Digby (1981) is valid for clastic sedimentary rocks (sandstone, chalk), not for carbonate
Digby (1981) represented a rock as collection of grains with radius r
and neighboring bonded particles with radius a
. While pore pressure decreases, space a
decreases to a new radius b
. Digby (1981) used term differential pressure rather than pore pressure. Differential pressure (effective pressure) is confining pressure minus pore pressure: P_eff = P_conf - Pp
. A new term, coordination number or Cp
was also introduced. Murphy (1982) stated that Cp
is proportional to e^(1-porosity)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
Murphy (1982) theory of proportionality of coordination number Cp
and porosity. Supposing the real equation that relates both is Cp = 11.759 * e^(1 - porosity) - 12.748
(Li and Ma, 2019).
poro_arr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
Cp_arr = 11.759 * np.exp(1 - poro_arr) - 12.748
plt.plot(poro_arr, Cp_arr)
plt.title('Coordination Number to Porosity')
plt.xlim(0, 1); plt.ylim(0, 20)
plt.xlabel('Porosity'); plt.ylabel('Coordination number')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Coordination number')
Supposing a sandstone has 50% porosity, composed of 50% quartz and 50% clay minerals, and Poisson's ratio of 0.4 (Typically sandstone has poisson
between 0.1 and 0.4). Mineral bulk moduli (Km
) and shear moduli (Gm
) can be computed using Voigt-Reuss-Hill method.
# Voigt Reuss Hill to compute Km and Gm
rhocalc = 2.71; Kcalc = 76.8; Gcalc = 32
rhoclay = 2.58; Kclay = 20.9; Gclay = 6.9
rhodolo = 2.87; Kdolo = 94.9; Gdolo = 45
rhoqtz = 2.65; Kqtz = 36.6; Gqtz = 45
# mineral composition
calc = 0; clay = 0.5; dolo = 0; qtz = 0.5
mincomposition = np.array([calc, clay, dolo, qtz])
rhomineral = np.array([rhocalc, rhoclay, rhodolo, rhoqtz])
Kmineral = np.array([Kcalc, Kclay, Kdolo, Kqtz])
Kmineral_inv = 1 / Kmineral
Gmineral = np.array([Gcalc, Gclay, Gdolo, Kqtz])
Gmineral_inv = 1 / Gmineral
Kv = sum(mincomposition * Kmineral)
Kr_inv = sum(mincomposition * Kmineral_inv)
Gv = sum(mincomposition * Gmineral)
Gr_inv = sum(mincomposition * Gmineral_inv)
rhom = sum(mincomposition * rhomineral)
Km = (Kv+(1/Kr_inv)) / 2
Gm = (Gv+(1/Gr_inv)) / 2
print("Mineral bulk moduli:", Km, "GPa")
print("Mineral shear moduli:", Gm, "GPa")
print("Mineral density:", rhom, "g/cc")
Mineral bulk moduli: 27.678304347826085 GPa Mineral shear moduli: 16.68051724137931 GPa Mineral density: 2.615 g/cc
poro = 0.5
Cp = 11.759 * np.exp(1 - poro) - 12.748
print("Rock coordination number:", Cp)
Rock coordination number: 6.639313422162809
The sandstone has mineral bulk moduli (Km
) 27.68 GPa, shear moduli (Gm
) 16.68 GPa, and coordination number (Cp
) 6.64.
Assuming the sandstone is confined to a pressure of P_conf = 70 MPa
and the pore pressure is Pp = 60 MPa
P_conf = 70
Pp = 60
pressure = P_conf - Pp
print("Differential pressure:", pressure, "MPa")
Differential pressure: 10 MPa
Since radius a
and r
not known, we assume the rock has ratio of a and r (ratio_ar
) is 1. We then compute dry rock incompressibility (K_dry
) using Digby (1981) method.
First, solve d
. Second, calculate ratio of deformed radius b
to r
). Third, compute K_dry
"Digby (1981) Method"
# ratio_ar = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
ratio_ar = 1
poisson = 0.4 # typical sandstone, high poisson ratio
Gm = 10 # shear moduli, in GPa
pressure = 10 # pressure, in MPa
Cp = 10
def f(d):
f1 = (d**3) + (1.5 * (ratio_ar**2) * d) - ((3 * np.pi * (1 - poisson) * pressure) / (2 * Cp * (1 - poro) * Gm))
d = fsolve(f, 1)
ratio_br = np.sqrt((d**2) + (ratio_ar**2))
Kdry = ((Cp * (1 - poro) * Gm) / (3 * np.pi * (1 - poisson))) * ratio_br
print("Dry bulk modulus:", Kdry, "GPa")
Dry bulk modulus: [9.36413669] GPa
Use [(Zimmermann 1986)](https://() to compute pore incompressibility (K_pore
) from the resulted K_dry
. Then, invert K_pore
to arrive at value of pore compressibility or the formation compressibility (cf
later is important in reservoir engineering since it determine the term total compressibility as sum of formation compressibility and fluid compressibility or ct = cf + (sw * cw) + (so * co) + (sg * cg)
, although often negligible.
sw, so, sg = water, oil, gas saturation
sw + so + sg = 1
cw, co, cg = water, oil, gas isothermal compressibility
K_pore_inverse = (1 / (poro * Kdry)) - ((1 - poro) / (poro * Km))
cf = (1 / K_pore_inverse) / 145038 # from GPa^-1 to psi^-1
print("Pore compressibility:", cf, "psi^-1")
Pore compressibility: [3.88542625e-05] psi^-1
During production, assuming pore pressure declines from 60 to 5 MPa, at confining pressure 70 MPa. Sandstone with the same properties, plot the pore compressibility change with respect to declining pore pressure.
P_conf - 70
Pp = np.arange(5, 61, 1)
pressure = P_conf - Pp
cf_arr = []
for i in range(len(pressure)):
def f(d):
f1 = (d**3) + (1.5 * (ratio_ar**2) * d) - ((3 * np.pi * (1 - poisson) * pressure[i]) / (2 * Cp * (1 - poro) * Gm))
d = fsolve(f, 1)
ratio_br = np.sqrt((d**2) + (ratio_ar**2))
Kdry = ((Cp * (1 - poro) * Gm) / (3 * np.pi * (1 - poisson))) * ratio_br
K_pore_inverse = (1 / (poro * Kdry)) - ((1 - poro) / (poro * Km))
cf = (1 / K_pore_inverse) / 145038 # from GPa^-1 to psi^-1
# plot
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(pressure, cf_arr, '.-', color='blue')
plt.title('Pore Compressibility to Differential Pressure')
# plt.xlim(0, 1); plt.ylim(0, 20)
plt.xlabel('Differential pressure (MPa)'); plt.ylabel('Pore compressibility (psi^-1)')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(Pp, cf_arr, '.-', color='red')
plt.title('Pore Compressibility to Pore Pressure')
# plt.xlim(0, 1); plt.ylim(0, 20)
plt.xlabel('Pore pressure (MPa)'); plt.ylabel('Pore compressibility (psi^-1)')
plt.tight_layout(pad=2.0) # set distance between two plots
Conclusion: In production, while pore pressure decreases, differential pressure increases, the formation compressibility increases, due to pore collapse.
# psi to GPa
C_formation = 5E-6 / 6.89E-6 # psi^-1 to GPa^-1
C_rock = C_formation / ((1 - poro) / poro)
K_rock = 1 / C_rock