='name', cmap='Dark2');
name geometry 0 Historic Buena Vista MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.79511 36.17576, -86.79403 ... 1 Charlotte Park MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.87460 36.15758, -86.87317 ... 2 Hillwood MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.87614 36.13554, -86.87583 ... 3 West Meade MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.90384 36.12554, -86.90328 ... 4 White Bridge MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.86321 36.12886, -86.86321 ...
In this exercise you will learn how to find a GeoDataFrame's coordinate reference system and how to change it.
# Print the first row of school districts GeoDataFrame and the crs
# Convert the crs to epsg:3857
school_districts.geometry = school_districts.geometry.to_crs(epsg=3857)
# Print the first row of school districts GeoDataFrame and the crs
first_name city zip email state \ 0 Dr. Sharon Nashville 37218 TN last_name address position term_expir district phone \ 0 Gentry 6108 Beals Lane Member 2016 1 615-268-5269 geometry 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.77136 36.38357, -86.77134 ... epsg:4326 first_name city zip email state \ 0 Dr. Sharon Nashville 37218 TN last_name address position term_expir district phone \ 0 Gentry 6108 Beals Lane Member 2016 1 615-268-5269 geometry 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9659344.056 4353528.767, -965... epsg:3857
You can change the coordinate reference system of a GeoDataFrame by changing the crs property of the GeoDataFrame. Notice that the units for geometry change when you change the CRS. You always need to ensure two GeoDataFrames share the same crs before you spatially join them.
In this exercise, you will construct a geopandas GeoDataFrame from the Nashville Public Art DataFrame. You will need to import the Point
constructor from the shapely.geometry
module to create a geometry column in art before you can create a GeoDataFrame from art
. This will get you ready to spatially join the art data and the neighborhoods data in order to discover which neighborhood has the most art.
art = gpd.read_file('./dataset/public_art.csv')
from shapely.geometry import Point
# Print tthe first few rows of the art DataFrame
# Create a geometry column from lng & lat
art['geometry'] = art.apply(lambda x: Point(float(x.Longitude), float(x.Latitude)), axis=1)
# Create a GeoDataFrame from art and verify the type
art_geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame(art,, geometry=art.geometry)
Title Last Name \ 0 [Cross Country Runners] Frost 1 [Fourth and Commerce Sculpture] Walker 2 12th & Porter Mural Kennedy 3 A Splash of Color Stevenson and Stanley and ROFF (Harroff) 4 A Story of Nashville Ridley First Name Location \ 0 Miley 4001 Harding Rd., Nashville TN 1 Lin 333 Commerce Street, Nashville TN 2 Kim 114 12th Avenue N 3 Doug and Ronnica and Lynn 616 17th Ave. N. 4 Greg 615 Church Street, Nashville TN Medium Type \ 0 Bronze Sculpture 1 Sculpture 2 Porter all-weather outdoor paint Mural 3 Steel, brick, wood, and fabric on frostproof c... Mural 4 Hammered copper repousse Frieze Description Latitude Longitude \ 0 36.12856 -86.8366 1 36.16234 -86.77774 2 Kim Kennedy is a musician and visual artist wh... 36.1579 -86.78817 3 Painted wooden hoop dancer on a twenty foot po... 36.16202 -86.79975 4 Inside the Grand Reading Room, this is a serie... 36.16215 -86.78205 Mapped Location geometry 0 (36.12856, -86.8366) None 1 (36.16234, -86.77774) None 2 (36.1579, -86.78817) None 3 (36.16202, -86.79975) None 4 (36.16215, -86.78205) None <class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
Now that the public art data is in a GeoDataFrame we can join it to the neighborhoods with a special kind of join called a spatial join. Let's go learn about how that's done!
Is there a difference between art (point data) that intersects with neighborhoods (polygon data) and art (point data) within neighborhoods (polygon data)?
# Spatially join art_geo and neighborhoods
art_intersect_neighborhoods = gpd.sjoin(art_geo, neighborhoods, op='intersects')
# Print the shape property of art_intersect_neighborhoods
(40, 13)
# Create art_within_neighborhoods by spatially joining art_geo and neighborhoods
art_within_neighborhoods = gpd.sjoin(art_geo, neighborhoods, op = 'within')
# Print the shape property of art_within_neighborhoods
(40, 13)
# Spatially join art_geo and neighborhoods and using the contains op
art_containing_neighborhoods = gpd.sjoin(art_geo, neighborhoods, op = 'contains')
# Print the shape property of art_containing_neighborhoods
(0, 13)
There are no neighborhood polygons contained within an artworks point location.
Now that you have created art_geo
, a GeoDataFrame, from the art
DataFrame, you can join it spatially to the neighborhoods
data to see what art is in each neighborhood.
# Spartially join neighborhoods with art_geo
neighborhood_art = gpd.sjoin(art_geo, neighborhoods, op='within')
# Print the first few rows
Title Last Name First Name \ 1 [Fourth and Commerce Sculpture] Walker Lin 4 A Story of Nashville Ridley Greg 21 Chet Atkins Faxon Russell 22 Children's Chairs For The Seasons McGraw Deloss 34 Foliated Scroll Bloomer Kent Location \ 1 333 Commerce Street, Nashville TN 4 615 Church Street, Nashville TN 21 Corner of Fifth Avenue North and Union Street,... 22 615 Church Street, Nashville TN 34 615 Church Street, Nashville TN Medium Type \ 1 Sculpture 4 Hammered copper repousse Frieze 21 Bronze stool and guitar on a granite plynth Sculpture 22 Mixed Media - wood and paint Furniture 34 Aluminum Frieze Description Latitude Longitude \ 1 36.16234 -86.77774 4 Inside the Grand Reading Room, this is a serie... 36.16215 -86.78205 21 A sculpture of a young Chet Atkins seated on a... 36.16466 -86.78102 22 chairs depicting the four seasons 36.16215 -86.78205 34 a contemporary adaptation of a classical folia... 36.16215 -86.78205 Mapped Location geometry index_right \ 1 (36.16234, -86.77774) POINT (-86.77774 36.16234) 41 4 (36.16215, -86.78205) POINT (-86.78205 36.16215) 41 21 (36.16466, -86.78102) POINT (-86.78102 36.16466) 41 22 (36.16215, -86.78205) POINT (-86.78205 36.16215) 41 34 (36.16215, -86.78205) POINT (-86.78205 36.16215) 41 name 1 Urban Residents 4 Urban Residents 21 Urban Residents 22 Urban Residents 34 Urban Residents
Now that you have successfully joined art and neighborhoods you can see the title and other information about the artwork along with the name of the neighborhood where it is located. Next you'll do the work to see what art is in which neighborhood!
Now that you have spatially joined art
and neighborhoods
, you can group, aggregate, and sort the data to find which neighborhood has the most public art. You can count artwork titles to see how many artworks are in each neighborhood.
# Get name and title from neighborhood_art and group by name
neighborhood_art_grouped = neighborhood_art[['name', 'Title']].groupby('name')
# Aggregate the grouped data and count the artworks within each polygon
print(neighborhood_art_grouped.agg('count').sort_values(by='Title', ascending=False))
Title name Urban Residents 22 Lockeland Springs 3 Edgehill (ONE) 2 Germantown 2 Hillsboro-West End 2 Inglewood 2 Sunnyside 2 Chestnut Hill (TAG) 1 Historic Edgefield 1 McFerrin Park 1 Renraw 1 Wedgewood Houston (SNAP) 1
It looks like most of the public art is in the Urban Residents neighborhood. Next you'll subset neighborhood art and neighborhoods to get only the Urban Residents art and neighborhood.
Now you know that most art is in the Urban Residents neighborhood. In this exercise, you'll create a plot of art in that neighborhood. First you will subset just the urban_art
from neighborhood_art
and you'll subset the urban_polygon
from neighborhoods
. Then you will create a plot of the polygon as ax
before adding a plot of the art.
# Create urban_art from neighborhood_art where the neighborhood name is Urban Residents
urban_art = neighborhood_art.loc[ == 'Urban Residents']
# Get just the Urban Residents neighborhood polygon and save it as urban_polygon
urban_polygon = neighborhoods.loc[ == "Urban Residents"]
# Plot the urban_polygon as ax
ax = urban_polygon.plot(color = 'lightgreen', figsize=(9, 9))
# Add a plot of the urban_art and show it
urban_art.plot( ax = ax, column = 'Type', legend = True);