from time import time as get_time
class Timer():
def __init__(self):
self.start = get_time()
def __call__(self, label="elapsed time", restart=False):
print("%s %gs" % (label, get_time() - self.start))
if restart:
self.start = get_time()
import sys
from os.path import basename
with open(MODEL_FILE) as fin:
for idx, line in enumerate(fin, 1):
if idx > 5:
CHAOS-6-x7_core.shc # CHAOS-6-x7 core field model # Based on model iteration_1 of CF_CHAOS_09d_18.mat # extracted on 09-Oct-2018 12:11:25 1 20 221 6 5 1997.1020 1997.2019 1997.3018 1997.4018 1997.5017 1997.6016 1997.7016 1997.8015 1997.9014 1998.0014 1998.1013 1998.2012 1998.3012 1998.4011 1998.5010 1998.6010 1998.7009 1998.8008 1998.9008 1999.0007 1999.1006 1999.2005 1999.3005 1999.4004 1999.5003 1999.6003 1999.7008 1999.8012 1999.9017 2000.0022 2000.1027 2000.2026 2000.3025 2000.4025 2000.5024 2000.6023 2000.7023 2000.8022 2000.9021 2001.0021 2001.1020 2001.2019 2001.3018 2001.4018 2001.5017 2001.6016 2001.7016 2001.8015 2001.9014 2002.0014 2002.1013 2002.2012 2002.3012 2002.4011 2002.5010 2002.6010 2002.7009 2002.8008 2002.9008 2003.0007 2003.1006 2003.2005 2003.3005 2003.4004 2003.5003 2003.6003 2003.7008 2003.8012 2003.9017 2004.0022 2004.1027 2004.2026 2004.3025 2004.4025 2004.5024 2004.6023 2004.7023 2004.8022 2004.9021 2005.0021 2005.1020 2005.2019 2005.3018 2005.4018 2005.5017 2005.6016 2005.7016 2005.8015 2005.9014 2006.0014 2006.1013 2006.2012 2006.3012 2006.4011 2006.5010 2006.6010 2006.7009 2006.8008 2006.9008 2007.0007 2007.1006 2007.2005 2007.3005 2007.4004 2007.5003 2007.6003 2007.7008 2007.8012 2007.9017 2008.0022 2008.1027 2008.2026 2008.3025 2008.4025 2008.5024 2008.6023 2008.7023 2008.8022 2008.9021 2009.0021 2009.1020 2009.2019 2009.3018 2009.4018 2009.5017 2009.6016 2009.7016 2009.8015 2009.9014 2010.0014 2010.1013 2010.2012 2010.3012 2010.4011 2010.5010 2010.6010 2010.7009 2010.8008 2010.9008 2011.0007 2011.1006 2011.2005 2011.3005 2011.4004 2011.5003 2011.6003 2011.7008 2011.8012 2011.9017 2012.0022 2012.1027 2012.2026 2012.3025 2012.4025 2012.5024 2012.6023 2012.7023 2012.8022 2012.9021 2013.0021 2013.1020 2013.2019 2013.3018 2013.4018 2013.5017 2013.6016 2013.7016 2013.8015 2013.9014 2014.0014 2014.1013 2014.2012 2014.3012 2014.4011 2014.5010 2014.6010 2014.7009 2014.8008 2014.9008 2015.0007 2015.1006 2015.2005 2015.3005 2015.4004 2015.5003 2015.6003 2015.7008 2015.8012 2015.9017 2016.0022 2016.1027 2016.2026 2016.3025 2016.4025 2016.5024 2016.6023 2016.7023 2016.8022 2016.9021 2017.0021 2017.1020 2017.2019 2017.3018 2017.4018 2017.5017 2017.6016 2017.7016 2017.8015 2017.9014 2018.0014 2018.1013 2018.2012 2018.3012 2018.4011 2018.5010 2018.6010 2018.7009 2018.8008 2018.9008 2019.0007 2019.1006 ...
/home/pacesm/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/spacepy/pycdf/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working class CDF(collections.MutableMapping):
# generate random points
from math import pi
from numpy import sin, cos, dstack, linspace
from numpy.random import random, uniform
EARTH_RADIUS = 6371.2 # km
N_coords = 500
X = random((N_coords*2, 2))
X = X[X[..., 1] < sin(X[..., 0]*pi)][:N_coords, ...]
X[..., 0] = pi * (X[..., 0] - 0.5)
X[..., 1] = pi*(2.0*X[..., 1] / cos(X[..., 0]) - 1.0)
X *= 180./pi
lats = X[..., 0]
lons = X[..., 1]
rads = uniform(EARTH_RADIUS, 1.1*EARTH_RADIUS, N_coords)
coords = dstack((lats, lons, rads))[0]
# times
from numpy import linspace
from eoxmagmod import load_model_shc
model = load_model_shc(MODEL_FILE)
start, end = model.validity
N_times = 1500
times = linspace(start, end, N_times)
from numpy import empty
from eoxmagmod import load_model_shc
model_mjd2k = load_model_shc(MODEL_FILE)
timer = Timer()
b_nec_mjd2k = empty((N_times, N_coords, 3))
for idx, time in enumerate(times):
b_nec_mjd2k[idx, ...] = model_mjd2k.eval(time, coords, scale=[1, 1, -1])
timer("model evaluated in")
<eoxmagmod.magnetic_model.coefficients.SparseSHCoefficientsTimeDependent object at 0x7fb47472f780> model evaluated in 1.67441s
from numpy import empty
from eoxmagmod import load_model_shc
model_dy = load_model_shc(
MODEL_FILE, interpolate_in_decimal_years=True
timer = Timer()
b_nec_dy = empty((N_times, N_coords, 3))
for idx, time in enumerate(times):
b_nec_dy[idx, ...] = model_dy.eval(time, coords, scale=[1, 1, -1])
timer("model evaluated in")
<eoxmagmod.magnetic_model.coefficients.SparseSHCoefficientsTimeDependentDecimalYear object at 0x7fb44d1430f0> model evaluated in 1.68006s
from numpy import empty
from eoxmagmod import load_model_shc
from eoxmagmod.time_util import decimal_year_to_mjd2000_simple
model_mjd2k_simple = load_model_shc(
MODEL_FILE, to_mjd2000=decimal_year_to_mjd2000_simple,
timer = Timer()
b_nec_mjd2k_simple = empty((N_times, N_coords, 3))
for idx, time in enumerate(times):
b_nec_mjd2k_simple[idx, ...] = model_mjd2k_simple.eval(time, coords, scale=[1, 1, -1])
timer("model evaluated in")
<eoxmagmod.magnetic_model.coefficients.SparseSHCoefficientsTimeDependent object at 0x7fb44d143438> model evaluated in 1.67169s
from numpy import zeros, concatenate, isnan
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from eoxmagmod import vnorm
from eoxmagmod.time_util import mjd2000_to_decimal_year_simple as mjd2000_to_decimal_year
def plot(ax, x0, y0, label):
x, y = [], []
for idx in range(0, N_coords):
y.append(y0[:, idx])
x, y = concatenate(x), concatenate(y)
plt.plot(x, y, '.', markersize=2, color='#1f77b4', label='random samples')
plt.plot(node_times, node_val, '+r', markersize=5, label='interpolation nodes')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
0.01, 0.95, 'max: %g nT' % y[~isnan(y)].max(),
horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes
0.01, 0.05, 'min: %g nT' % y[~isnan(y)].min(),
horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes
model = load_model_shc(MODEL_FILE)
node_times = mjd2000_to_decimal_year(model.coefficients._times)
node_val = zeros(node_times.shape)
delta_b_nec = b_nec_dy - b_nec_mjd2k
delta_f = vnorm(b_nec_dy) - vnorm(b_nec_mjd2k)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=100)
plt.title("decimal year vs. MJD2000 time domain")
times_dy = mjd2000_to_decimal_year(times)
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_b_nec[..., 0], "delta B_N / nT")
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_b_nec[..., 1], "delta B_E / nT")
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_b_nec[..., 2], "delta B_C / nT")
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_f, "delta F / nT")
%matplotlib inline
model = load_model_shc(MODEL_FILE)
node_times = mjd2000_to_decimal_year(model.coefficients._times)
node_val = zeros(node_times.shape)
delta_b_nec = b_nec_mjd2k_simple - b_nec_mjd2k
delta_f = vnorm(b_nec_mjd2k_simple) - vnorm(b_nec_mjd2k)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=100)
plt.title("decimal year vs. MJD2000 time domain")
times_dy = mjd2000_to_decimal_year(times)
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_b_nec[..., 0], "delta B_N / nT")
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_b_nec[..., 1], "delta B_E / nT")
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_b_nec[..., 2], "delta B_C / nT")
ax = plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
plot(ax, times_dy, delta_f, "delta F / nT")
%matplotlib inline
from cartopy.feature import LAND, OCEAN, COASTLINE
from import Mollweide, PlateCarree
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import winter as colormap
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib inline
norm = Normalize(vmin=1,vmax=1.1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1, projection=Mollweide())
gl = ax.gridlines(crs=PlateCarree(), draw_labels=False, linewidth=1, color='silver', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
ax.add_feature(LAND, facecolor=(1.0, 1.0, 0.9))
ax.add_feature(OCEAN, facecolor=(0.9, 1.0, 1.0))
ax.add_feature(COASTLINE, edgecolor='silver')
obj = ax.scatter(
lons, lats, c=rads/EARTH_RADIUS, s=1.5,
cmap=colormap, norm=norm, transform=PlateCarree(),
cb = plt.colorbar(obj)"r/R (R = %g km)" % EARTH_RADIUS)
ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d')
obj = ax.scatter(
cart_coords[:, 0], cart_coords[:, 1], cart_coords[:, 2],
c=rads/EARTH_RADIUS, s=1.5,
cmap=colormap, norm=norm,