Notebook Status: Validated
Validation Notes: All PN expressions in this notebook were transcribed twice by hand on separate occasions, and expressions were corrected as needed to ensure consistency with published work. Published work was cross-validated and typo(s) in published work were corrected. In addition, all expressions in this notebook were validated against those in the Mathematica notebook used by Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) (thanks to Toni Ramos-Buades for sharing this!) Finally, this tutorial notebook has been confirmed to be self-consistent with its corresponding NRPy+ module, as documented below. Additional validation tests may have been performed, but are as yet, undocumented.ß
# Step 0: Add NRPy's directory to the path
import sympy as sp # SymPy: The Python computer algebra package upon which NRPy+ depends
from NRPyPN_shortcuts import Pt,Pr,nU,div # NRPyPN: shortcuts for e.g., vector operations
As detailed in Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018), the basic strategy for computing pr first involves constructing the full Hamiltonian expression assuming that, consistent with a binary system initially on the x-axis and orbiting instantaneously on the x-y plane, the momenta and normal vectors are given by:
Px1=−prPx2=+prPy1=+ptPy2=−ptPz1=Pz2=0n=(1,0,0)Now let's construct the full Hamiltonian, applying these assumptions as we go:
# Step 1: Construct full Hamiltonian
# expression for a binary instantaneously
# orbiting on the xy plane, store
# result to Htot_xyplane_binary
def f_Htot_xyplane_binary(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r):
def make_replacements(expr):
zero = sp.sympify(0)
one = sp.sympify(1)
return expr.subs(p1U[1], Pt).subs(p2U[1], -Pt).subs(p1U[2], zero).subs(p2U[2], zero).subs(p1U[0], -Pr).subs(
p2U[0], Pr) \
.subs(nU[0], one).subs(nU[1], zero).subs(nU[2], zero)
import PN_Hamiltonian_NS as H_NS
H_NS.f_H_Newt__H_NS_1PN__H_NS_2PN(m1, m2, p1U, n12U, r)
H_NS.f_H_NS_3PN(m1, m2, p1U, n12U, r)
global Htot_xyplane_binary
Htot_xyplane_binary = make_replacements(+H_NS.H_Newt
+ H_NS.H_NS_3PN)
import PN_Hamiltonian_SO as H_SO
H_SO.f_H_SO_1p5PN(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
H_SO.f_H_SO_2p5PN(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
H_SO.f_H_SO_3p5PN(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
Htot_xyplane_binary += make_replacements(+H_SO.H_SO_1p5PN
+ H_SO.H_SO_2p5PN
+ H_SO.H_SO_3p5PN)
import PN_Hamiltonian_SS as H_SS
H_SS.f_H_SS_2PN(m1, m2, S1U, S2U, nU, r)
H_SS.f_H_SS_S1S2_3PN(m1, m2, n12U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
H_SS.f_H_SS_S1sq_S2sq_3PN(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
Htot_xyplane_binary += make_replacements(+H_SS.H_SS_2PN
+ H_SS.H_SS_S1S2_3PN
+ H_SS.H_SS_S1sq_S2sq_3PN)
import PN_Hamiltonian_SSS as H_SSS
H_SSS.f_H_SSS_3PN(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
Htot_xyplane_binary += make_replacements(+H_SSS.H_SSS_3PN)
Hamilton's equations of motion imply that
drdt=∂H∂pr.Next we Taylor expand ∂H∂pr in powers of pr, about pr=0:
drdt=∂H∂pr=∂H∂pr|pr=0+11!pr∂2H∂p2r|pr=0+12!p2r∂3H∂p3r|pr=0+13!p3r∂4H∂p4r|pr=0+O(p4r)so to first order we get
pr≈(drdt−∂H∂pr|pr=0)(∂2H∂p2r|pr=0)−1.Given the input masses and spins, we can compute pt using the formula given in this NRPyPN notebook (from Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)), and the above will lead us with one equation and two unknowns: pr and drdt. This is an equation we can derive directly from our Hamiltonian expression, and compare the output to the expression derived to 3.5PN order in Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018).
Let's next construct an expression for drdt in terms of known quantities, via
dHcirc(r,pt(r))dr=∂H(pr=0)∂r+∂H(pr=0)∂pt∂pt∂r,and the total energy flux E(MΩ,...)=(dEGWdt+dMdt)
is given in terms of input parameters (e.g., masses and spins), plus MΩ, which we also constructed in terms of the input masses, spins, and orbital separation r.
# Function for computing dr/dt
def f_dr_dt(Htot_xyplane_binary, m1,m2, n12U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, r):
# First compute p_t
import PN_p_t as pt
pt.f_p_t(m1,m2, chi1U,chi2U, r)
# Then compute dH_{circ}/dr = partial_H(p_r=0)/partial_r
# + partial_H(p_r=0)/partial_{p_t} partial_{p_t}/partial_r
dHcirc_dr = (+sp.diff(Htot_xyplane_binary.subs(Pr,sp.sympify(0)),r)
# Then compute M\Omega
import PN_MOmega as MOm
MOm.f_MOmega(m1,m2, chi1U,chi2U, r)
# Next compute dE_GW_dt_plus_dM_dt
import PN_dE_GW_dt_and_dM_dt as dEdt
dEdt.f_dE_GW_dt_and_dM_dt(MOm.MOmega, m1,m2, n12U, S1U,S2U)
# Finally, compute dr/dt
global dr_dt
dr_dt = dEdt.dE_GW_dt_plus_dM_dt / dHcirc_dr
# Next we compute p_r as a function of dr_dt (unknown) and known quantities using
# p_r \approx [dr/dt - (partial_H/partial_{p_r})|_{p_r=0}] * [(partial^2_{H}/partial_{p_r^2})|_{p_r=0}]^{-1}
def f_p_r_fullHam(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r):
f_Htot_xyplane_binary(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
f_dr_dt(Htot_xyplane_binary, m1,m2, n12U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, r)
dHdpr_przero = sp.diff(Htot_xyplane_binary,Pr).subs(Pr,sp.sympify(0))
d2Hdpr2_przero = sp.diff(sp.diff(Htot_xyplane_binary,Pr),Pr).subs(Pr,sp.sympify(0))
global p_r_fullHam
p_r_fullHam = (dr_dt - dHdpr_przero)/(d2Hdpr2_przero)
This approach (Eq 2.16 of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)) uses the same approximation as Approach 1 pr≈(drdt−∂H∂pr|pr=0)[∂2H∂p2r|pr=0]−1,
To reduce the possibility of copying error, the equation for pr is taken directly from the arXiv LaTeX source code of Eq 2.16 in Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018), and only mildly formatted to (1) improve presentation in Jupyter notebooks and (2) to ensure some degree of consistency in notation across different terms in other NRPyPN notebooks:
pr=[−drdt+1r7/2(−(6q+13)q2χ1xχ2y4(q+1)4−(6q+1)q2χ2xχ2y4(q+1)4+χ1y(−q(q+6)χ1x4(q+1)4−q(13q+6)χ2x4(q+1)4))+1r4(χ1z(3q(5q+2)χ1xχ2y2(q+1)4−3q2(2q+5)χ2xχ2y2(q+1)4)+χ1yχ2z(3q2(2q+5)χ2x2(q+1)4−3q(5q+2)χ1x2(q+1)4))]×[−(q+1)2q−1(−7q2−15q−7)2qr−47q4+229q3+363q2+229q+478q(q+1)2r2−1r5/2((4q2+11q+12)χ1z4q(q+1)+(12q2+11q+4)χ2z4(q+1))−1r7/2((−53q5−357q4−1097q3−1486q2−842q−144)χ1z16q(q+1)4+(−144q5−842q4−1486q3−1097q2−357q−53)χ2z16(q+1)4)−1r3((q2+9q+9)χ21x2q(q+1)2+(3q2+5q+3)χ2xχ1x(q+1)2+(3q2+8q+3)χ1yχ2y2(q+1)2−9q2χ22y4(q+1)+(3q2+8q+3)χ1zχ2z2(q+1)2−9q2χ22z4(q+1)+(9q3+9q2+q)χ22x2(q+1)2+−363q6−2608q5−7324q4−10161q3−7324q2−2608q−36348q(q+1)4−9χ21y4q(q+1)−9χ21z4q(q+1)−π216)]−1.# Here's the Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
# approach for computing p_r.
# Transcribed from Eq 2.18 of
# Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018),
def f_p_r(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r):
q = m2/m1 # It is assumed that q >= 1, so m2 >= m1.
f_Htot_xyplane_binary(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
f_dr_dt(Htot_xyplane_binary, m1,m2, n12U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, r)
chi1x = chi1U[0]
chi1y = chi1U[1]
chi1z = chi1U[2]
chi2x = chi2U[0]
chi2y = chi2U[1]
chi2z = chi2U[2]
p_r_num = (-dr_dt
-(6*q+ 1)*q**2*chi2x*chi2y/(4*(q+1)**4)
+chi1y*(-q*( q+6)*chi1x/(4*(q+1)**4)
+(+chi1z*(+3*q *(5*q+2)*chi1x*chi2y/(2*(q+1)**4)
-3*q *(5*q+2)*chi1x/(2*(q+1)**4)))/r**4)
p_r_den = (-(q+1)**2/q - (-7*q**2-15*q-7)/(2*q*r)
-(47*q**4 + 229*q**3 + 363*q**2 + 229*q + 47)/(8*q*(q+1)**2*r**2)
-(+( 4*q**2 + 11*q + 12)*chi1z/(4*q*(q+1))
+(12*q**2 + 11*q + 4)*chi2z/(4* (q+1)))/r**div(5,2)
-(+(- 53*q**5 - 357*q**4 - 1097*q**3 - 1486*q**2 - 842*q - 144)*chi1z/(16*q*(q+1)**4)
+(-144*q**5 - 842*q**4 - 1486*q**3 - 1097*q**2 - 357*q - 53)*chi2z/(16 *(q+1)**4))/r**div(7,2)
-(+( q**2 + 9*q + 9)*chi1x**2/(2*q*(q+1)**2)
+(3*q**2 + 5*q + 3)*chi2x*chi1x/((q+1)**2)
+(3*q**2 + 8*q + 3)*chi1y*chi2y/(2*(q+1)**2)
+(3*q**2 + 8*q + 3)*chi1z*chi2z/(2*(q+1)**2)
+(9*q**3 + 9*q**2 + q)*chi2x**2/(2*(q+1)**2)
+(-363*q**6 - 2608*q**5 - 7324*q**4 - 10161*q**3 - 7324*q**2 - 2608*q - 363)/(48*q*(q+1)**4)
-9*chi1z**2/(4*q*(q+1)) - sp.pi**2/16)/r**3)
global p_r
p_r = p_r_num/p_r_den
# Second version, used for validation purposes only.
def f_p_r_RHP2018v2(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r):
q = m2/m1
f_Htot_xyplane_binary(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
f_dr_dt(Htot_xyplane_binary, m1,m2, n12U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, r)
chi1x = chi1U[0]
chi1y = chi1U[1]
chi1z = chi1U[2]
chi2x = chi2U[0]
chi2y = chi2U[1]
chi2z = chi2U[2]
p_r_num = (-dr_dt
+chi1y*(-q*(q+6)*chi1x/(4*(q+1)**4) - q*(13*q+6)*chi2x/(4*(q+1)**4)))/r**div(7,2)
+(+chi1z*(+div(3,2)*(q* (5*q+2)*chi1x*chi2y)/(q+1)**4
-div(3,2)*(q* (5*q+2)*chi1x)/(q+1)**4))/r**4)
p_r_den = (-(q+1)**2/q
-(47*q**4 + 229*q**3 + 363*q**2 + 229*q + 47)/(8*q*(q+1)**2*r**2)
-( (4*q**2+11*q+12)*chi1z/(4*q*(q+1)) + (12*q**2+11*q+4)*chi2z/(4*(q+1)) )/r**div(5,2)
-(+(-53 *q**5 - 357*q**4 - 1097*q**3 - 1486*q**2 - 842*q - 144)*chi1z/(16*q*(q+1)**4)
+(-144*q**5 - 842*q**4 - 1486*q**3 - 1097*q**2 - 357*q - 53 )*chi2z/(16* (q+1)**4) )/r**div(7,2)
-(+( q**2+9*q+9)*chi1x**2/(2*q*(q+1)**2)
+(-363*q**6 - 2608*q**5 - 7324*q**4 - 10161*q**3 - 7324*q**2 - 2608*q - 363)/(48*q*(q+1)**4)
-sp.pi**2/16) / r**3)
global p_r_RHP2018v2
p_r_RHP2018v2 = p_r_num/p_r_den
# Third version, directly from Toni Ramos-Buades' Mathematica notebook (thanks Toni!)
def f_p_r_RHP2018v3(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r):
q = m2/m1
f_Htot_xyplane_binary(m1, m2, n12U, n21U, S1U, S2U, p1U, p2U, r)
f_dr_dt(Htot_xyplane_binary, m1,m2, n12U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, r)
chi1x = chi1U[0]
chi1y = chi1U[1]
chi1z = chi1U[2]
chi2x = chi2U[0]
chi2y = chi2U[1]
chi2z = chi2U[2]
Pi = sp.pi
p_r_num = (-dr_dt
+((chi1y*chi2z*((3*chi2x*q**2*(5 + 2*q))/(2*(1 + q)**4) - (3*chi1x*q*(2 + 5*q))/(2*(1 + q)**4)) + chi1z*((-3*chi2x*chi2y*q**2*(5 + 2*q))/(2*(1 + q)**4) + (3*chi1x*chi2y*q*(2 + 5*q))/(2*(1 + q)**4)))/
r**4 + (-(chi2x*chi2y*q**2*(1 + 6*q))/(4*(1 + q)**4) - (chi1x*chi2y*q**2*(13 + 6*q))/(4*(1 + q)**4) + chi1y*(-(chi1x*q*(6 + q))/(4*(1 + q)**4) - (chi2x*q*(6 + 13*q))/(4*(1 + q)**4)))/r**(sp.Rational(7,2))))
p_r_den = (-((1 + q)**2/q) - ((chi2z*(-53 - 357*q - 1097*q**2 - 1486*q**3 - 842*q**4 - 144*q**5))/(16*(1 + q)**4) + (chi1z*(-144 - 842*q - 1486*q**2 - 1097*q**3 - 357*q**4 - 53*q**5))/(16*q*(1 + q)**4))/r**(sp.Rational(7,2)) -
(-Pi**2/16 - (9*chi1y**2)/(4*q*(1 + q)) - (9*chi1z**2)/(4*q*(1 + q)) - (9*chi2y**2*q**2)/(4*(1 + q)) - (9*chi2z**2*q**2)/(4*(1 + q)) + (chi1x**2*(9 + 9*q + q**2))/(2*q*(1 + q)**2) +
(chi1x*chi2x*(3 + 5*q + 3*q**2))/(1 + q)**2 + (chi1y*chi2y*(3 + 8*q + 3*q**2))/(2*(1 + q)**2) + (chi1z*chi2z*(3 + 8*q + 3*q**2))/(2*(1 + q)**2) + (chi2x**2*(q + 9*q**2 + 9*q**3))/(2*(1 + q)**2) +
(-363 - 2608*q - 7324*q**2 - 10161*q**3 - 7324*q**4 - 2608*q**5 - 363*q**6)/(48*q*(1 + q)**4))/r**3 - ((chi1z*(12 + 11*q + 4*q**2))/(4*q*(1 + q)) + (chi2z*(4 + 11*q + 12*q**2))/(4*(1 + q)))/r**(sp.Rational(5,2)) -
(47 + 229*q + 363*q**2 + 229*q**3 + 47*q**4)/(8*q*(1 + q)**2*r**2) - (-7 - 15*q - 7*q**2)/(2*q*r))
global p_r_RHP2018v3
p_r_RHP2018v3 = p_r_num/p_r_den
from NRPyPN_shortcuts import m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r # NRPyPN: import needed input variables
def error(varname):
print("ERROR: When comparing Python module & notebook, "+varname+" was found not to match.")
# Validation against second transcription of the expressions:
f_p_r( m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
f_p_r_RHP2018v2(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
f_p_r_RHP2018v3(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
if sp.simplify(p_r - p_r_RHP2018v2) != 0: error("p_r_RHP2018v2")
if sp.simplify(p_r_RHP2018v2 - p_r_RHP2018v3) != 0: error("p_r_RHP2018v3")
import random # Standard Python module: provides random number generation functionality
from NRPyPN_shortcuts import num_eval, gamma_EulerMascheroni # NRPyPN: import numerical evaluation routine & gamma constant
def eval_random(i,trusted, other, p_t):
qmassratio = 1.0 + 7*random.random() # must be >= 1
nr = 10. + 3*random.random() # Orbital separation
# Choose spins so that the total spin magnitude does not exceed 1.
nchi1x = -0.55 + 1.1*random.random()
nchi1y = -0.55 + 1.1*random.random()
nchi1z = -0.55 + 1.1*random.random()
nchi2x = -0.55 + 1.1*random.random()
nchi2y = -0.55 + 1.1*random.random()
nchi2z = -0.55 + 1.1*random.random()
nPt = num_eval(p_t,
qmassratio=qmassratio, nr=nr,
trusted_result = num_eval(trusted,qmassratio=qmassratio, nr=nr,
other_result= num_eval(other,qmassratio=qmassratio, nr=nr,
relerror = abs((trusted_result-other_result)/trusted_result)
print("%04d" % (i+1), "|", #"%.2f" % int(count+1)/int(i+1),
"%.4e" % (relerror),"|","%.4e" % trusted_result,"%.4e" % other_result,"|",
"%.2f" % (qmassratio),"%.2f" % nr,
"%.2f" % (nchi1x),"%.2f" % (nchi1y),"%.2f" % (nchi1z),
"%.2f" % (nchi2x),"%.2f" % (nchi2y),"%.2f" % (nchi2z))
return relerror
import PN_p_t as pt
pt.f_p_t(m1,m2, chi1U,chi2U, r)
f_p_r_fullHam(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
f_p_r( m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
num_trials = 1
relerror_array = []
if num_trials > 100:
def master_func(i):
return eval_random(i,p_r_RHP2018,p_r,pt.p_t)
import multiprocessing
# ixp.zerorank1(DIM=1000) #0.0
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
relerror_array =,range(1000))
for i in range(num_trials):
avg_relerror = 0
for i in range(len(relerror_array)):
avg_relerror += relerror_array[i]
avg_relerror /= len(relerror_array)
print("Average relative error: ","%.5e" % (avg_relerror))
# Without 3.5PN term in p_r denominator (comparing
# Eq 2.16 of with
# Eq 16 of
# average relative error in p_r over 1000 random inputs = 8.24534e-03
# With 3.5PN term in p_r:
# average relative error in p_r over 1000 random inputs = 8.19325e-03
0001 | 3.9019e-03 | 1.0678e-04 1.0720e-04 | 6.91 12.27 -0.09 -0.27 0.01 -0.10 0.31 -0.22 Average relative error: 3.90192e-03
We will measure success in this validation to be within the error bar of the two values of pr given for each iteration, preferably being closer to the second iteration's value than the first.
import PN_p_t as pt
pt.f_p_t(m1,m2, chi1U,chi2U, r)
f_p_r_fullHam(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
f_p_r( m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
import PN_p_r as pr
pr.f_p_r(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
p_r = pr.p_r
# Useful function for comparing published & NRPyPN results
def compare_pub_NPN(desc,pub0,pub1, qmassratio, nr, nchi1x,nchi1y,nchi1z, nchi2x,nchi2y,nchi2z):
nPt = num_eval(pt.p_t,
qmassratio=qmassratio, nr=nr,
p_r_approach1 = num_eval(p_r_fullHam, qmassratio = qmassratio, nr=nr,
nchi1x=nchi1x, nchi1y=nchi1y, nchi1z=nchi1z,
nchi2x=nchi2x, nchi2y=nchi2y, nchi2z=nchi2z,
p_r_approach2 = num_eval(p_r, qmassratio = qmassratio, nr=nr,
nchi1x=nchi1x, nchi1y=nchi1y, nchi1z=nchi1z,
nchi2x=nchi2x, nchi2y=nchi2y, nchi2z=nchi2z,
print(" "+desc)
print("p_r = %.9f" % pub0, " <- Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)")
print("p_r = %.9f" % p_r_approach1," <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 1")
print("p_r = %.9f" % p_r_approach2," <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 2")
print("p_r = %.9f" % pub1, " <- Result at 2nd iteration, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)")
relerrorpct1 = abs((pub0-p_r_approach1)/pub0)*100
relerrorpct2 = abs((pub0-p_r_approach2)/pub0)*100
relerror01pct = abs((pub0-pub1)/pub1)*100
strrelerror1pct = "%.4f" % (relerrorpct1)
strrelerror2pct = "%.4f" % (relerrorpct2)
strrelerror01pct = "%.4f" % (relerror01pct)
print("Relative error between published iteration 0 vs it. 1: "+strrelerror01pct+"%")
resultstring1 = "Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 1: "+strrelerror1pct+"%"
resultstring2 = "Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 2: "+strrelerror2pct+"%"
if relerrorpct1 > relerror01pct:
resultstring1 += " < "+strrelerror01pct+"% <--- NOT GOOD!"
resultstring2 += " < "+strrelerror01pct+"% <--- NOT GOOD!"
resultstring1 += " < "+strrelerror01pct+"% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT!"
resultstring2 += " < "+strrelerror01pct+"% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT!"
# 1. Let's consider the case:
# * Mass ratio q=1, chi1=chi2=(0,0,0), radial separation r=12
pub_result0 = 0.53833e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
pub_result1 = 0.468113e-3 # Expected result 2nd iteration, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
qmassratio = 1.0 # must be >= 1
nr = 12. # Orbital separation
# Choose spins so that the total spin magnitude does not exceed 1.
nchi1x = +0.
nchi1y = +0.
nchi1z = +0.
nchi2x = +0.
nchi2y = +0.
nchi2z = +0.
compare_pub_NPN("Case: q=1, nonspinning, initial separation 12",pub_result0,pub_result1,
qmassratio, nr, nchi1x,nchi1y,nchi1z, nchi2x,nchi2y,nchi2z)
################################################## Case: q=1, nonspinning, initial separation 12 ################################################## p_r = 0.000538330 <- Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) p_r = 0.000539171 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 1 p_r = 0.000539860 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 2 p_r = 0.000468113 <- Result at 2nd iteration, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) Relative error between published iteration 0 vs it. 1: 15.0000% Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 1: 0.1562% < 15.0000% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT! Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 2: 0.2843% < 15.0000% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT!
# 2. Let's consider the case:
# * Mass ratio q=1.5, chi1= (0,0,-0.6); chi2=(0,0,0.6), radial separation r=10.8
pub_result0 = 0.699185e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
pub_result1 = 0.641051e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
qmassratio = 1.5 # must be >= 1
nr = 10.8 # Orbital separation
nchi1x = +0.
nchi1y = +0.
nchi1z = -0.6
nchi2x = +0.
nchi2y = +0.
nchi2z = +0.6
compare_pub_NPN("Case: q=1.5, chi1z=-0.6, chi2z=0.6, initial separation 10.8",pub_result0,pub_result1,
qmassratio, nr, nchi1x,nchi1y,nchi1z, nchi2x,nchi2y,nchi2z)
################################################## Case: q=1.5, chi1z=-0.6, chi2z=0.6, initial separation 10.8 ################################################## p_r = 0.000699185 <- Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) p_r = 0.000675944 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 1 p_r = 0.000677020 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 2 p_r = 0.000641051 <- Result at 2nd iteration, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) Relative error between published iteration 0 vs it. 1: 9.0685% Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 1: 3.3240% < 9.0685% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT! Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 2: 3.1702% < 9.0685% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT!
# 3. Let's consider the case:
# * Mass ratio q=4, chi1= (0,0,-0.8); chi2=(0,0,0.8), radial separation r=11
pub_result0 = 0.336564e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
pub_result1 = 0.24708e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
qmassratio = 4.0 # must be >= 1
nr = 11.0 # Orbital separation
nchi1x = +0.
nchi1y = +0.
nchi1z = -0.8
nchi2x = +0.
nchi2y = +0.
nchi2z = +0.8
compare_pub_NPN("Case: q=4.0, chi1z=-0.8, chi2z=0.8, initial separation 11.0",pub_result0,pub_result1,
qmassratio, nr, nchi1x,nchi1y,nchi1z, nchi2x,nchi2y,nchi2z)
################################################## Case: q=4.0, chi1z=-0.8, chi2z=0.8, initial separation 11.0 ################################################## p_r = 0.000336564 <- Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) p_r = 0.000251240 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 1 p_r = 0.000251143 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 2 p_r = 0.000247080 <- Result at 2nd iteration, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) Relative error between published iteration 0 vs it. 1: 36.2166% Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 1: 25.3515% < 36.2166% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT! Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 2: 25.3804% < 36.2166% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT!
# 4. Let's consider the case:
# * Mass ratio q=2, chi1= (0,0,0); chi2=(−0.3535, 0.3535, 0.5), radial separation r=10.8
pub_result0 = 0.531374e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
pub_result1 = 0.448148e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
qmassratio = 2.0 # must be >= 1
nr = 10.8 # Orbital separation
nchi1x = +0.
nchi1y = +0.
nchi1z = +0.
nchi2x = -0.3535
nchi2y = +0.3535
nchi2z = +0.5
compare_pub_NPN("Case: q=2.0, chi2x=-0.3535, chi2y=+0.3535, chi2z=+0.5, initial separation 10.8",pub_result0,pub_result1,
qmassratio, nr, nchi1x,nchi1y,nchi1z, nchi2x,nchi2y,nchi2z)
################################################## Case: q=2.0, chi2x=-0.3535, chi2y=+0.3535, chi2z=+0.5, initial separation 10.8 ################################################## p_r = 0.000531374 <- Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) p_r = 0.000545357 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 1 p_r = 0.000542626 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 2 p_r = 0.000448148 <- Result at 2nd iteration, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) Relative error between published iteration 0 vs it. 1: 18.5711% Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 1: 2.6314% < 18.5711% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT! Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 2: 2.1175% < 18.5711% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT!
# 5. Let's consider the case:
# * Mass ratio q=8, chi1= (0, 0, 0.5); chi2=(0, 0, 0.5), radial separation r=11
pub_result0 = 0.102969e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
pub_result1 = 0.139132e-3 # Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018)
qmassratio = 8.0 # must be >= 1
nr = 11.0 # Orbital separation
nchi1x = +0.
nchi1y = +0.
nchi1z = +0.5
nchi2x = +0.
nchi2y = +0.
nchi2z = +0.5
Case: q=8.0, chi1z=chi2z=+0.5, initial separation 11
Note: This one is weird. Clearly the value in the table
has a typo, such that the p_r and p_t values
should be interchanged; p_t is about 20% the
next smallest value in the table, and the
parameters aren't that different. We therefore
assume that this is the case, and nonetheless
find agreement for p_t with the published result
to about 0.07%, and p_r to about 5%. Aiven that
the table values seem to be clearly wrong, this
level of agreement is an encouraging sign.
qmassratio, nr, nchi1x,nchi1y,nchi1z, nchi2x,nchi2y,nchi2z)
################################################## Case: q=8.0, chi1z=chi2z=+0.5, initial separation 11 Note: This one is weird. Clearly the value in the table has a typo, such that the p_r and p_t values should be interchanged; p_t is about 20% the next smallest value in the table, and the parameters aren't that different. We therefore assume that this is the case, and nonetheless find agreement for p_t with the published result to about 0.07%, and p_r to about 5%. Aiven that the table values seem to be clearly wrong, this level of agreement is an encouraging sign. ################################################## p_r = 0.000102969 <- Expected result, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) p_r = 0.000097694 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 1 p_r = 0.000097574 <- Result from NRPyPN, approach 2 p_r = 0.000139132 <- Result at 2nd iteration, from Table V of Ramos-Buades, Husa, and Pratten (2018) Relative error between published iteration 0 vs it. 1: 25.9919% Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 1: 5.1225% < 25.9919% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT! Relative error between NRPyPN & published, approach 2: 5.2399% < 25.9919% <--- GOOD AGREEMENT!
def error(varname):
print("ERROR: When comparing Python module & notebook, "+varname+" was found not to match.")
# Validation against Python module
import PN_p_r as pr
f_p_r( m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
pr.f_p_r(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
if sp.simplify(p_r - pr.p_r) != 0: error("pr.p_r")
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import os,sys # Standard Python modules for multiplatform OS-level functions
import cmdline_helperNRPyPN as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
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