Marks: 60
News Source, an online news website, has redesigned its landing page with the aim of increasing subscriptions. It collected data during an A/B test: some users were served the old landing page and some were served the new one.
The data consists of:
We will determine whether the landing page redesign has affected user behavior. Throughout, the level of significance is fixed at 5%.
# math libraries
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
# data handling and visualization libraries
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
# I will import specific tests from the statsmodels library later if necessary
Let's look at the data. We'll start with the head and tail, or first five rows and last five rows respectively.
user_id | group | landing_page | time_spent_on_the_page | converted | language_preferred | |
0 | 546592 | control | old | 3.48 | no | Spanish |
1 | 546468 | treatment | new | 7.13 | yes | English |
2 | 546462 | treatment | new | 4.40 | no | Spanish |
3 | 546567 | control | old | 3.02 | no | French |
4 | 546459 | treatment | new | 4.75 | yes | Spanish |
user_id | group | landing_page | time_spent_on_the_page | converted | language_preferred | |
95 | 546446 | treatment | new | 5.15 | no | Spanish |
96 | 546544 | control | old | 6.52 | yes | English |
97 | 546472 | treatment | new | 7.07 | yes | Spanish |
98 | 546481 | treatment | new | 6.20 | yes | Spanish |
99 | 546483 | treatment | new | 5.86 | yes | English |
(100, 6)
We have 100 rows of user data examining News Source site usage. Since this data is from A/B testing, we are given whether each user was in the control group or the treatment group, whether they were shown the old layout or the new layout. We also get a unique ID for each user, which we can utilize to check for duplicates. Time spent on the page is a continuous numerical variable, and I expect much of our analysis will revolve around time. The other key variable is found in the converted column, since the main business goal is to convert readers to subscribers. Lastly, we can study language preference.
It looks like group and landing_page give the same information in two different ways. We can confirm they are perfectly aligned below.
group landing_page control old 50 treatment new 50 Name: landing_page, dtype: int64
We next review the column info.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99 Data columns (total 6 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 user_id 100 non-null int64 1 group 100 non-null object 2 landing_page 100 non-null object 3 time_spent_on_the_page 100 non-null float64 4 converted 100 non-null object 5 language_preferred 100 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(4) memory usage: 4.8+ KB
Thankfully, there are no null entries reported. We see that four of the six columns have 'object' data type, that is, strings. We will convert these columns to the 'categorical' data type later. Time, a continuous variable, is stored as a float, which is to be expected, since we will be looking at decimal numbers.
We review brief statistical analyses.
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
user_id | 100.0 | 546517.0000 | 52.295779 | 546443.00 | 546467.75 | 546492.500 | 546567.2500 | 546592.00 |
time_spent_on_the_page | 100.0 | 5.3778 | 2.378166 | 0.19 | 3.88 | 5.415 | 7.0225 | 10.71 |
count | unique | top | freq | |
group | 100 | 2 | control | 50 |
landing_page | 100 | 2 | old | 50 |
converted | 100 | 2 | yes | 54 |
language_preferred | 100 | 3 | Spanish | 34 |
User ID is not an insightful numerical variable, since it is just an identifier. For time_spent_on_the_page, which I will just refer to as time, we see that the mean and median are fairly close. This indicates that the time data is likely not very skewed. The minimum is 0.19 minutes and the maximum is 10.71 minutes.
For the categorical variables, the unique count is a good way to check that the data is intact: We expect to only have two possibilites for group, landing_page, and converted. Group and landing_page data are split perfectly in half, slightly more than half of the users were converted (yay!), and the most popular language is Spanish.
Lastly, let's just check that the data is intact.
user_id 0 group 0 landing_page 0 time_spent_on_the_page 0 converted 0 language_preferred 0 dtype: int64
There are no null entries and no duplicated rows. Additionally, we checked specifically to ensure that there are no duplicated user IDs, since we only want one result in the sample from each user.
We start by converting the categorical variables to the categorical data type.
# convert object columns to categorical columns
# and create a list of these column names
for col in usage.columns:
if col_types[col]==object:
The info()
method allows us to verify that these columns have been successfully converted to the 'category' data type.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99 Data columns (total 6 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 user_id 100 non-null int64 1 group 100 non-null category 2 landing_page 100 non-null category 3 time_spent_on_the_page 100 non-null float64 4 converted 100 non-null category 5 language_preferred 100 non-null category dtypes: category(4), float64(1), int64(1) memory usage: 2.6 KB
Let's look at what the values are for our categorical variables.
# print a table with value counts for each categorical column
print('Value Counts by Categorical Column')
for col in cat_col:
Value Counts by Categorical Column ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column: group control 50 treatment 50 Name: group, dtype: int64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column: landing_page new 50 old 50 Name: landing_page, dtype: int64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column: converted yes 54 no 46 Name: converted, dtype: int64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column: language_preferred French 34 Spanish 34 English 32 Name: language_preferred, dtype: int64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Recall that our sample size is 100 users. We note immediately that the groups are split perfectly down the middle. As was noted earlier, group and landing_page convey the same data in two different ways, and since we are A/B testing the layout, it is helpful that our two groups have the same size. From the converted column, we find that slightly more than half of the users were converted to subscribers. I'd be interested to see how that conversion is distributed across the test groups! Lastly, we have language preference. The three languages have about equal representation in the data, around 1/3 of the sample preferring English, 1/3 Spanish, and 1/3 French. We will look later at whether there is any difference between these language preferences and the conversion rate.
# use seaborn default plotting theme
# create a plot of categorical variables
# using a loop and subplots
# figure setup
plt.suptitle('Ratio of Values',fontsize=20)
# loop to create subplots
for i,col in enumerate(cat_col):
We find in the countplots what we found in the table above. The only new insight is perhaps a better visual sense of how close these values are. For example, when we look across the entire sample, the number of converted users is quite close to the number of users who weren't converted.
# plot the numerical variable: time
# figure setup
fig.suptitle('Time Spent on the Page',fontsize=20)
# histogram subplot
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
# boxplot subplot
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
We see from the KDE on the left that time is normally distributed. The peak is between 5 and 6 minutes, as is the median, which can be read from the boxplot. The boxplot further illustrates that the spead of the data is not irregular, that is, there are no outliers: the minimum is just about 0 minutes and the maximum is around 11 minutes, both within bounds for these data. As can be seen in both the histogram and (especially) the boxplot, the middle 50% of the data is concentrated between about 4 minutes and 7 minutes.
We can combine these two plots into the violin plot below, which encapsulates the analysis above.
# violin plot of time
#figure setup
plt.title('Violin Plot of Time', fontsize=16)
# violin restricted to data range (cut parameter)
plt.xlabel('Time (min)');
Let's start with the most pressing question: Does the landing page design have any effect the conversion rate?
# figure setup
plt.title('Conversion Rate by Landing Page Design',fontsize=14)
# countplot
sns.countplot(data=usage, x='landing_page',hue='converted')
Indeed, it appears that the new design has a positive impact on conversion rate. In particular, more than half the users served the new landing page were converted to subscribers, whereas the old design had a conversion rate less than 50%. Now this looks like a big improvement, but we cannot be sure it is statistically significant until we run the test later.
Next, let's look at whether language preference and conversion rate seemingly interact.
# figure setup
plt.title('Conversion Rate by Language Preference',fontsize=14)
# countplot
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
We are seeing a difference in conversion rate between the three languages! The change in landing page design has had a big effect on English-speaking users, while the effect was less for Spanish-speaking users. There appears to be no improvement in conversion rate for the French-speaking users; it seems, instead, that fewer users subscribed when served the new landing page design.
We should check, though, that all three languages were evenly represented in the two groups.
# figure setup
plt.title('Group Language Breakdown',fontsize=14)
# countplot
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
Thankfully, the groups are evenly composed of users speaking the three languages. Turning then to our numerical variable, time, was there any difference between the three languages with respect to how much time users spent on the News Source landing page?
# kde of time based on language
plt.title('Time on Landing Page by Language Preference',fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Time (min)');
# precise calculation of variance difference
language_preferred English 6.870054 French 7.157835 Spanish 3.305470 Name: time_spent_on_the_page, dtype: float64
No, users preferring all three languages spent essentially the same amount of time, on average, on the landing page. Several important features of the plot worth noting: The time data for all three languages are normally distributed, and Spanish users seem to fall closer to the mean. That is, the density is greater in the middle for Spanish users and the variance is thus less. Our subsequent calculation further supports this observation.
# figure setup
plt.title('Time by Trial Group',fontsize=14)
# histogram
plt.xlabel('Time (min)');
# precise mean calculation
group control 4.5324 treatment 6.2232 Name: time_spent_on_the_page, dtype: float64
Looking at time broken down by trial group, we see (from the KDE) that the mean time for the trial group is higher than the control. This is good! Recall that the goal of the News Source layout redesign was to keep people on the site longer and convert them to subscribers. Time is approximately normally distributed for both groups, with a peak around 6 minutes for the treatment group and around 4.5 minutes for the control.
# time and conversion rate
# figure setup
plt.suptitle('Time and Conversion Rate',fontsize=20)
# boxplot subplot
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
# swarmplot subplot
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
Now looking at conversion rate, we see that spending more time on the landing page is generally a good indicator of conversion status. Since the boxplots contain outliers, we'd like a better idea of the spread and concentration of the data. We accomplish this with a swarm plot, which shows every data point. The swarm plot illustrates that non-converted users have a wider spread of times. This is supported by the wider IQR that can be observed in the boxplot. Times for converted users are generally greater with less variability.
# language differences
What is apparent from this plot is that time has a greater connection with conversion status than language. Generally, the time is greater for converted users than non-converted users, independent of language preference.
# conversion and group vs time
Here again, time is more closely connected with conversion status than trial group. We see that converted users reliably spend more time on the News Source landing page than non-converted users, independent of the page layout. What is of note is that the medians are higher for all users in the treatment group. Equivalently, the redesign appears to have had a positive effect on user retention.
# split violin plot of time
plt.title('Time by Language and Group',fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
Lastly, we can visualize time with respect to language preference and trial group. For all three languages, we see that users in the treatment group stay on News Source for longer than those in the control group; that is, the peak of the curve is greater (further to the right) for users in the treatment group. What's more, the split violin plot illuminates the differences between the languages and time, as no two languages have similar looking violins.
# initial numerical comparison
landing_page new 6.2232 old 4.5324 Name: time_spent_on_the_page, dtype: float64
It appears that the mean time for the new landing page is greater than the mean time for the old landing page. Now what we must determine is whether the difference is significant.
# kde of time for old and new layouts
plt.title('KDE of Time Spent on Landing Page', fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Time (min)');
We have two time variables now: time for the new layout and time for the old layout. From the Kernel Density Estimate, we find that both are approximately normally distributed. Moreover, the peak of the new layout data is higher and further to the right, indicating a high concentration of data above the mean of the old layout data.
To test if the new layout does indeed make a statistically significant difference, we must assume at the outset that there is no population-level difference. That is, our null hypothesis is that the mean time for the old layout ($\mu_{\text{old}}$) is the same as the mean time for the new layout ($\mu_{\text{new}}$): $$ H_0: \mu_{\text{old}}=\mu_{\text{new}}.$$ The alternative hypothesis then adresses Question 1 above, namely, do users really spend more time on News Source now that the layout has been redesigned? We formulate this as: $$ H_a: \mu_{\text{old}}<\mu_{\text{new}}.$$
Since the populations are independent, simply randomly sampled, and time is normally distributed (as was shown in Step 1), the two sample independent t-test is the best test to study the effect (if any) of the layout change.
Per the problem statement, we will be assuming a significance level of 5%.
# separate out the time data
We create two pandas Series with the time data for the old layout and the new layout.
# apply the t-test
test_stat, p_val=st.ttest_ind(old_time,
print('The p-value is',p_val)
The p-value is 0.0001392381225166549
The p-value is indeed less than the level of significance $\alpha$. In fact, the p-value is about 359 times smaller than $\alpha$!!
As the p-value is less than the level of significance, we must reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternate. Thus, the new layout does keep users on News Source for longer than the old layout.
A similar approach can be followed to answer the other questions.
# numerical comparison
landing_page new no 17 yes 33 old no 29 yes 21 Name: converted, dtype: int64
A first look at our data shows a greater conversion rate for the new layout: 66% versus 42%.
# visual analysis
# prepare figure
plt.title('Ratios of Landing Page Conversions',fontsize=16)
# countplot
plt.xlabel('Landing Page Design')
Indeed, the contrast noted numerically above is illustrated by the count plot. The orange bar shows converted users. The new landing page has about double the converted users as those that weren't converted, while the old landing page converted less than half the users.
Since we are interested in whether the new layout had any effect on the conversion rate, we must assume at the outset that there is no difference. That is, we assume the conversion rate for users shown the new page ($r_{\text{new}}$) is equal to the conversion rate for the old page ($r_{\text{old}}$): $$ H_0: r_{\text{new}}=r_{\text{old}}.$$ The alternate hypothesis addresses our inquiry, namely that the new rate is greater than the old rate: $$ H_a: r_{\text{new}}>r_{\text{old}}.$$
We will use the two proportion z-test. Our two populations are binomially distributed, independent, and simply randomly sampled. The last condition to satisfy is the sample size inequalities: $nr\geq10$ and $n(1-r)\geq10$.
Since all four values are greater than 10, we can confidently use this test.
Again, the problem statement fixes the level of significance at $\alpha=0.05$.
# prepare the conversion data
# two proportion independent z-test
# import the required function from statsmodels
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportions_ztest
# test
test_stat,p_val = proportions_ztest(yes,size)
print('The p-value is',p_val)
The p-value is 0.016052616408112556
The p-value is less than the level of significance.
Since the p-value is less than $\alpha$, we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore the population conversion rates are genuinely different. In particular, the conversion rate for users served the new landing page is greater than the rate for the old page. Put another way, the News Source redesign has had a positive impact on subscriptions.
# contingency table WITH margins (totals)
converted | no | yes | Totals |
language_preferred | |||
English | 11 | 21 | 32 |
French | 19 | 15 | 34 |
Spanish | 16 | 18 | 34 |
Totals | 46 | 54 | 100 |
Here is a contingency table of the data with totals in the final row and column.
# figure setup
plt.title('Heatmap of Contingency Table',fontsize=16)
# heatmap
Above is a heatmap of the contingency table data. A darker color represents fewer observations in the data. The highest value (lightest color) is 21 and the lowest value (darkest color) is 11, both associated with English data.
We are interested in whether conversion status and language preference are related variables. We will assume at the outset that they are not: $$ H_0: \text{conversion status and language are independent}.$$
Otherwise, they must be related: $$ H_a: \text{conversion status depends on language}.$$
We are studying the connection of two randomly sampled categorical variables. Since the number of observations in each category is greater than 5, the best test is the chi-squared test of independence.
We assume a significance level of $\alpha=0.05$.
# generate the contingency table
# chi squared test for independence
a, p_val, b, c =st.chi2_contingency(contingency)
print('The p-value is',p_val)
The p-value is 0.2129888748754345
The p-value is greater than $\alpha$.
Since the p-value is greater than $\alpha$, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore we cannot conclude that conversion status and language preference are related.
language_preferred English 6.663750 French 6.196471 Spanish 5.835294 Name: time_spent_on_the_page, dtype: float64
There's certainly a difference, albeit small, between the mean times for the three languages on the new News Source landing page.
# figure setup
plt.title('Time on New Landing Page by Language',fontsize=16)
# boxplot
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
# kde of time for different languages
plt.title('Time on New Landing Page by Language',fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Time (min)');
There is clear visual separation of the time data for the three languages. What's striking though is the contrast between the boxplot and the KDE plot: While the medians (in the boxplot) are quite variable, the means (in the KDE plot) are more concentrated. In the boxplot, the data looks far more variable, with differing ranges and outliers.
We suppose at the outset that there is no population-level difference in the time spent on the new landing page for all three languages: $$ H_0: \mu_E=\mu_F=\mu_S,$$ where the quantities are the mean time for English, French, and Spanish respectively. The alternate hypothesis is that there is some difference: $$ H_a: \text{at least one mean differs}.$$
# define a new DataFrame for just new landing page data
# define pandas Series of time for each language
In this case, as we will need these collected and prepared data to run the Shapiro-Wilk test and the Levene test, we complete this step first.
In the case of comparing more than two means, we require the ANOVA test. To invoke this test, however, a number of assumptions must be satisfied:
The first assumption is satisfied since the entire data set was simply randomly sampled and users are independent.
For the second assumption, we use the Shapiro-Wilk test. We assume a level of significance of 5% for this test. Our hypotheses are: $$ H_0: \text{time data for the new landing page is normally distributed};$$ $$ H_a: \text{time data for the new landing page is NOT normally distributed}.$$
# shapiro-wilk test
a, p_val=st.shapiro(usage_new[time])
print('The p-value is',p_val)
The p-value is 0.8040016293525696
With a p-value of 0.8, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, time data for the new News Source landing page is normally distributed.
Now we must test that the populations (different languages) have equal variances. We accomplish this with the Levene test. Our hypotheses: $$ H_0: \text{all three languages have equal variance};$$ $$ H_a: \text{at least one population has a different variance}.$$
# levene test
a, p_val=st.levene(en_time,fr_time,sp_time)
print('The p-value is',p_val)
The p-value is 0.46711357711340173
With a p-value of 0.47, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, and can therefore assume that the time data for all three languages have equal variance.
From the problem statement, we assume a significance level of $\alpha=0.05$.
# one-way anova test
print('The p-value is',p_val)
The p-value is 0.43204138694325955
Our p-value of 0.43 is greater than $\alpha$.
We fail to reject the null hypothesis. We do not have strong evidence to conclude there is a difference between the time spent on the new landing page for the different language users.