The Schroedinger equation is:
\begin{eqnarray} (-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2-\frac{Z e^2}{4\pi\varepsilon_0 r})\psi(\vec{r})=E \psi(\vec{r}) \end{eqnarray}using ansatz:
$\psi(\vec{r}) = Y_{lm}(\hat{r})\; u(r)/r$
and introducing dimensionless variables:
\begin{eqnarray} x = \frac{r}{r_B}\\ \varepsilon = \frac{E}{E_0} \end{eqnarray}where \begin{eqnarray} && r_B = \frac{4\pi\varepsilon_0 \hbar^2}{m e^2} \approx 0.529 A\\ && E_0 = \frac{\hbar^2}{2 m r_B^2} == Ry \approx 13.6 eV \end{eqnarray}
we get the differential equation
\begin{eqnarray} u''(x)- \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{x^2}-\frac{2Z}{x}-\varepsilon\right)u(x)=0 \end{eqnarray}Next we rewrite into the system of first order equations:
\begin{eqnarray} y = \left(u(x),u'(x)\right)\\ \frac{dy}{dx} = \left(u'(x),u''(x)\right) \end{eqnarray}with boundary conditions \begin{eqnarray} &&u(0) = 0 \rightarrow \psi(0)<\infty\\ &&u(\infty)=0 \rightarrow \int |\psi(r)|^2 r^2 dr \propto \int u^2(r)dr < \infty \end{eqnarray}
Because boundary conditions are given at the two ends, we need so-called shooting method
Shooting algorithm:
Suppose the two boundary condistions are given at $a$ and $b$, i.e., $u(a)=u(b)=0$. Then
Some remarks
The implementation will follow these steps
integrate.odeintto integrate the one-electron Schroedinger equation. Note that the distance is measured in units of bohr radius and energy units is Rydberg ($1 Ry = 13.6058...eV$)
Use shooting method to obtain wave functions:
optimize.brentq,to compute zero to very high precision. Store the index and the energy of the bound state for further processing.
Populate first $Z$ lowest laying electron states and compute $\rho = \sum_{lm\in occupied} u_{lm}^2(r)/(4\pi r^2)$. Each state with quantum number $l$ can take $2(2l+1)$ electrons. Be carefull, if atom is not one of the Nobel gases (He, Ne, ...) the last orbital is only partially filled.
\begin{eqnarray} && y = (u(r), u'(r) )\\ && dy/dr = (u'(r), u''(r)) \end{eqnarray}\begin{eqnarray} u''(r)= \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}-\frac{2Z}{r}-\varepsilon\right)u(r) \end{eqnarray}from scipy import *
from numpy import *
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import optimize
from numba import jit # This is the new line with numba
def Schroed_deriv(y,r,l,En):
"Given y=[u,u'] returns dy/dr=[u',u''] "
(u,up) = y
return array([up, (l*(l+1)/r**2-2/r-En)*u])
First we try linear mesh and forward integration. It is supposed to be unstable. We know the ground state has energy $E_0=-1 Ry$ and we should get $1s$ state with integrating Scroedinger equation.
R = linspace(1e-10,20,500)
ur = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0, 1.0], R, args=(l,E0))
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
plot(R,R*exp(-R),label='exact') # expected solution u = r * exp(-r)
Recal Euler's method
and Runge Kutta
from IPython.display import Image
Indeed the integration is unstable, and needs to be done in opposite direction. Let's try from large R.
R = linspace(1e-10,20,500)
Rb=R[::-1] # invert the mesh
urb = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0, -1e-7], Rb, args=(l,E0))
ur = urb[:,0][::-1] # we take u(r) and invert it in R.
ur *= 1./sqrt(norm)
plot(R,ur, label='numerical')
plot(R, R*exp(-R)*2, '.', label='exact') # with proper normalization, exact solution is 2*r*exp(-r)
plot(R,ur, '-')
plot(R, R*exp(-R)*2, 'o')
Clearly the integration from infinity is stable, and we will use it here.
Logarithmic mesh is better suited for higher excited states, as they extend far away.
Lets create a subroutine of what we learned up to now:
def SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R):
ur = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0,-1e-7], R[::-1], args=(l,En))[:,0][::-1]
ur *= 1./sqrt(integrate.simps(ur**2,x=R))
return ur
En=-1./(n**2) # 3p orbital
#Ri = linspace(1e-6,20,500) # linear mesh already fails for this case
Ri = linspace(1e-6,100,1000)
ui = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,Ri)
plot(Ri,ui,'o-', label='linear');
En=-1./(n**2) # 3p orbital
#Ri = linspace(1e-6,20,500) # linear mesh already fails for this case
Ri = linspace(1e-6,100,1000)
ui = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,Ri)
R = logspace(-6,2.,100)
ur = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R)
plot(Ri,ui/Ri,'s-', label='u(r)/r linear')
plot(R,ur/R,'o-', label='u(r)/r logarithmic')
Shooting algorithm:
The boundary condistions are given at two points $a$ and $b$, i.e., $u(a)=u(b)=0$.
Choose $u(a)=0$ and $u'(a)=c$, with $c$ some constant.
Solve for $u(x)$ to the other end, and evaluate $u(b)$.
Using root finding routine find energy $\varepsilon$ for which u(b)=0. This is the bound state.
Continue with increasing energy $\varepsilon$ until sufficient number of bound states is found
def Shoot(En,R,l):
ur = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0,-1e-7], R[::-1], args=(l,En))[:,0][::-1]
norm=integrate.simps(ur**2,x=R)# normalization is not essential here
ur *= 1./sqrt(norm) # once we normalize, the functions are all of the order of unity
# we know that u(r)~ A r^(l+1), hence, u(r)/r^l ~ A r
ur = ur/R**l
# extrapolate to r=0
f0 = ur[0]
f1 = ur[1]
f_at_0 = f0 + (f1-f0)*(0.0-R[0])/(R[1]-R[0])
return f_at_0
R = logspace(-6,2.2,500)
Shoot(-1.,R,0), Shoot(-1/3**2, R, l=1)
(-9.51622801467704e-09, 4077.4668824451173)
Shooting algorithm:
The boundary condistions are given at two points $a$ and $b$, i.e., $u(a)=u(b)=0$.
Choose $u(a)=0$ and $u'(a)=c$, with $c$ some constant.
Solve for $u(x)$ to the other end, and evaluate $u(b)$.
Using root finding routine find energy $\varepsilon$ for which u(b)=0. This is the bound state.
Continue with increasing energy $\varepsilon$ until sufficient number of bound states is found
def FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax,Esearch):
""" R -- real space mesh
l -- orbital quantum number
nmax -- maximum number of bounds states we require
Esearch -- energy mesh, which brackets all bound-states, i.e., every sign change of the wave function at u(0).
Ebnd=[] # save all bound states
u0 = Shoot(Esearch[0],R,l) # u(r=0) for the first energy Esearch[0]
for i in range(1,len(Esearch)):
u1 = Shoot(Esearch[i],R,l) # evaluate u(r=0) and all Esearch points
if u0*u1<0:
Ebound = optimize.brentq(Shoot,Esearch[i-1],Esearch[i],xtol=1e-16,args=(R,l)) # root finding routine
if len(Ebnd)>nmax: break
print('Found bound state at E=%14.9f E_exact=%14.9f l=%d' % (Ebound, -1.0/(n+l)**2,l))
return Ebnd
Esearch = -1.2/arange(1,20,0.2)**2
array([-1.2 , -0.83333333, -0.6122449 , -0.46875 , -0.37037037, -0.3 , -0.24793388, -0.20833333, -0.17751479, -0.15306122, -0.13333333, -0.1171875 , -0.10380623, -0.09259259, -0.08310249, -0.075 , -0.06802721, -0.06198347, -0.05671078, -0.05208333, -0.048 , -0.0443787 , -0.04115226, -0.03826531, -0.03567182, -0.03333333, -0.03121748, -0.02929688, -0.02754821, -0.02595156, -0.0244898 , -0.02314815, -0.02191381, -0.02077562, -0.01972387, -0.01875 , -0.01784652, -0.0170068 , -0.01622499, -0.01549587, -0.01481481, -0.01417769, -0.01358081, -0.01302083, -0.01249479, -0.012 , -0.01153403, -0.01109467, -0.01067996, -0.01028807, -0.00991736, -0.00956633, -0.00923361, -0.00891795, -0.00861821, -0.00833333, -0.00806235, -0.00780437, -0.00755858, -0.00732422, -0.00710059, -0.00688705, -0.006683 , -0.00648789, -0.0063012 , -0.00612245, -0.0059512 , -0.00578704, -0.00562957, -0.00547845, -0.00533333, -0.00519391, -0.00505988, -0.00493097, -0.00480692, -0.0046875 , -0.00457247, -0.00446163, -0.00435477, -0.0042517 , -0.00415225, -0.00405625, -0.00396354, -0.00387397, -0.0037874 , -0.0037037 , -0.00362275, -0.00354442, -0.00346861, -0.0033952 , -0.0033241 , -0.00325521, -0.00318844, -0.0031237 , -0.00306091])
Esearch = -1.2/arange(1,20,0.2)**2
R = logspace(-6,2.2,500)
for l in range(nmax-1):
Bnd += FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax-l,Esearch)
Found bound state at E= -1.000000018 E_exact= -1.000000000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.249999997 E_exact= -0.250000000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.111111111 E_exact= -0.111111111 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.062500000 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.040000002 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.027777593 E_exact= -0.027777778 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.020376800 E_exact= -0.020408163 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.249999997 E_exact= -0.250000000 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.111111112 E_exact= -0.111111111 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.062500001 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.040000003 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.027777889 E_exact= -0.027777778 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.020421586 E_exact= -0.020408163 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.111111111 E_exact= -0.111111111 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.062500001 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.040000004 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.027778516 E_exact= -0.027777778 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.020414271 E_exact= -0.020408163 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.062500000 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=3 Found bound state at E= -0.040000001 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=3 Found bound state at E= -0.027778126 E_exact= -0.027777778 l=3 Found bound state at E= -0.020405512 E_exact= -0.020408163 l=3 Found bound state at E= -0.040000000 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=4 Found bound state at E= -0.027777799 E_exact= -0.027777778 l=4 Found bound state at E= -0.020410583 E_exact= -0.020408163 l=4 Found bound state at E= -0.027777787 E_exact= -0.027777778 l=5 Found bound state at E= -0.020406833 E_exact= -0.020408163 l=5
[(0, -1.0000000175237596), (0, -0.24999999672098724), (0, -0.111111111078589), (0, -0.06250000038883327), (0, -0.04000000224162835), (0, -0.027777592625265607), (0, -0.02037679979082838), (0, -0.015338082264993079), (1, -0.24999999669248538), (1, -0.11111111161935987), (1, -0.06250000145629958), (1, -0.04000000294999124), (1, -0.02777788871522449), (1, -0.020421586294454935), (1, -0.015413169414010558), (2, -0.11111111126358454), (2, -0.06250000053821902), (2, -0.04000000419609433), (2, -0.027778515786204303), (2, -0.020414270711048885), (2, -0.015484354553810139), (3, -0.062499999809768725), (3, -0.04000000123306967), (3, -0.027778125963890867), (3, -0.02040551166885938), (3, -0.015519806412257295), (4, -0.03999999995489171), (4, -0.02777779850099041), (4, -0.020410582926272625), (4, -0.015576802781241739), (5, -0.027777787425614712), (5, -0.020406832575417415), (5, -0.015601410734192005)]
sorted(Bnd, key= lambda x: x[1])
[(0, -1.0000000175237596), (0, -0.24999999672098724), (1, -0.24999999669248538), (1, -0.11111111161935987), (2, -0.11111111126358454), (0, -0.111111111078589), (1, -0.06250000145629958), (2, -0.06250000053821902), (0, -0.06250000038883327), (3, -0.062499999809768725), (2, -0.04000000419609433), (1, -0.04000000294999124), (0, -0.04000000224162835), (3, -0.04000000123306967), (4, -0.03999999995489171), (2, -0.027778515786204303), (3, -0.027778125963890867), (1, -0.02777788871522449), (4, -0.02777779850099041), (5, -0.027777787425614712), (0, -0.027777592625265607), (1, -0.020421586294454935), (2, -0.020414270711048885), (4, -0.020410582926272625), (5, -0.020406832575417415), (3, -0.02040551166885938), (0, -0.02037679979082838), (5, -0.015601410734192005), (4, -0.015576802781241739), (3, -0.015519806412257295), (2, -0.015484354553810139), (1, -0.015413169414010558), (0, -0.015338082264993079)]
def cmpKey(x):
return x[1] + x[0]/10000. # energy has large wait, but degenerate energy states are sorted by l
Bnd = sorted(Bnd, key=cmpKey)
[(0, -1.0000000175237596), (0, -0.24999999672098724), (1, -0.24999999669248538), (0, -0.111111111078589), (1, -0.11111111161935987), (2, -0.11111111126358454), (0, -0.06250000038883327), (1, -0.06250000145629958), (2, -0.06250000053821902), (3, -0.062499999809768725), (0, -0.04000000224162835), (1, -0.04000000294999124), (2, -0.04000000419609433), (3, -0.04000000123306967), (4, -0.03999999995489171), (0, -0.027777592625265607), (1, -0.02777788871522449), (2, -0.027778515786204303), (3, -0.027778125963890867), (4, -0.02777779850099041), (5, -0.027777787425614712), (0, -0.02037679979082838), (1, -0.020421586294454935), (2, -0.020414270711048885), (3, -0.02040551166885938), (4, -0.020410582926272625), (5, -0.020406832575417415), (0, -0.015338082264993079), (1, -0.015413169414010558), (2, -0.015484354553810139), (3, -0.015519806412257295), (4, -0.015576802781241739), (5, -0.015601410734192005)]
Z=46 # like Ni
for (l,En) in Bnd:
ur = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R)
dN = 2*(2*l+1) # each radial function can store these many electrons
if N+dN<=Z:
ferm = 1. # no fractional occupancy needed
ferm = (Z-N)/float(dN) # fractional occupancy, because the orbital is not fully filled
drho = ur**2 * ferm * dN/(4*pi*R**2) # charge density per solid angle per radius: drho/(dOmega*dr)
rho += drho
N += dN
print('adding state (%2d,%14.9f) with fermi=%4.2f and current N=%5.1f' % (l,En,ferm,N))
if N>=Z: break
adding state ( 0, -1.000000018) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 2.0 adding state ( 0, -0.249999997) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 4.0 adding state ( 1, -0.249999997) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 10.0 adding state ( 0, -0.111111111) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 12.0 adding state ( 1, -0.111111112) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 18.0 adding state ( 2, -0.111111111) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 28.0 adding state ( 0, -0.062500000) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 30.0 adding state ( 1, -0.062500001) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 36.0 adding state ( 2, -0.062500001) with fermi=1.00 and current N= 46.0
Resulting charge density for a Ni-like Hydrogen atom
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
plot(R,rho*4*pi*R**2,label='charge density')
integrate.simpson(rho*R**2 * 4*pi,x=R) # total density
#l,En = Bnd[9]
#R = logspace(-6,2,1000)
R = logspace(-2,2.5,1000)
ur = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R)
It seems that error accumulation still prevents one to calculate f-states near the nucleous. Only if we start sufficiently away from nucleout (0.1$R_b$) numerics works.
Can we do better?
The general purpose integration routine is not the best method for solving the Schroedinger equation, which does not have first derivative terms.
Numerov algorithm is better fit for such equations, and its algorithm is summarized below.
The second order linear differential equation (DE) of the form
\begin{eqnarray} x''(t) = f(t) x(t) + u(t) \end{eqnarray}is a target of Numerov algorithm.
Due to a special structure of the DE, the fourth order error cancels and leads to sixth order algorithm using second order integration scheme.
If we expand x(t) to some higher power and take into account the time reversal symmetry of the equation, all odd term cancel
\begin{eqnarray} x(h) = x(0)+h x'(0)+\frac{1}{2}h^2 x''(0)+\frac{1}{3!}h^3 x^{(3)}(0)+\frac{1}{4!}h^4 x^{(4)}(0)+\frac{1}{5!}h^5 x^{(5)}(0)+...\\ x(-h) = x(0)-h x'(0)+\frac{1}{2}h^2 x''(0)-\frac{1}{3!}h^3 x^{(3)}(0)+\frac{1}{4!}h^4 x^{(4)}(0)-\frac{1}{5!}h^5 x^{(5)}(0)+... \end{eqnarray}hence
\begin{eqnarray} x(h)+x(-h) = 2x(0)+h^2 (f(0)x(0)+u(0))+\frac{2}{4!}h^4 x^{(4)}(0)+O(h^6) \end{eqnarray}If we are happy with $O(h^4)$ algorithm, we can neglect $x^{(4)}$ term and get the following recursion relation
\begin{equation} x_{i+1} = 2 x_i - x_{i-1} + h^2 (f_i x_i+u_i) +O(h^4). \end{equation}where we renaimed \begin{eqnarray} &x_{i-1}&= x(-h)\\ &x_i &= x(0)\\ &x_{i+1} &= x(h) \end{eqnarray}
But we know from the differential equation that
\begin{equation} x^{(4)} = \frac{d^2 x''(t)}{dt^2} = \frac{d^2}{dt^2}(f(t) x(t)+u(t)) \end{equation}and we will use the well known descrete expression for the second order derivative \begin{eqnarray} g''(t) = \frac{g(t+h) - 2 g(t) + g(t-h)}{h^2} + O(h^2) \end{eqnarray} which can be approximated by
\begin{equation} x^{(4)}= \frac{f_{i+1}x_{i+1}+u_{i+1}-2 f_i x_i -2 u_i+ f_{i-1}x_{i-1}+u_{i-1}}{h^2} + O(h^2) \end{equation}Inserting the fourth order derivative into the above recursive equation (forth equation in his chapter), we get
\begin{equation} x_{i+1}-2 x_i+x_{i-1}=h^2(f_i x_i+u_i)+\frac{h^2}{12}(f_{i+1}x_{i+1}+u_{i+1}-2 f_i x_i -2 u_i+ f_{i-1}x_{i-1}+u_{i-1}) + O(h^6) \end{equation}If we switch to a new variable $w_i=x_i(1-\frac{h^2}{12} f_i)-\frac{h^2}{12}u_i$ we are left with the following equation
\begin{equation} w_{i+1} = 2 w_i - w_{i-1} + h^2 (f_i x_i + u_i)+O(h^6) \end{equation}The variable $x$ needs to be recomputed at each step with \begin{equation} x_i=\frac{w_i+\frac{h^2}{12}u_i}{1-\frac{h^2}{12}f_i}. \end{equation}
def Numerovc(f, x0, dx, dh):
"""Given precomputed function f(x), solves for x(t), which satisfies:
x''(t) = f(t) x(t)
dx = (dx(t)/dt)_{t=0}
x0 = x(t=0)
x = zeros(len(f))
x[0] = x0
x[1] = x0+dh*dx
h2 = dh**2
h12 = h2/12.
xi = x[1]
fi = f[1]
for i in range(2,f.size):
w2 = 2*w1-w0+h2*fi*xi # here fi,xi=f1,x1 at the first step
fi = f[i] # at this point fi=f2 in the first step
xi = w2/(1-h12*fi) # xi is not x2 in the first step
x[i]=xi # save x2 into x[2]
w0,w1 = w1,w2
return x
For Numerov algorithm we can evaluate derivative part $f(r)$ for all points at once:
Because Schroedinger Eq is: \begin{eqnarray} u''(r)= \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}-\frac{2Z}{r}-\varepsilon\right)u(r) \end{eqnarray} the $f$ function is \begin{eqnarray} f(r)= \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}-\frac{2Z}{r}-\varepsilon\right) \end{eqnarray}
def fSchrod(En, l, R):
return l*(l+1.)/R**2-2./R-En
The Numerov algorithm is much faster, but the price we pay is the mesh has to be linear. We can not use logarithmic mesh in combination with Numerov algorithm.
Rl = linspace(1e-6,100,1000)
f = fSchrod(En,l,Rl[::-1]) # here we turn mesh R around, so that f is given from large r down to r=0.
ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,1e-7,Rl[1]-Rl[0])[::-1] # turn around the solution, so that it starts with r=0
norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=Rl)
ur *= 1/sqrt(abs(norm))
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
(0.0, 10.0)
Numerov seems much more precise than odeint, and avoids numerical problems we had before
Rl = linspace(1e-6,100,1000)
f = fSchrod(En,l,Rl[::-1]) # here we turn mesh R around, so that f is given from large r down to r=0.
ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,1e-7,Rl[1]-Rl[0])[::-1] # turn around the solution, so that it starts with r=0
norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=Rl)
ur *= 1/sqrt(abs(norm))
Rl = linspace(1e-6,100,1000)
l,En=1,-1/3**2 # 3p orbital
f = fSchrod(En,l,Rl[::-1])
ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,-1e-7,-Rl[1]+Rl[0])[::-1]
norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=Rl)
ur *= 1/sqrt(abs(norm))
plot(Rl,ur, label='u(r)')
plot(Rl,ur/Rl, label='u(r)/r')
Put it all together
def fSchrod(En, l, R):
return l*(l+1.)/R**2-2./R-En
def ComputeSchrod(En,R,l):
"Computes Schrod Eq."
f = fSchrod(En,l,R[::-1])
ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,-1e-7,-R[1]+R[0])[::-1]
norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=R)
return ur*1/sqrt(abs(norm))
def Shoot(En,R,l):
ur = ComputeSchrod(En,R,l)
ur = ur/R**l
f0,f1 = ur[0],ur[1]
f_at_0 = f0 + (f1-f0)*(0.0-R[0])/(R[1]-R[0])
return f_at_0
def FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax,Esearch):
u0 = Shoot(Esearch[0],R,l)
for i in range(1,len(Esearch)):
u1 = Shoot(Esearch[i],R,l)
if u0*u1<0:
Ebound = optimize.brentq(Shoot,Esearch[i-1],Esearch[i],xtol=1e-16,args=(R,l))
#Ebound = optimize.toms748(Shoot,Esearch[i-1],Esearch[i],xtol=1e-16,rtol=3.e-16,args=(R,l))
if len(Ebnd)>nmax: break
print('Found bound state at E=%14.9f E_exact=%14.9f l=%d' % (Ebound, -1.0/(n+l)**2,l))
return Ebnd
def cmpKey(x):
return x[1] + x[0]/1000. # energy has large wait, but degenerate energy states are sorted by l
def ChargeDensity(Bnd,R,Z):
rho = zeros(len(R))
for (l,En) in Bnd:
ur = ComputeSchrod(En, R, l)
dN = 2*(2*l+1)
if N+dN <= Z:
ferm = 1.
ferm = (Z-N)/float(dN)
drho = ur**2 * ferm * dN/(4*pi*R**2) # contribution to density per unit volume
rho += drho
N += dN
print('adding state', (l,En), 'with fermi=', ferm)
if N>=Z: break
return rho
Esearch = -1.2/arange(1,20,0.2)**2
R = linspace(1e-6,100,2000)
for l in range(nmax-1):
Bnd += FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax-l,Esearch)
Bnd = sorted(Bnd, key=cmpKey)
Z=100 # Like Ni ion
rho = ChargeDensity(Bnd,R,Z)
plot(R,rho*(4*pi*R**2),label='charge density')
Found bound state at E= -0.999921923 E_exact= -1.000000000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.249990167 E_exact= -0.250000000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.111108194 E_exact= -0.111111111 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.062498769 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.039999312 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=0 Found bound state at E= -0.250000016 E_exact= -0.250000000 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.111111117 E_exact= -0.111111111 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.062500003 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.039999959 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=1 Found bound state at E= -0.111111111 E_exact= -0.111111111 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.062500000 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.039999977 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=2 Found bound state at E= -0.062500000 E_exact= -0.062500000 l=3 Found bound state at E= -0.039999992 E_exact= -0.040000000 l=3 adding state (0, -0.9999219225299896) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (0, -0.24999016675537122) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (1, -0.250000015612501) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (0, -0.11110819386632778) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (1, -0.11111111678120283) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (2, -0.11111111114690181) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (0, -0.06249876875886757) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (1, -0.0625000025587252) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (2, -0.06250000002526974) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (3, -0.06250000000087207) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (0, -0.03999931247010381) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (1, -0.03999995861216955) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (2, -0.039999976852458194) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (3, -0.039999991776960016) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (0, -0.027736582871674794) with fermi= 1.0 adding state (1, -0.02774363595791085) with fermi= 1.0
It seems with Numerov we are getting substantial error-bar for the energy of 1s state. We could increase the number of points in the mesh, but the error decreases only linearly with the number of points used.
Where is the problem? What should be done?
Check that approximate solution gives smaller wave function at zero than exact energy, which confirms that root finding routine works fine.
Shoot(-1.0,R,l=0), Shoot(-0.9999221089559636,R,l=0)
(9.742600661365844e-08, 2.3262457545341758e-10)
Let's check how the function looks like near zero
ur = ComputeSchrod(-1.0,R,0)
(0.0, 0.4)
Idea: The mesh is very sparse near zero, and in the range of the first few points, the curve is not linear enough. Linear extrapolation gives the error.
Can we do better?
Let's use cubic extrapolation with first 4 points.
def Shoot2(En,R,l):
ur = ComputeSchrod(En,R,l)
ur = ur/R**l
poly = polyfit(R[:4], ur[:4], deg=3)
return polyval(poly, 0.0)
Shoot2(-1,R,l=0), Shoot2(-0.9999221089559636,R,l=0)
(7.080962919685301e-11, -9.638466798368069e-08)
Indeed we get $10^{-8}$ error as compared to $10^{-5}$ error before. So, the extrapolation must be improved to reduce the error.
Increasing the number of points for 10-times reduces the error factor of 1000, i.e., $O(1/N^3)$.
Better cubic extrapolation reduces the error for the same factor of 1000, equivalent to 10-times more points.
R = linspace(1e-6,100,2000)
print('Error with linear extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 )
print('Error with cubic extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot2,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 )
Error with linear extrapolation: 7.80774700104292e-05 Error with cubic extrapolation: 5.7181137824713346e-08
It also helps to increase the number of points. 10-times denser grid gives roughly $10^{-3}$ smaller error.
R = linspace(1e-8,100,20000)
print('Error with linear extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 )
print('Error with cubic extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot2,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 )
Error with linear extrapolation: 8.297734188644768e-08 Error with cubic extrapolation: -1.092637091915094e-11