In this chapter, you will learn about a special map called a choropleth. Then you will learn and practice building choropleths using two different packages - geopandas and folium. This is the Summary of lecture "Visualizing Geospatial Data in Python", via datacamp.
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import folium
from shapely.geometry import Point
from IPython.display import IFrame
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,5)
You will be using a dataset of the building permits issued in Nashville during 2017.
permits = gpd.read_file('./dataset/building_permits_2017.csv')
council_districts = gpd.read_file('./dataset/council_districts.geojson')
# Create a shapely Point from lat and lng
permits['geometry'] = permits.apply(lambda x: Point((float(x.lng), float(, axis=1)
# Build a GeoDataFrame: permits_geo
permits_geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame(permits, crs =, geometry=permits.geometry)
# Spatial join of permits_geo and council_districts
permits_by_district = gpd.sjoin(permits_geo, council_districts, op='within')
# Create permit_counts
permit_counts = permits_by_district.groupby(['district']).size()
permit_id issued cost lat lng \ 0 2017032777 2017-05-24 226201.0 36.198241 -86.742235 68 2017053890 2017-09-05 0.0 36.185442 -86.768239 geometry index_right first_name \ 0 POINT (-86.74223 36.19824) 5 Scott 68 POINT (-86.76824 36.18544) 5 Scott email res_phone bus_phone last_name \ 0 615-554-9730 615-862-6780 Davis 68 615-554-9730 615-862-6780 Davis position district 0 Council Member 5 68 Council Member 5 district 1 146 10 119 11 239 12 163 13 139 14 261 15 322 16 303 17 786 18 287 19 969 2 399 20 799 21 569 22 291 23 206 24 458 25 435 26 179 27 105 28 119 29 154 3 215 30 79 31 134 32 225 33 355 34 218 35 192 4 139 5 452 6 455 7 468 8 209 9 186 dtype: int64
Now you have a count of building permits issued for each council district. Next you'll get the area of each council_district.
In order to create a normalized value for the building permits issued in each council district, you will need to find the area of each council district. Remember that you can leverage the area
attribute of a GeoSeries to do this. You will need to convert permit_counts
to a DataFrame so you can merge it with the council_districts
# Create an area column in council_districts
council_districts['area'] = council_districts.geometry.area
# Convert permit_counts to a DataFrame
permits_df = permit_counts.to_frame()
# Reset index and column names
permits_df.columns = ['district', 'bldg_permits']
# Merge council_districts and permits_df
districts_and_permits = pd.merge(council_districts, permits_df, on='district')
first_name email res_phone bus_phone \ 0 Nick 615-509-6334 615-862-6780 1 DeCosta 615-779-1565 615-862-6780 last_name position district \ 0 Leonardo Council Member 1 1 Hastings Council Member 2 geometry area 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.90738 36.39052, -86.90725 ... 0.022786 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.75902 36.23091, -86.75909 ... 0.002927 0 district 1 146 10 119 district bldg_permits 0 1 146 1 10 119 first_name email res_phone bus_phone \ 0 Nick 615-509-6334 615-862-6780 1 DeCosta 615-779-1565 615-862-6780 last_name position district \ 0 Leonardo Council Member 1 1 Hastings Council Member 2 geometry area bldg_permits 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.90738 36.39052, -86.90725 ... 0.022786 146 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.75902 36.23091, -86.75909 ... 0.002927 399
C:\Users\kcsgo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'area' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.
You have created a column with the area in the council_districts Geo DataFrame and built a DataFrame from the permit_counts. You have merged all the information into a single GeoDataFrame. Next you will calculate the permits by area for each council district.
Now you are ready to divide the number of building permits issued for projects in each council district by the area of that district to get a normalized value for the permits issued.
# Print the type of districts_and_permits
# Create permit_density column in districts_and_permits
districts_and_permits['permit_density'] = districts_and_permits.apply(lambda row: row.bldg_permits/row.area, axis=1)
# Print the head of districts_and_permits
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'> first_name email res_phone bus_phone \ 0 Nick 615-509-6334 615-862-6780 1 DeCosta 615-779-1565 615-862-6780 2 Nancy 615-576-0488 615-862-6780 3 Bill 615-915-1419 615-862-6780 4 Robert 615-308-0577 615-862-6780 last_name position district \ 0 Leonardo Council Member 1 1 Hastings Council Member 2 2 VanReece Council Member 8 3 Pridemore Council Member 9 4 Swope Council Member 4 geometry area bldg_permits \ 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.90738 36.39052, -86.90725 ... 0.022786 146 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.75902 36.23091, -86.75909 ... 0.002927 399 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.72850 36.28328, -86.72791 ... 0.002517 209 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.68681 36.28671, -86.68706 ... 0.002883 186 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.74489 36.05316, -86.74491 ... 0.002052 139 permit_density 0 6407.401089 1 136305.586710 2 83049.371383 3 64514.836204 4 67741.788057
First you will plot a choropleth of the building permit density for each council district using the default colormap. Then you will polish it by changing the colormap and adding labels and a title.
# Simple plot of building permit_density
districts_and_permits.plot(column='permit_density', legend=True);
# Polished choropleth of building permit_density
districts_and_permits.plot(column = 'permit_density', cmap = 'BuGn', edgecolor = 'black', legend = True)
plt.xticks(rotation = 'vertical')
plt.title('2017 Building Project Density by Council District')
Text(0.5, 1, '2017 Building Project Density by Council District')
You can see that most development has happened close to the city center! The scale for permit density is hard to interpret. We'll fix that next.
In this exercise, you'll start again with the council_districts
GeoDataFrame and the permits
DataFrame. You will change the council_districts
to use the EPSG 3857 coordinate reference system before creating a column for area
. Once the area
column has been created, you will change the CRS back to EPSG 4326 so that the geometry is in decimal degrees.
# Change council_districts crs to epsg 3857
council_districts = council_districts.to_crs(epsg=3857)
# Create area in square km
sqm_to_sqkm = 10 ** 6
council_districts['area'] = council_districts.geometry.area / sqm_to_sqkm
# Change council_districts crs back to epsg 4326
council_districts = council_districts.to_crs(epsg=4326)
epsg:3857 first_name email res_phone bus_phone \ 0 Nick 615-509-6334 615-862-6780 1 DeCosta 615-779-1565 615-862-6780 2 Nancy 615-576-0488 615-862-6780 3 Bill 615-915-1419 615-862-6780 4 Robert 615-308-0577 615-862-6780 last_name position district \ 0 Leonardo Council Member 1 1 Hastings Council Member 2 2 VanReece Council Member 8 3 Pridemore Council Member 9 4 Swope Council Member 4 geometry area 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9674485.565 4354489.556, -967... 0.022786 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9657970.373 4332440.650, -965... 0.002927 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9654572.680 4339671.152, -965... 0.002517 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9649930.991 4340143.590, -964... 0.002883 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9656396.833 4307939.015, -965... 0.002052 epsg:4326 first_name email res_phone bus_phone \ 0 Nick 615-509-6334 615-862-6780 1 DeCosta 615-779-1565 615-862-6780 2 Nancy 615-576-0488 615-862-6780 3 Bill 615-915-1419 615-862-6780 4 Robert 615-308-0577 615-862-6780 last_name position district \ 0 Leonardo Council Member 1 1 Hastings Council Member 2 2 VanReece Council Member 8 3 Pridemore Council Member 9 4 Swope Council Member 4 geometry area 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.90738 36.39052, -86.90725 ... 350.194851 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.75902 36.23091, -86.75909 ... 44.956987 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.72850 36.28328, -86.72791 ... 38.667932 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.68681 36.28671, -86.68706 ... 44.295293 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.74489 36.05316, -86.74491 ... 31.441618
You will continue preparing your dataset for plotting a geopandas
choropleth by creating a GeoDataFrame of the building permits spatially joined to the council districts. After that, you will be able to get counts of the building permits issued in each council district.
# Create permits_geo
permits_geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame(permits,, geometry=permits.geometry)
# Spatially join permits_geo and council_districts
permits_by_district = gpd.sjoin(permits_geo, council_districts, op='within')
# Count permits in each district
permits_counts = permits_by_district.groupby(['district']).size()
# Convert permit_counts to a df with 2 columns: district and bldg_permits
counts_df = permits_counts.to_frame()
counts_df.columns = ['district', 'bldg_permits']
district bldg_permits 0 1 146 1 10 119
You have done all the work to get the area units in km squared, latitude and longitude in decimal degrees, and a count of building permits issued for each council district all in the same dataset. All that's left is to calculate a normalized value and plot the choropleth!
After merging the counts_df
with permits_by_district
, you will create a column with normalized permit_density
by dividing the count of permits in each council district by the area of that council district. Then you will plot your final geopandas choropleth of the building projects in each council district.
# Merge permits_by_district and counts_df
districts_and_permits = pd.merge(permits_by_district, counts_df, on='district')
# Create permit_density column
districts_and_permits['permit_density'] = districts_and_permits.apply(lambda row: row.bldg_permits / row.area, axis=1)
# Create choropleth plot
districts_and_permits.plot(column='permit_density', cmap='OrRd', edgecolor='black', legend=True);
# Add axis labels and title
plt.title('2017 Building Project Density by Council District');
permit_id issued cost lat lng \ 0 2017032777 2017-05-24 226201.0 36.198241 -86.742235 1 2017053890 2017-09-05 0.0 36.185442 -86.768239 geometry index_right first_name \ 0 POINT (-86.74223 36.19824) 5 Scott 1 POINT (-86.76824 36.18544) 5 Scott email res_phone bus_phone last_name \ 0 615-554-9730 615-862-6780 Davis 1 615-554-9730 615-862-6780 Davis position district area bldg_permits permit_density 0 Council Member 5 19.030612 452 23.751207 1 Council Member 5 19.030612 452 23.751207
In this exercise, you will construct a folium choropleth to show the density of permitted construction projects in different Nashville council districts. You will be using a single data source, the districts_and_permits
GeoDataFrame, which is in your workspace.
# Center point for Nashville
nashville = [36.1636,-86.7823]
# Create map
m = folium.Map(location=nashville, zoom_start=10)
# Build choropleth
columns=['district', 'permit_density'],
legend_name='2017 Permitted Building Projects per km squared',
IFrame(src='/chans_jupyter/assets/attach/permits_choropleth.html', width=600, height=600)
Now you will add a marker to the center of each council district that shows the district number along with the count of building permits issued in 2017 for that district.
# Create center column for the centroid of each district
districts_and_permits['center'] = districts_and_permits.geometry.centroid
distinct = []
# Build markers and popups
for row in districts_and_permits.iterrows():
row_values = row[1]
if row_values['district'] not in distinct:
center_point = row_values['center']
location = [center_point.y, center_point.x]
popup = ('Council District: ' + str(row_values['district']) +
'; ' + 'permits issued: ' + str(row_values['bldg_permits']))
marker = folium.Marker(location = location, popup = popup)
# Display the map'./html/permits_choropleth2.html')
C:\Users\kcsgo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'centroid' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.
IFrame(src='/chans_jupyter/assets/attach/permits_choropleth2.html', width=600, height=600)