This notebook shows effective temperatures in the quiet Sun observed by 3PAMIS and EIS. Link to Figure 7.
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, AutoMinorLocator)
from matplotlib import transforms
import astropy.constants as const
import pandas as pd
import as cmcm
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = r'\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{color}'
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rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2
rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 1.2
rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 10
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rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 1.2
rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 8
rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 1.2
rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 6
df1 = pd.read_excel("../../sav/EIS/EQSPY/atlas30_fitres.xlsx",sheet_name="r1")
df1["Z2A"] = df1["Z"]/df1["A"]
df1["ion"] = df1["ion"].str.strip()
df1["charge_state"] = df1["charge_state"].str.strip()
df1["fwhm_true_err"] = df1["fwhm_fit"]/(df1["fwhm_true"]*1e-3)*df1["fwhm_err"]*1e3
ion | charge_state | Z | A | wvl_fit | wvl_chianti | fwhm_fit | fwhm_err | fwhm_true | Z2A | fwhm_true_err | |
0 | Fe | x | 9 | 55.8500 | 184.5127 | 184.537 | 0.07390 | 0.00140 | 25.9 | 0.161146 | 3.994595 |
1 | Fe | viii | 7 | 55.8500 | 185.1589 | 185.213 | 0.07620 | 0.00350 | 31.9 | 0.125336 | 8.360502 |
2 | Fe | xi | 10 | 55.8500 | 188.1929 | 188.216 | 0.07440 | 0.00100 | 27.1 | 0.179051 | 2.745387 |
3 | Fe | xii | 11 | 55.8500 | 193.4862 | 193.509 | 0.07570 | 0.00110 | 30.7 | 0.196956 | 2.712378 |
4 | Fe | ix | 8 | 55.8500 | 197.8343 | 197.854 | 0.07790 | 0.00170 | 35.7 | 0.143241 | 3.709524 |
5 | Fe | xiii | 12 | 55.8500 | 202.0236 | 202.044 | 0.07484 | 0.00055 | 28.4 | 0.214861 | 1.449366 |
6 | Si | x | 9 | 28.0855 | 258.3772 | 258.374 | 0.08490 | 0.00220 | 49.1 | 0.320450 | 3.804073 |
7 | S | x | 9 | 32.0600 | 264.2337 | 264.230 | 0.08600 | 0.00210 | 51.0 | 0.280724 | 3.541176 |
8 | Fe | xiv | 13 | 55.8500 | 264.7868 | 264.788 | 0.08200 | 0.00180 | 43.9 | 0.232766 | 3.362187 |
9 | Fe | xv | 14 | 55.8500 | 284.1600 | 284.163 | 0.08050 | 0.00280 | 41.1 | 0.250671 | 5.484185 |
c = const.c.cgs.value
amu = const.u.cgs.value
k_B = const.k_B.cgs.value
hplanck = const.h.cgs.value
line_name = df1["ion"] + r" \textsc{"+ df1["charge_state"] + r"}"
Teff_1 = df1["A"]*amu/(8*np.log(2)*k_B)*(c/(df1["wvl_chianti"]*1e-8))**2*(df1["fwhm_true"]*1e-11)**2
Teff_err_1 = 2*df1["A"]*amu/(8*np.log(2)*k_B)*(c/(df1["wvl_chianti"]*1e-8))**2*(df1["fwhm_true"]*1e-11)*df1["fwhm_true_err"]*1e-11
df_ion = df1[["ion","charge_state","Z","A","Z2A"]]
df_ion = df_ion.drop_duplicates()
ion_name = r"\textbf{" + df_ion["ion"] + r" \textsc{"+ df_ion["charge_state"] + r"}}"
df2 = pd.read_excel("../../sav/EIS/EQSPY/atlas30_fitres.xlsx",sheet_name="r2")
df2["Z2A"] = df2["Z"]/df2["A"]
df2["ion"] = df2["ion"].str.strip()
df2["charge_state"] = df2["charge_state"].str.strip()
df2["fwhm_true_err"] = df2["fwhm_fit"]/(df2["fwhm_true"]*1e-3)*df2["fwhm_err"]*1e3
ion | charge_state | Z | A | wvl_fit | wvl_chianti | fwhm_fit | fwhm_err | fwhm_true | Z2A | fwhm_true_err | |
0 | Fe | x | 9 | 55.8500 | 184.5120 | 184.537 | 0.07380 | 0.00310 | 25.5 | 0.161146 | 8.971765 |
1 | Fe | viii | 7 | 55.8500 | 185.1910 | 185.213 | 0.07670 | 0.00680 | 33.0 | 0.125336 | 15.804848 |
2 | Fe | xi | 10 | 55.8500 | 188.1926 | 188.216 | 0.07670 | 0.00110 | 33.0 | 0.179051 | 2.556667 |
3 | Fe | xii | 11 | 55.8500 | 193.4862 | 193.509 | 0.07570 | 0.00120 | 30.6 | 0.196956 | 2.968627 |
4 | Fe | ix | 8 | 55.8500 | 197.8320 | 197.854 | 0.07600 | 0.00340 | 31.2 | 0.143241 | 8.282051 |
5 | Fe | xiii | 12 | 55.8500 | 202.0242 | 202.044 | 0.07543 | 0.00075 | 29.9 | 0.214861 | 1.892057 |
6 | Si | x | 9 | 28.0855 | 258.3800 | 258.374 | 0.08430 | 0.00320 | 48.0 | 0.320450 | 5.620000 |
7 | S | x | 9 | 32.0600 | 264.2310 | 264.230 | 0.08540 | 0.00340 | 50.0 | 0.280724 | 5.807200 |
8 | Fe | xiv | 13 | 55.8500 | 264.7860 | 264.788 | 0.08570 | 0.00380 | 50.5 | 0.232766 | 6.448713 |
9 | Fe | xv | 14 | 55.8500 | 284.1580 | 284.163 | 0.07730 | 0.00440 | 34.4 | 0.250671 | 9.887209 |
Teff_2 = df2["A"]*amu/(8*np.log(2)*k_B)*(c/(df2["wvl_chianti"]*1e-8))**2*(df2["fwhm_true"]*1e-11)**2
Teff_err_2 = 2*df2["A"]*amu/(8*np.log(2)*k_B)*(c/(df2["wvl_chianti"]*1e-8))**2*(df2["fwhm_true"]*1e-11)*df2["fwhm_true_err"]*1e-11
PaMIS_veff = np.array([28.54, 31.96])
PaMIS_veff_err = np.array([1.09, 0.97])
PaMIS_Teff = 55.85*amu/2/k_B*(PaMIS_veff*1e5)**2
PaMIS_Teff_err = 2*55.85*amu/2/k_B*(PaMIS_veff*1e5)*(PaMIS_veff_err*1e5)
PaMIS_Z2A = np.array([9,13])/np.array([55.85,55.85])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6),constrained_layout=True)
ax.errorbar(df1["Z2A"].values, Teff_1.values/1e6, Teff_err_1.values/1e6, color="#CC543A",ls="none",marker="o",
markersize=15,capsize=5,lw=2.5,label=r"\textbf{EIS [1.035,1.06]}",zorder=15,markeredgecolor='white',
ax.errorbar(df2["Z2A"].values, Teff_2.values/1e6, Teff_err_2.values/1e6, color="#F9BF45",ls="none",marker="s",
markersize=15,capsize=5,lw=2.5,label=r"\textbf{EIS [1.06,1.1]}",zorder=14,markeredgecolor='white',
ax.errorbar(PaMIS_Z2A, PaMIS_Teff/1e6, PaMIS_Teff_err/1e6, color="#0089A7",ls="none",marker="D",
ax_ion = ax.secondary_xaxis(location="top")
ax.legend(loc="upper right",fontsize=18,frameon=False)
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\boldsymbol{\mathrm{Charge\ to\ Mass\ Ratio}\ Z/A}$",fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\boldsymbol{T_{\rm eff}}$ \textbf{[MK]}",fontsize=18)