Name |
hossainlab's repositories |
01 - Jupyter & Markdown |
02 - Fundamentals of Python |
03 - Working with NumPy |
04 - Data Analysis With Pandas |
05 - Data Visualization with Python |
06 - Descriptive Stats with Python |
07 - Inferential Stats with Python |
11 - Case Studies |
12 - Projects |
img |
labs |
site_libs |
slides |
.Rhistory |
.gitignore |
08 - Python for Bioinformatics |
09 - Python for Cheminformatics |
10 - Intro to Machine Learning |
PY4R.Rproj | |
_site.yml |
about.Rmd |
about.html |
by-nc.png |
cm.Rmd |
cm.csv |
cm.html |
due.Rmd |
due.csv |
due.html |
extra.html |
footer.html |
index.Rmd |
index.html |
schedule.Rmd |
schedule.html |
syllabus.Rmd |
syllabus.html |