Potentially, a lot of data can be generated when the demo pipeline is run, and steps were taken to make handling all that as easy as possible. However, accessing that collected data may not be obvious to the uninitiated. This notebook covers what the 'realistic' pipeline here produces and how to access it. Furthermore, it touches on how to use Jupyter/Python to conveniently view and further process all the data.
The hope is this covers what is necessary to use the generated output. Therefore, if you just plugged your sequences into the demo pipeline, you should be able to follow along to get the bendIt results for all you data. If you are looking to adapt the pipeline, this notebook will give you a flavor of the types of output you may wish to gather or not include your adapted bendIt pipeline.
Because this notebook covers all the possible data types from the bendIt analysis run and various ways to access the information, it is rather long. To make it easier to navigate you can click on the 'Table of Contents' icon on the left sidebar to bring up a table of contents in the left panel.
You can get a sense of how to use the Table of Contents to navigate a notebook from the animation below, despite the fact the animation features another notebook.
When you need to navigate the directory structure or access files in the file browser, switch back to the file browser by clicking on the 'folder' icon on the top of the left sidebar.
This notebook includes ways to make various files. You'll need to download those from this temporary, remote session to your local computer.
To make this easier once you start to generate a lot of files, the ability to right-click on any directory in the file navigator and choose to save it as an archive has been added. It will resemble the following animation:
For example, if you unpack the archive as instructed below you may end up making things in unpack
and want that entire directory. Therefore in the file navigator panel on the left, you'd go to a point in the directory hierarchy above that unpack
directory and right-click on it and choose Download as an archive
. You can make a new directory any time using the 'New folder' icon above the left panel and then use drag and drop in the file navigator to move any files you want into it.
The archive defaults to being .gzip
format. You can alter that format if you'd prefer by going to the JupyterLab menu bar along the top of your browser window and selecting Settings
> Advanced Settings Editor
, and then selecting Archive
in the Settings
window that comes up in the main window. There you can edit the '
User Preferences
on the right to override the system default. For example maybe you'd prefer tar.gz
, and so you'd edit the contents of User Preferences
to be {"format": "tar.gz"}
. Be sure to click on the disk icon in the upper right to save your new settings.
If you already have an active Jupyter session going, you can skip this step.
However, if you have a previously saved result from the demo pipeline and you are now returning to it and looking to access the contents of the archive, the best way to get started is to start a session by going here and clicking on the launch bend.it
badge. When the session starts, select the Accessing_and_reviewing_the_bendit_results.ipynb
notebook from the navigation panel at the right and work through the steps below this.
The uncompressing step below should work on an unix-style command line. However, some of the advanced steps under the section entitled 'Using Python to review the data or customize the plots' involve modules/packages that aren't necessarily in a standard Python installation. By running in the recommended environment as directed above, the code is more likely to work without hiccups.
This notebook assumes, you just ran the pipeline and are trying to access the results. There is then a number of files in the current directory beside the archive. To make things easier, I am going to suggest making a new directory with a simple name and then you could drag the archive into that folder and work there. To make things match witih the demo, I am going to write out those steps as commands, too. Feel free to run the cells or to do it by hand. If you make a different 'unpack' directory, you'll need to adjust things below accordingly.
The exclamation marks in front of the shell commands, tells Jupyter to run those commands as shell commands and not Python.
!mkdir unpack
!mv bendit_analysis*.tar.gz unpack/
To make things in this notebook work, you'll need to switch the current working directory over to where we are going to unpack the archive. We'll use the Jupyter magic command %cd
to change the working directory for all subsequent cells in the notebook. If we just used !cd
, it would only change the directory for that cell.
%cd unpack
Note you can check anytime what is the current working directory with pwd
. (Note most shell commands need an exclamation point but a few were added in to Jupyter so they work without it and pwd
is one.) Also of note, is that this location is completely independent of where the file navigation pane on the left side of this window may be showing.
To unpack the archive, we'll run the command in the following cell.
You need to edit the command so it will extract your file. In other words, the part after the xzf
has to be changed to match the actual file name of the archive you are working with in particular. To make it easier you should be able to click after the default code in the cell below and hit Tab
button on your keyboard and Jupyter will auto-complete the file name for you after a slight pause.
(Note that I am keeping this untarring step as generic as possible so that it would work as written on any unix-style command line without the exclamation point.)
!tar xzf bendit_analysis
If you ran the above cell and saw anything like tar (child): bendit_analysisZZZZZZZZZ.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
is used to represent the date time stamp), it simply means you had the file name wrong. You'll need to edit it and run the cell again.
If things worked, you should just see the asterisk to the left of the cell turn to a number. If you changed the file navigation pane on the left-side of this browser window over to the 'unpack' directory, after a moment you should see more files show up in the file pane. Don't worry if you didn't switch. We are going to explore the contents using commands next anyways.
If all is correct and you used the %cd
command to previously switch to the 'unpack directory, running the next cell will show the contents of the current working directory so we can begin to explore the contents of the-now-unpacked archive.
ls -lh
total 1.3M -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 11K Feb 21 20:27 A_output.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 365K Feb 21 20:28 bendit_analysisFeb2120202027.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 10K Feb 21 20:27 B_output.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 3.1K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 38K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 43K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.svg -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.6K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 3.1K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 38K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 44K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.svg -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.6K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.3K Feb 21 20:27 demo_cassettesGC.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 171 Feb 21 20:27 demo_cassettesGC.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.1K Feb 21 20:27 demo_mergedGC.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 115 Feb 21 20:27 demo_mergedGC.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 65 Feb 21 20:14 demo_sample_set.fa -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 5.3K Feb 21 20:27 LOG_baFeb2120202027.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 100K Feb 21 20:27 plots4review_from-baFeb2120202027.ipynb -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 544K Feb 21 20:27 seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
That lists out the contents of the directory. The options added along with the ls
command make the output more redable by showing. In particular, the h
in -lh
means the file sizes are human readable and the l
in -lh
says to list the details in long form and not just the names.
You'll see there is much more than the compressed archive that was originally added when we made the directory just a few cells back. These are the results of the bendIt run. The following section will go through what these are and how to use them.
If you used your own data, your results will be different but the types will be the same. I am going describe the contents as if you ran the demo sequences; however, mostly you just need to pay attention to the file extensions, or sometimes the start of the name, to tell which file types correspond.
After a brief overview, I am going to add some details about most of the types.
Typical contents overview:
The Log file will look something like LOG_ba<MONTH>ZZZZZZZZZ.txt
with the <MONTH>
showing the abbreviation for the month and the ZZZZZZZZ
portion being derived from a time date stamp.
This contains much of what was shown as the demo pipeline ran with some additional details from the actualy bendIt job(s) for each sequence.
At the end is a summary. When lightweight_archive
is true, only the summary is in the Log file.
The plots have been saved a two forms of images. The first part of the name of each is derived from the sample_set name and the individual sample name. The two extensions delineate them:
Examples from the demo input demo_A.png
and demo_B.png
This is a raster/bitmap file format made of pixels that you are probably familair with. While it is great for viewing easily as a lot of software, including JupyterLab, can handle it, please see the note below suggesting .svg
for scaling up, or the Python section that discusess making individual plots larger and making new image files in .png
format from that.
Examples from the demo input demo_A.svg
and demo_B.svg
This indicates SVG (scalable vector grpahics) file format. SVG is really the best choice for scaling up or adapting further as it offers the most control and no less of resolution. Sugggest using Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape for scaling and customizing. This is what you'll want to use if you don't want to remake the plot and are looking to customize it for publication. Any modern browser can view .svg
files, and fortunately an SVG viewer is built right into JupyterLab.
When lightweight_archive
or lightweight_with_images
is true, these image files are not saved as part of the archive. In that case, you'll want to see sections below to make the image files 'after-the-fact' from the tables of data for each sequence.
The file name for this file will resemble plots4review_from-ba<MONTH>ZZZZZZZZ.ipynb
with the time data stamp matching the arhive file name and log file name.
The image files dsicussed above are nice but not that easy to view unless you bring them local and use your file browser. Alternatively, you can browser them right in the session by opening this notebook and then opening subsequent views of it. (ADD MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO OPEN MULTIPLE VIEW AND ADD IMAGE EXAMPLE)
At the top of this notebook, I emphasized you'll want to be in an active notebook session for working with the output. One of the main reasons is that it offers a standard environment where the archive can be unpacked easily and Jupyter offers nice viewers for many of the data types. This is the case for the 'Review' notebook. The plots are already part of the notebook, and so nothing has be run again, but a Jupyter environment is useful for viewing it. Alternatively, nbviewer can be used to view a 'static' from of the notebook if you don't mind placing the notebook file somewhere the online nbviewer can be pointed at it. Note the static form will look much like it does in Jupyter but you cannot modify or run any cells, or modify the text content further.
Keep in mind for sharing this notebook with anyone not fluent in Jupyter notebook use, you can use File
> Export Notebook As..
> Export Notebook to PDF
to also generate a PDF and then download that file as well.
Note that the sample names on the plots should look like the original input sample names but might not match sample names seen in the 'serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis' file, seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
. This is because certain characters can an issue with the processing steps and were eliminated from the sample names for processing. In the plot representations, efforts were made to substitute back in names matching a pattern used by a user.
When lightweight_archive
or lightweight_with_images
is true, the Jupyter notebook displaying all the plots is not saved as part of the archive. In case of that there are several options on how to access similar content. The one I suggested in the Jupyter notbeook running the demonstation pipeline was to save the notebook or export a PDF of the notebook to your local computer. However, using the contents of seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
this notebook could be made after-the-fact. That is described in the section 'Making the review Jupyter notebook after-the-fact' as part 'Using Python to review the data or customize the plots' below.
This will resemble files looking like demo_A.pkl
The data plotted from the bendIt analysis is stored in a compressed form that can easily be read back in as a Pandas dataframe for convenient use in the Jupyter environment or further analysis. Acessing these Pandas dataframes in the Jupter environment will be discussed below as part of the 'Using Python to review the data or customize the plots' section.
This will resemble files looking like demo_A.tsv
The data plotted from tbe bendIt analysis is stored in a tab-delimited tabular text form that can easily be used in standard spreadsheets, such as Excel or Google sheets. Jupyter allows easy viewing of these as well. You can click on the 'frame' symbol next to the file name in the file navigto panel on the left, and they'll open as full-featured spreadsheet-like views. If you right click, and select Open with ...
> editor
, you can see the text form that underlies it.
These files will look like sample set names followed by _cassettesGC.pkl
and _cassettesGC.tsv
for the cassette sequences and sample set names followed by _mergedGC.pkl
and `_mergedGC.tsv for the sequences of the combined cassette sequences merged with the defined flanking sequences.
The examples from the demonstration data are:
These provide a breakdown of nucleotide composition and %G+C for every cassette sequence. In the serilaized (pickeled) data, it is dataframe with each sample as a row. In the tabular text data, it is a tab-separated file with each sample as a row. The rank of %G+C from lowest to highest is the final column.
Similar data is provided for every merged sequence where cassette flanked by the defined sequences.
Accessing the tabular text is similar to what is described under 'bendIt data as tabular text'.
Accessing the serialized Pandas dataframes in the Jupter environemnt will be discussed below as part of the 'Using Python to review the data or customize the plots' section.
The source dataframes are also included in the 'serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis' file, seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
This file will be named seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
This is almost all the input sequences and output stored on a per sample set and per sample basis using Pyton dictionaries. This is mainly meant for advanced use. It actually gets used in the top of the Notebook for reviewing all the plots en masse
to render all the plots. It will be used to access the dataframes as well as an example below. Really beyond being used to easily render all the plots, it is really just there to have it in case something not collected here is necessary or needs to be checked.
In the seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
, there is a value for each sample set. That value is a list of dictionaries, or in two cases a dataframe. The order of the items for each sample set are as follows:
As the information is stored serialized (pickled), it has to be unpickled first. The following code can be used to do unpickle and bring it into an active Jupyter notebook namespace:
import pickle
with open("seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl", "rb") as f:
seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set = pickle.load(f)
You'll note that this code gets used in the notebook for reviewing the plots en masse as it is from this source that the plots were added to the review notebook.
The sequence files of the cassette sequences were stored in FASTA format in the archive as well in order to provide a more an intact artifact of all stages of the run.
As they are in FASTA format, they'll most likely end in .fa
or .fasta
The input files may also exist in sanitized and unsanitized form if the sample names included characters that would have caused issues in the processing steps.
These files will look like sample names followed by _output.png
The raw gnuplots made by bendIt for each sample are saved depending on the setting of include_gnuplots
, which is moot in case lightweight_archive
is True
. If lightweight_archive
is set to true, or if include_gnuplots
is False
in the case where lightweight_archive
is not true, these 'raw' gnuplots won't be included in the archive.
Overall these should resemble the plots generated for each cassette merged into the flanking sequences analyzed and are only meant for verification of that and troubleshooting. Keep in mind that for short sequences, the right side of the gnuplot will not represent the correct form as extra sequences were added to avoid a segmentation fault when bendIt was run.
A number of options readily exist for using and further processing the unpacked data. This section illustrates some of those. A good portion at the end focuses on accessing the data in the 'serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis' file, seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
. That portion is probably best considered 'advanced' as it requires more understanding of Python syntax to fully understand what is going. Most of the other examples only require name changes to get to data.
While JupyterLab adds big improvements for viewing the CSVs/TSVs derived from (or which can be the source of) such dataframes, viewing and handling the dataframes within Jupyter is going to come up. Jupyter is particularly good at rendering Pandas dataframes nicely.
This section will describe accessing the serialized (pickled) bendIt data in files looking like demo_A.pkl
. This is mainly to serves as an introduction to illustrate the process and handling dataframes.
If you are looking to use the bendIt data that is actually plotted elsewhere, you'd probably want what is described above as 'bendIt data as tabular text' which is in the files looking like demo_A.tsv
. Where there sample set and sample names are in te file. The dataframe form is nice if you are continuing on with using Python to examine.
Let's illustrate viewing a dataframe in Jupyter by bringing the serialized form in.
It would be fairly easy to bring in the TSV form to a dataframe as well, but the serialized just needs to be read in at this point.
As the command shows in the next cell, we can just put the file name of the serialized dataframe in a command like df = df.read_pickle('demo_A.pkl')
where you'd replace demo_A.pkl
with your file name of interest.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_pickle('demo_A.pkl')
To view a representation of the dataframe, we can call it now since we defined it as df
Position | Sequence | Predicted_curvature | Bendability | |
0 | 3 | a | 0.0000 | 0.0633 |
1 | 4 | a | 0.0000 | 1.3522 |
2 | 5 | a | 0.0000 | 3.9733 |
3 | 6 | c | 8.9765 | 6.1887 |
4 | 7 | g | 9.2796 | 6.2942 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
76 | 79 | a | 6.8233 | 5.9429 |
77 | 80 | g | 0.0000 | 6.8829 |
78 | 81 | c | 0.0000 | 6.8913 |
79 | 82 | t | 0.0000 | 6.1950 |
80 | 83 | g | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
81 rows × 4 columns
We could just look at the top.
Position | Sequence | Predicted_curvature | Bendability | |
0 | 3 | a | 0.0000 | 0.0633 |
1 | 4 | a | 0.0000 | 1.3522 |
2 | 5 | a | 0.0000 | 3.9733 |
3 | 6 | c | 8.9765 | 6.1887 |
4 | 7 | g | 9.2796 | 6.2942 |
Or look at the end:
Position | Sequence | Predicted_curvature | Bendability | |
76 | 79 | a | 6.8233 | 5.9429 |
77 | 80 | g | 0.0000 | 6.8829 |
78 | 81 | c | 0.0000 | 6.8913 |
79 | 82 | t | 0.0000 | 6.1950 |
80 | 83 | g | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
Or easily view an overview of the data contents.
Position | Predicted_curvature | Bendability | |
count | 81.000000 | 81.000000 | 81.000000 |
mean | 43.000000 | 3.651504 | 5.332964 |
std | 23.526581 | 2.100518 | 1.584404 |
min | 3.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 23.000000 | 2.476700 | 4.875700 |
50% | 43.000000 | 3.351800 | 5.416200 |
75% | 63.000000 | 4.963900 | 6.195000 |
max | 83.000000 | 9.279600 | 9.082300 |
This section will introduce accessing the contents in the 'serialized processing information, seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
on a per sample basis to get a sense of how the infromation is keyed.
The next cell unpickles the seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
as described under the 'Serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis' section.
import pickle
with open("seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl", "rb") as f:
seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set = pickle.load(f)
The sample set labels are the overarching keys in this collection.
There is only one sample set in the demonstration set as there is only one sequence file. The name of that sample set is demo
for the demonstration sequence file.
As described under the section 'Serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis', there are several items for each sample and for all except two, those items are further keyed on a per sample basis. (The '%G+C brekadown' dataframes don't have further 'keyed' contents per se, but they have each sample as a row.) For example, the first listed item is 'cassette sequences processed keyed on name'. And so to access that item, we'd use the following:
The zero in the brackets at the end specifies the first item in Python since the language is zero-indexed. In other words, the first item in a list in Python is referenced by the index 'zero'; whereas, it is generally common to number the first item as 'one'.
That first item is actually a dictionary of keys and corresponding values. The dictionary keys are the sample names as can be see by listing the keys using the folllwing code:
We see the labels for sample sequences 'A' and 'B' that were present in demo_sample_set.fa
If we want to see the corresponding value, which in the case of this dictinary is a nucleotide sequence, we can use a particular key to access it. For example:
Using that code, the output of that cell above shows the cassette sequence corresponding to sample sequence 'B'.
Note when you see the sample names, there is a chance they may not correspond to the specific text you specified in your FASTA file. This is because certain characters, such as |
along with parantheses and slashes don't play well with processing approach used here, and so if the text for the sample names contained those in the FASTA description, they have been sanitized to avoid issues. (Note for a certain pattern of labels, the names are corrected in the displayed plot titles.)
We'll use similar approaches below to access some of the other items that are stored for each sample set. For example, in the sub-section 'Accessing the nucleotide composition/%G+C information via Python', we'll see seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set['demo'][2]
used to access the third item in the serialized data, which is the dataframe with a breakdown of the nucleotide composition and the %G+C of the cassette sequences.
If you used the lightweight setting and want to generate image files for all the plots, see 'Generate image files for all plots via Python' below. This section is meant for when you are just interested in the image files for a few plots.
If you are looking to scale or edit just a few of the plots, I suggest you use the .svg
file with the images as scaleable vector graphics.
However, maybe you used the lightweight_archive
setting previously and want to generate images from the plots now or you want to make the plots larger. This section will illustrate accessing the contents in the 'serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis' file, seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
to bring the plots back into the session here so image files can be saved or the image dimensions altered.
The next cell unpickles the seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
as described under the 'Serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis' section.
import pickle
with open("seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl", "rb") as f:
seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set = pickle.load(f)
The sample set is the first key in this collection. That is demo
for the demonstration sequence file.
See the sub-section entitled 'Understanding sample names and how serialized information keyed' above. for more information on that
As described under the section 'Serialized processing information and results on a per sample basis', the plots are the last item in the serialized collection. As the last item it can be accessed using a special shortcut to indicate the last item ,-1
. And so to access the plot collection for the demo set the code is:
{'A': <Figure size 576x288 with 1 Axes>, 'B': <Figure size 576x288 with 1 Axes>}
The cryptic code, <Figure size 576x288 with 1 Axes>
, after each sample name identifies a Python object. In this case a figure of particular size.
Note: If instead of something that looks like that, you see the text 'saving serialized Python plot object scrubbed due to `lightweight` setting', it means one of the 'lightweight' settings was used, and so the individual plots as Python objects weren't stored in serial form. The plots can still be generated from contents of the archive; you'll want to to see the section below about generating the plot images from data.
Normally we could call one of them with the following to display it for sample sequence 'A':
<Figure size 576x288 with 1 Axes>
However, it it will be represented by Python object code and not a display of the plot. While it might some convoluted, the issue is that the canvas that Jupyter would display here was lost when the underlying data associated with it was serialized in the source notebook. We can make a 'dummy' canvas and swap in the underlying plot data, see here.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def make_manager(fig):
# create a dummy figure and use its
# manager to display "fig" ; based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/54579616/8508004
dummy = plt.figure()
new_manager = dummy.canvas.manager
new_manager.canvas.figure = fig
plot_a = seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set['demo'][-1]['A']
We can now refer to it from this point on as plot_a
Using that reference we can now save it just as any matplotlib/seaborn plot.
You can go to the file navigator at the left and double-click znew_image_saved.svgznew_image_saved.svg
down at the bottom of the file list to view it.
Or make a cell here using the +
symbol on the menu toolbar above and run this code to see it here:
from IPython.core.display import SVG
What if we wanted to adjust size. The next cell does this on a exaggerated scale just to illustrate.
plot_a.set_size_inches((18, 10))
In fact, in JupyterLab it won't be readily apparent just how large it is. You'll need to double-click on it to open it at 100% scale.
You'll note though that the lines didn't scale. The blue and the orange plots of the data are the same thickness as when the plot was smaller and now seem anemic. This is one of the reasons I suggest using a vector graphics handling-capable image editing software like Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator to scale up the .svg
files if you need larger images of the plots. You can then easily scale all parts in proportion. To do this using Python is possible. For example, to make the blue and orane lines less anemic:
#scale linewidth up based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/48547567/8508004
lines = plot_a.axes[0].lines #getting axes from a figure based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/24107230/8508004 ;
# note that it is a list of them and what we want is in the first
for line in lines:
However, then you would probably also want to scale the tick labels, the title, the legend, etc.. And at this point you'd probably have an easier time of going back to the data that is being plotted and plot the many you need at a larger size or dimension. Or scale the SVG by using a command line tool.
I'll show how easy it is to go back to the original data that is being plotted and take advatange of the ease in controlling seaborn aesthetics. The code for plotting is in the bendit_standalone_results_to_df.py
code here between where it says the following:
# Plot the reported data
The three dots line is to reprsent the plotting code. Additionally, things can be boiled down further to the code in the next cell because we don't need the comments included in the full version and in this example report_with_curvature == "bendability"
and smooth_plot_curves == True
. The first two lines use code we discussed above under 'Viewing dataframes for the plotted data' to bring the demo_adataframe into memory.
Note the addition of sns.set_context("talk")
and altering of fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4))
to fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))
to control the size and scaling of aspects. (Note that a good portion of this code is to handle a special case where want to accomodate show_date_with_slashes_in_plot_title
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_pickle('demo_A.pkl')
sample_name = "A"
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import Akima1DInterpolator
akima1 = Akima1DInterpolator(df.Position, df.Predicted_curvature)
akima2 = Akima1DInterpolator(df.Position, df.Bendability)
x_4smooth = np.linspace(
min(df.Position), max(df.Position), round(len(df)*14.492753))
#linewidth=1.9, # turn these off so scales with content settings
#linewidth=1.9, # turn these off so scales with content settings
right_side_buffer = 0
plt.xlim(0, max(df.Position) + min(df.Position))
show_date_with_slashes_in_plot_title = True
if show_date_with_slashes_in_plot_title and (
sample_name.count("_") == 2) and (
sample_name.split("_")[1].split("_")[0].count("-") == 2) and (
sample_name.split("_",2)[2].count("+") == 2) and (
title_text = sample_name.split(
"_")[0]+"|" + sample_name.split("_")[1].replace(
"-","/") +"|" + sample_name.split("_",2)[2]
if title_text.endswith("+") and "+" in title_text[:-1]:
title_text = title_text[:-1] + ")"
title_text = title_text.replace("+","(")
title_text = sample_name
plt.title(f"{title_text}",color="#333333",fontsize = 15,
(Note there is also at sns.set_context("poster")
setting that results in even further emphasized labels. I found though with the dimesions I was usign here it that the legend overlapped and so I went with talk
Now let's save that plot as an image file. Run the next two cells. The first saves a version with a high dpi and the second saves with default settings. I include z
at the start of the name to improve the chance they are eaier to find in the listing in the file navigator bcause they should be towards the bottom.
fig.savefig('zhigh_dpi.png', dpi=600)
Now you can review the difference between the two by double-clicking on the files in the file navigator to the left. (Remember you have to navigate into the unpack
directory if not already there.) When you open zhigh_dpi.png
it actually might appear at first it is blank. In fact most likely it will because you need to click on it and scroll down and to the right to see the contents. By default it starts in the upper left which has no content. You'll note for zhigh_dpi.png
, the content is huge on your screen. That won't be the case with zno_dpi.png
. To make it easier to review zhigh_dpi.png
overall, I suggest left-clicking in the image open in JupyterLab and select Open Image in New Tab
. You then get a new tab next to your JupyterLab tab that you can click on and view. It will actually take a few seconds to open this image in the tab because it is so large. When you postion the cursor over the image, you'll get a magnifying lens icon. You can click to view at higher resolution. Again, here you'll need to scroll.
By way of showing the effect of the dpi setting here, I'll list the files with the sizes shown using the next cell:
ls -lh
total 2.2M -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 11K Feb 21 20:27 A_output.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 365K Feb 22 21:22 bendit_analysisFeb2120202027.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 10K Feb 21 20:27 B_output.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 3.1K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 38K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 43K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.svg -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.6K Feb 21 20:27 demo_A.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 3.1K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 38K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 44K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.svg -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.6K Feb 21 20:27 demo_B.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.3K Feb 21 20:27 demo_cassettesGC.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 171 Feb 21 20:27 demo_cassettesGC.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 1.1K Feb 21 20:27 demo_mergedGC.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 115 Feb 21 20:27 demo_mergedGC.tsv -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 65 Feb 21 20:14 demo_sample_set.fa -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 5.3K Feb 21 20:27 LOG_baFeb2120202027.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 61K Feb 22 21:49 no_dpi.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 100K Feb 21 20:27 plots4review_from-baFeb2120202027.ipynb -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 544K Feb 21 20:27 seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 61K Feb 22 21:47 test.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 725K Feb 22 21:49 zhigh_dpi.png -rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 61K Feb 22 21:57 zno_dpi.png
Note the contrast:
-rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 725K Feb 22 21:49 zhigh_dpi.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan root 61K Feb 22 21:57 zno_dpi.png
The one with the dpi setting of 600
is over 10 times larger. While this type of file would be better suited for a talk or poster or publication, I am still going to suggest use of the .svg
version for any scaling and printing use.
If you wanted the current seaborn aestethic setting for editing later, you can save a scalable vector graphics version (.svg
) with the following code:
In the case where the lightweight_archive
setting was used when the generating notebook was run, the new notebook that is meant to be used for reviewing the plots en masse was not generated and this not saved as part of the archive. However, using the contents of seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
this notebook can still be made after-the-fact.
I'll detail two ways to do this. Both rely on the same underlying steps. However, in one you just run some code here and it is done. Alternatively, you run the steps in a new notebook yourself.
First, I'll cover running code to generate the review notebook. You need to be in the working directory where you unpacked the archive. Running the next cell will list the contents of your current working directory. Mare sure it looks as exepected.
If it doesn't contain the unpacked contents of the archive as expected, see the section at the top of this notebook entitled 'Accessing the bendIt results: Uncompress the Archive'.
Now that you verified you are working in the right place, let's generate the review notebook my running part of the code from the analysis. The following code will do this:
# First let's make sure the analysis script is in the current working directory
import os
file_needed = "bendIt_analysis.ipy"
if not os.path.isfile(file_needed):
# note that in the curl command I refer to a specific version of the script
# to eliminate possibility line numbers drift slightly as script edited.
# However,this means if something about review notebook making changes in
# the script, I need to update the specified version here.
!curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fomightez/bendit-binder/0096dab481a267dea5640bfe4323c75148faabc7/{file_needed}
# presently bendIt_analysis.ipy is an IPython script that doesn't seem able to
# be imported like a Python script, see
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1031659/ipython-modules . Let's make the
# necessary parts into a smaller script that can be called because we certainly
# don't want to run the entire `bendIt_analysis.ipy` script since already did.
!sed -n '1,48p;49q' bendIt_analysis.ipy > review_nb_making.ipy
!sed -n '337,383p;384q' bendIt_analysis.ipy >> review_nb_making.ipy
!sed -n '269,289p;290q' bendIt_analysis.ipy >> review_nb_making.ipy
!sed -i '103s/.*/ #/' review_nb_making.ipy # remove line 103 b/c no log
%run review_nb_making.ipy
now = datetime.datetime.now()
serial_fn = "seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl"
plots4review_fn = make_and_run_review_nb(now,review_nb_stub, serial_fn)
!rm {plots4review_fn[:-6]+".py"} #clean up
!rm review_nb_making.ipy #clean up
sys.stderr.write("A Jupyter notebook listing the resulting plots for "
f"convenient reviewing\nhas been saved as `{plots4review_fn}`."
"Download it to your local computer for future use.")
The second way to make the notebook for review is doing those steps manually:
Navigate the file browser to the directory where the archive contents were unpacked if it isn't already.
make a new notebook by clicking the icon along the top of the right panel ot bring up the 'Launcher' in the right pane and then under 'Notebook' choose the 'Python 3' tile. Alternatively, a new notebook can be made from the main menu bar at the tip:
menu > 'New' > Notebook
Paste the following code in a cell in the new notebook.
%matplotlib inline
import pickle
serial_fn = "seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl"
with open(serial_fn, "rb") as f:
seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set = pickle.load(f)
def make_manager(fig):
# create a dummy figure and use its
# manager to display "fig" ; based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/54579616/8508004
dummy = plt.figure()
new_manager = dummy.canvas.manager
new_manager.canvas.figure = fig
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for ss,collected_dicts in seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set.items():
for sample_name,the_plot in collected_dicts[-1].items():
Then press shift-Enter
to run the cell. Save the notebook using File
> Save Notebook
. Download the notebook to your local machine.
Keep in mind for sharing the produced notebook with anyone not fluent in Jupyter notebook use, you can use File
> Export Notebook As..
> Export Notebook to PDF
to also generate a PDF and then download that file as well.
In the case where the lightweight_archive
setting was used when the generating notebook was run, the archive won't contain the image files. The subsection 'Looking at specific plot and adjusting the plots via Python' above covered how to access individual image files. If you want to generate image files for them all. You can run the following code. By placing a #
at the start of the line, you can comment off the appropriate lines that begin ea_plot.savefig
you can control if just want the .svg
or .png
versions. The current working directory has to contain the unpacked seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl
. (The %%capture
on the first line simply blocks the plots from being output in Jupyter output here.)
import pickle
import os
with open("seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl", "rb") as f:
seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set = pickle.load(f)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def make_manager(fig):
# create a dummy figure and use its
# manager to display "fig" ; based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/54579616/8508004
dummy = plt.figure()
new_manager = dummy.canvas.manager
new_manager.canvas.figure = fig
for sample_set,dicts in seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set.items():
for sample_id,ea_plot in dicts[-1].items():
prefix_4_plot_file_saves = f"{sample_set}_{sample_id}"
plot_png_nom = f"{prefix_4_plot_file_saves}.png"
plot_svg_nom = f"{prefix_4_plot_file_saves}.svg"
file_needed = plot_png_nom
if not os.path.isfile(file_needed):
if ea_plot == None:
ea_plot.savefig(plot_png_nom) #comment this line 'off' to not make `.png` images
file_needed = plot_svg_nom
if not os.path.isfile(file_needed):
if ea_plot == None:
ea_plot.savefig(plot_svg_nom) #comment this line 'off' to not make `.svg` images
ea_plot = None
Run the unpickling process if not done already.
import pickle
with open("seqs_dfs_and_plots_for_each_set.pkl", "rb") as f:
seqs_dfs_and_plots_per_sample_set = pickle.load(f)
Here is the third element in the serialized collection, which is a dataframe with the breakdown of nucleotide composition and %G+C for every cassette sequence. Each sample is a row.
seq | A | C | T | G | Total_nts | %G+C | rank_on_GC | |
A | ACCTGCGATGACTGACTCCCCTTTAGAGG | 6 | 9 | 7 | 7 | 29 | 0.551724 | 2.0 |
B | AGGAGCTAGACTTTAGGACTATAGCTCTC | 8 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 29 | 0.448276 | 1.0 |
Here is the fourthelement in the serialized collection, which is a dataframe with the breakdown of nucleotide composition and %G+C for every sequence where the cassette sequence has been merged with the defined flanking sequenes. Each sample is a row.
G | T | A | C | Total_nts | %G+C | rank_on_GC | |
A | 25 | 19 | 22 | 20 | 86 | 0.523256 | 2.0 |
B | 25 | 20 | 24 | 17 | 86 | 0.488372 | 1.0 |