. The formulation further incorporates the computation of flux and source terms for the induction equation, with detailed code validation against the existing GRFFE equations NRPy+ module.¶Notebook Status: Self-Validated
Validation Notes: This tutorial notebook has been confirmed to be self-consistent with its corresponding NRPy+ module, as documented below. Additional validation tests may have been performed, but are as yet, undocumented. (TODO)
We write the equations of general relativistic hydrodynamics in conservative form as follows (adapted from Eqs. 41-44 of Duez et al):
∂t˜Si+∂j(α√γTjEMi)=12α√γTμνEMgμν,i,where we assume TμνEM is the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor: TμνEM=b2uμuν+b22gμν−bμbν,
Some quantities can be defined in precisely the same way they are defined in the GRHD equations. *Therefore, we will not define special functions for generating these quantities, and instead refer the user to the appropriate functions in the GRHD module* Namely,
GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, sqrtgammaDET, T4UD)
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_fluxUD(alpha, sqrtgammaDET, T4UD)
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, sqrtgammaDET,g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, T4UU)
Also, we will write the 4-metric in terms of the ADM 3-metric, lapse, and shift using standard equations.
Thus the full set of input variables includes:
Additionally, we need to evolve the vector Ai according to ∂tAi=ϵijkvjBk−∂i(αΦ−βjAj)
As is standard in NRPy+,
For instance, in calculating the first term of b2uμuν, we use Greek indices:
T4EMUU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
# Term 1: b^2 u^{\mu} u^{\nu}
T4EMUU[mu][nu] = smallb2*u4U[mu]*u4U[nu]
When we calculate βi=γijβj, we use Latin indices:
betaD = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
betaD[i] += gammaDD[i][j] * betaU[j]
As a corollary, any expressions involving mixed Greek and Latin indices will need to offset one set of indices by one: A Latin index in a four-vector will be incremented and a Greek index in a three-vector will be decremented (however, the latter case does not occur in this tutorial notebook). This can be seen when we handle 12α√γTμνEM∂igμν:
# \alpha \sqrt{\gamma} T^{\mu \nu}_{\rm EM} \partial_i g_{\mu \nu} / 2
for i in range(3):
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
S_tilde_rhsD[i] += alpsqrtgam * T4EMUU[mu][nu] * g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD[mu][nu][i+1] / 2
Each family of quantities is constructed within a given function (boldfaced below). This notebook is organized as follows
NRPy+ module for GRMHDGRFFE.equations
NRPy+ module for GRFFE# Step 1: Import needed core NRPy+ modules
import sympy as sp # SymPy: The Python computer algebra package upon which NRPy+ depends
import indexedexp as ixp # NRPy+: Symbolic indexed expression (e.g., tensors, vectors, etc.) support
We are given Bi, the magnetic field as measured by a normal observer, yet TμνEM depends on bμ, the magnetic field as measured by an observer comoving with the plasma Bμ(u), divided by √4π.
In the ideal MHD limit, Bμ(u) is orthogonal to the plasma 4-velocity uμ, which sets the μ=0 component.
Bμ(u) is related to the magnetic field as measured by a normal observer Bi via a simple projection (Eq 21 in Duez et al (2005)), which results in the expressions (Eqs 23 and 24 in Duez et al (2005)):
√4πb0=B0(u)=ujBjα√4πbi=Bi(u)=Bi+(ujBj)uiαu0Further, Bi is related to the actual magnetic field evaluated in IllinoisGRMHD, ˜Bi via
Bi=˜Biγ,where γ is the determinant of the spatial 3-metric:
# Step 2.a: Define B^i = Btilde^i / sqrt(gamma)
def compute_B_notildeU(sqrtgammaDET, B_tildeU):
global B_notildeU
B_notildeU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
for i in range(3):
B_notildeU[i] = B_tildeU[i]/sqrtgammaDET
Next we compute Eqs 23 and 24 in Duez et al (2005):
√4πb0=B0(u)=ujBjα√4πbi=Bi(u)=Bi+(ujBj)uiαu0.In doing so, we will store the scalar ujBj to u4_dot_B_notilde
# Step 2.b.i: Define b^mu.
def compute_smallb4U(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, u4U,B_notildeU, sqrt4pi):
global smallb4U
import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as AB4m
u4D = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
u4D[mu] += AB4m.g4DD[mu][nu]*u4U[nu]
smallb4U = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
u4_dot_B_notilde = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(3):
u4_dot_B_notilde += u4D[i+1]*B_notildeU[i]
# b^0 = (u_j B^j)/[alpha * sqrt(4 pi)]
smallb4U[0] = u4_dot_B_notilde / (alpha*sqrt4pi)
# b^i = [B^i + (u_j B^j) u^i]/[alpha * u^0 * sqrt(4 pi)]
for i in range(3):
smallb4U[i+1] = (B_notildeU[i] + u4_dot_B_notilde*u4U[i+1]) / (alpha*u4U[0]*sqrt4pi)
However, in the case of pure GRFFE (that is, if we assume the pressure and density are zero), we can make an additional simplifying assumption. When deriving the equations of GRFFE, one has a choice as to how to define the velocity. Following the example set by McKinney (2006), section 2.1, and Paschalidis (2013), Appendix A, we choose a referencing frame comoving with the plasma that fulfills the ideal MHD condition (i.e., the electric field is zero). However, in GRFFE, this choice yields a one-parameter family of timelike vectors. By choosing the drift velocity vi=ui/u0 that minimizes the Lorentz factor, we find that the four-velocity is orthogonal to the magnetic field, or ujBj=0. With this assumption,
√4πb0=0√4πbi=Biαu0.This simplification also gives the inversion from ˜Si to the drift velocity vi a closed form, greatly simplifying the conservative-to-primitive solver and removing the need to
# Step 2.b.ii: Define b^mu when u4 and B are orthogonal
def compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, u4U,B_notildeU, sqrt4pi):
global smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U
import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as AB4m
u4D = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
u4D[mu] += AB4m.g4DD[mu][nu]*u4U[nu]
smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
# b^0 = 0
smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U[0] = 0
# b^i = B^i / [alpha * u^0 * sqrt(4 pi)]
for i in range(3):
smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U[i+1] = B_notildeU[i] / (alpha*u4U[0]*sqrt4pi)
Finally we compute smallbsquared
# Step 2.c: Define b^2.
def compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, smallb4U):
global smallbsquared
import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as AB4m
smallbsquared = sp.sympify(0)
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
smallbsquared += AB4m.g4DD[mu][nu]*smallb4U[mu]*smallb4U[nu]
# Step 3.a: Define T_{EM}^{mu nu} (a 4-dimensional tensor)
def compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, smallb4U, smallbsquared,u4U):
global TEM4UU
# Then define g^{mu nu} in terms of the ADM quantities:
import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as AB4m
# Finally compute T^{mu nu}
TEM4UU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
TEM4UU[mu][nu] = smallbsquared*u4U[mu]*u4U[nu] \
+ sp.Rational(1,2)*smallbsquared*AB4m.g4UU[mu][nu] \
- smallb4U[mu]*smallb4U[nu]
# Step 3.b: Define T^{mu}_{nu} (a 4-dimensional tensor)
def compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, TEM4UU):
global TEM4UD
# Next compute T^mu_nu = T^{mu delta} g_{delta nu}, needed for S_tilde flux.
# First we'll need g_{alpha nu} in terms of ADM quantities:
import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as AB4m
TEM4UD = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
for delta in range(4):
TEM4UD[mu][nu] += TEM4UU[mu][delta]*AB4m.g4DD[delta][nu]
Now, we will turn our attention to the induction equation, which evolves Ai, as well as an additional electromagnetic gauge evolution equation, which evolves Φ. For a cell-centered formulation, they are as follows: ∂tAi=ϵijkvjBk−∂i(αΦ−βjAj),
paper, and
∂t[√γΦ]+∂j(α√γAj−βj[√γΦ])=−ξα[√γΦ],We'll now take a closer look at the induction equation, the right-hand side of which has two terms: ∂tAi=ϵijkvjBk⏟"Flux" term−∂i(αΦ−βjAj⏟"Source" term),
def compute_AD_flux_term(sqrtgammaDET,driftvU,BU):
# Levi-Civita tensor for cross products
LeviCivitaDDD = ixp.LeviCivitaTensorDDD_dim3_rank3(sqrtgammaDET)
global A_fluxD
A_fluxD = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
for k in range(3):
# \epsilon_{ijk} v^j B^k
A_fluxD[i] += LeviCivitaDDD[i][j][k]*driftvU[j]*BU[k]
def compute_AD_source_term_operand_for_FD(sqrtgammaDET,betaU,alpha,psi6Phi,AD):
Phi = psi6Phi/sqrtgammaDET
global AevolParen
# \alpha \Phi - \beta^j A_j
AevolParen = alpha * Phi
for j in range(3):
AevolParen += -betaU[j] * AD[j]
Next, we will build the expressions for the RHS of the evolution equation ∂t[√γΦ]=−∂j(α√γAj−βj[√γΦ]⏟Gauge evolution term)−ξα[√γΦ]⏟Damping term.
def compute_psi6Phi_rhs_flux_term_operand(gammaDD,sqrtgammaDET,betaU,alpha,AD,psi6Phi):
gammaUU,_gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)
AU = ixp.zerorank1()
# Raise the index on A in the usual way:
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
AU[i] += gammaUU[i][j] * AD[j]
global PhievolParenU
PhievolParenU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
for j in range(3):
# \alpha\sqrt{\gamma}A^j - \beta^j [\sqrt{\gamma} \Phi]
PhievolParenU[j] += alpha*sqrtgammaDET*AU[j] - betaU[j]*psi6Phi
def compute_psi6Phi_rhs_damping_term(alpha,psi6Phi,xi_damping):
# - \xi \alpha [\sqrt{\gamma} \Phi]
# Combine the divergence and the damping term
global psi6Phi_damping
psi6Phi_damping = - xi_damping * alpha * psi6Phi
The GRFFE equations are given by the induction equation (handled later) and the evolution equation for ˜Si, the Poynting one-form:
∂t˜Si+∂j(α√γTjEMi)=12α√γTμνEMgμν,i.Notice that all terms in this equation (˜Si, (α√γTjEMi), and the source term) are identical to those in the evolution equation for ˜Si in general relativistic hydrodynamics (GRHD); one need only replace Tμν of GRHD with the TμνEM defined above.
Thus we will reuse expressions from the general relativistic hydrodynamics (GRHD) module:
# First define hydrodynamical quantities
u4U = ixp.declarerank1("u4U", DIM=4)
B_tildeU = ixp.declarerank1("B_tildeU", DIM=3)
AD = ixp.declarerank1("D", DIM=3)
B_tildeU = ixp.declarerank1("B_tildeU", DIM=3)
psi6Phi = sp.symbols('psi6Phi', real=True)
# Then ADM quantities
gammaDD = ixp.declarerank2("gammaDD","sym01",DIM=3)
betaU = ixp.declarerank1("betaU", DIM=3)
alpha = sp.symbols('alpha', real=True)
# Then numerical constant
sqrt4pi = sp.symbols('sqrt4pi', real=True)
xi_damping = sp.symbols('xi_damping', real=True)
# First compute stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:
import GRHD.equations as GRHD
compute_B_notildeU(GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, B_tildeU)
compute_smallb4U(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, u4U, B_notildeU, sqrt4pi)
compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, smallb4U)
compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, smallb4U, smallbsquared,u4U)
compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, TEM4UU)
# Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
GRHD.compute_S_tildeD( alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, TEM4UD)
S_tildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD
# Next compute fluxes of conservative variables
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_fluxUD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, TEM4UD)
S_tilde_fluxUD = GRHD.S_tilde_fluxUD
# Then declare derivatives & compute g4DDdD
gammaDD_dD = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDD_dD","sym01",DIM=3)
betaU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("betaU_dD" ,"nosym",DIM=3)
alpha_dD = ixp.declarerank1("alpha_dD" ,DIM=3)
GRHD.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, gammaDD_dD,betaU_dD,alpha_dD)
# Finally compute source terms on tau_tilde and S_tilde equations
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRHD.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, TEM4UU)
S_tilde_source_termD = GRHD.S_tilde_source_termD
# We must also compute the terms for the induction equation and gauge evolution equation
GRHD.compute_vU_from_u4U__no_speed_limit(u4U) # We need the drift velocity
NRPy+ module for GRMHD [Back to top]¶As a code validation check, we verify agreement in the SymPy expressions for the GRFFE equations generated in
import GRFFE.equations as GRFFE
# First compute B^i from Btilde^i:
GRFFE.compute_B_notildeU(GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, B_tildeU)
# Then compute b^mu and b^2:
GRFFE.compute_smallb4U(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, u4U, GRFFE.B_notildeU, sqrt4pi)
GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4U)
# Next construct stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:
GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, GRFFE.smallb4U, GRFFE.smallbsquared,u4U)
GRFFE.compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, GRFFE.TEM4UU)
# Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)
Ge_S_tildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD
# Next compute fluxes of conservative variables
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_fluxUD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)
Ge_S_tilde_fluxUD = GRHD.S_tilde_fluxUD
# Then declare derivatives & compute g4DDdD
# gammaDD_dD = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDD_dD","sym01",DIM=3)
# betaU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("betaU_dD" ,"nosym",DIM=3)
# alpha_dD = ixp.declarerank1("alpha_dD" ,DIM=3)
GRHD.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, gammaDD_dD,betaU_dD,alpha_dD)
# Finally compute source terms on S_tilde equations
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET,GRHD.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD,GRFFE.TEM4UU)
Ge_S_tilde_source_termD = GRHD.S_tilde_source_termD
# We must also compute the terms for the induction equation and gauge evolution equation
# GRHD.compute_vU_from_u4U__no_speed_limit(u4U) # We need the drift velocity
def comp_func(expr1,expr2,basename,prefixname2="GRFFE."):
if str(expr1-expr2)!="0":
print(basename+" - "+prefixname2+basename+" = "+ str(expr1-expr2))
return 1
return 0
def gfnm(basename,idx1,idx2=None,idx3=None):
if idx2 is None:
return basename+"["+str(idx1)+"]"
if idx3 is None:
return basename+"["+str(idx1)+"]["+str(idx2)+"]"
return basename+"["+str(idx1)+"]["+str(idx2)+"]["+str(idx3)+"]"
expr_list = []
exprcheck_list = []
namecheck_list = []
# PhievolParenU
# psi6Phi_damping
# A_fluxD
# AevolParen
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
num_failures = 0
for i in range(len(expr_list)):
num_failures += comp_func(expr_list[i],exprcheck_list[i],namecheck_list[i])
import sys
if num_failures == 0:
print("ERROR: "+str(num_failures)+" TESTS DID NOT PASS")
NRPy+ module for GRFFE [Back to top]¶Additionally, we verify agreement in the SymPy expressions for the GRFFE equations generated in
for the case ujBj=0.
We will only recompute bμ and the expressions that depend on it.
# Generate the expressions within the tutorial, starting with:
compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, u4U, B_notildeU, sqrt4pi)
compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U)
compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U, smallbsquared,u4U)
compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, TEM4UU)
# Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
GRHD.compute_S_tildeD( alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, TEM4UD)
S_tildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD
# Next compute fluxes of conservative variables
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_fluxUD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, TEM4UD)
S_tilde_fluxUD = GRHD.S_tilde_fluxUD
# Then declare derivatives & compute g4DDdD
gammaDD_dD = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDD_dD","sym01",DIM=3)
betaU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("betaU_dD" ,"nosym",DIM=3)
alpha_dD = ixp.declarerank1("alpha_dD" ,DIM=3)
GRHD.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, gammaDD_dD,betaU_dD,alpha_dD)
# Finally compute source terms on tau_tilde and S_tilde equations
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRHD.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, TEM4UU)
S_tilde_source_termD = GRHD.S_tilde_source_termD
# Now compute the expressions from the module
# Then compute b^mu and b^2:
GRFFE.compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, u4U, GRFFE.B_notildeU, sqrt4pi)
GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U)
# Next construct stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:
GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, GRFFE.smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U, GRFFE.smallbsquared,u4U)
GRFFE.compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, GRFFE.TEM4UU)
# Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)
Ge_S_tildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD
# Next compute fluxes of conservative variables
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_fluxUD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)
Ge_S_tilde_fluxUD = GRHD.S_tilde_fluxUD
# Then declare derivatives & compute g4DDdD
# gammaDD_dD = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDD_dD","sym01",DIM=3)
# betaU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("betaU_dD" ,"nosym",DIM=3)
# alpha_dD = ixp.declarerank1("alpha_dD" ,DIM=3)
GRHD.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, gammaDD_dD,betaU_dD,alpha_dD)
# Finally compute source terms on S_tilde equations
GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET,GRHD.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD,GRFFE.TEM4UU)
Ge_S_tilde_source_termD = GRHD.S_tilde_source_termD
expr_list = []
exprcheck_list = []
namecheck_list = []
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
for i in range(len(expr_list)):
import sys
if all_passed:
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import cmdline_helper as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
Created Tutorial-GRFFE_Equations-Cartesian.tex, and compiled LaTeX file to PDF file Tutorial-GRFFE_Equations-Cartesian.pdf